Being cheated on is something that can be incredibly devastating and difficult to overcome.
There is no pain that is as bad as finding out that the person you love is double-dipping and they go behind your back, sneaking around, and lying. However, it’s even worse when someone you know is also involved in the cheating scandal, too. You end up losing two people.
Ros Reines, journalist and writer, shared the story of how she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her.
Ros said that she recently read a story online about a woman who caught her boyfriend cheating on her and how she got revenge.
The story sparked a memory of hers that happened to her, when she was younger and dating someone who had also cheated on her.
Ros’ ex-boyfriend was a fashion photographer.

She re-named him “Marlon” for the sake of telling the story to readers. Marlon was constantly traveling for his work, as he is a fashion photographer, and during one trip, she decided to go through some photos other he had taken.
She said “subconsciously” maybe she had been questioning their relationship.
She found tons of photos of beautiful models, which was expected.

But, what she didn’t expect was to find a photograph of a very close friend of hers, Jenny.
In the photo, Jenny was naked and her face was red, which led Ros to believe they had just had s*x or messed around with each other.
Ros was hurt, and confused, and angry.
She shared that there were many times they had run into Jenny while out to dinner or out on the town and invited her to sit with them and eat with them.
And, Ros and Jenny are friends , which made the situation even worse.
On top of this, Jenny had been checking in “regularly” to talk while Marlon was away.

Originally, Ros had thought that this was just friendly banter and conversation.
But, in reality, she was plugging conversation just to see if Ros had heard from Marlon that day, as Jenny probably had not. So, Ros waited until she called, again.
Ros waned to scream and go off on Jenny.

As any woman would, Ros wanted to go off on Jenny for betraying her after all of the kindness she had extended to her.
She knew Jenny was alone and single, and she always included her. But, to her dismay, Jenny used this to her advantage.
When they spoke on the phone, Jenny finally asked if Ros had heard from Marlon.
As a way to get revenge on this affair her friend and significant other had been having behind her back, Ros told Jenny that Marlon had called, and that he actually asked her to marry him when he returned from his trip.
Jenny was in shock and eventually found an excuse to get off of the phone.
Then, Ros called Marlon and left a voicemail on his phone.

He was sleeping, as being in a different timezone, and she told him that Jenny had told her all about their affair and that the two of them were over. And, she really meant it entirely.
Marlon was in shock.

When he got the voicemail, Marlon was incredibly mad at Jenny for spilling their secret, and Jenny was dumbfounded that Marlon professed his undying love for Ros, despite being in an ongoing affair.
Ros found a way to kill them both with revenge.
She refused to answer Marlon’s many, many calls trying to apologize and make up to Ros.
In the end, she did decide to leave him altogether, because they didn’t have much tying them together (no kids, no shared home, etc).
To this day, Ros says Marlon is still “mystified” about how she uncovered the truth.

Jenny and Marlon apparently “ended things” shortly after Marlon came home from his trip. But, he still wonders how and why Ros found out.
In the end, the good person prevailed and was left with just a bruised ego and a newfound trust issue when it comes to female friendships.
Last Updated on December 6, 2021 by Lex Gabrielle