Imagine losing your parents and brother to a deadly virus, all while working at the hospital where they passed away. That’s the reality for one man, who has been struggling to cope with the devastating loss. His wife has been trying to support him through his grief, but her family seems to have other ideas. They recently gathered at the couple’s home, where they made some insensitive and hurtful comments about the husband’s mental state. But this fierce wife wasn’t about to let them get away with it. Let’s dive into the story.
Husband’s Unbearable Loss

Becoming a Stay-at-Home Father

D********n Takes Hold

Intimacy and Emotional Conversations Struggle

Grief Counseling Resistance

Anxiety Attack During Family Gathering

Family’s Insensitive Reaction

Private Meeting with Parents

Mother’s Cruel Comment

Wife Fights Back

Father’s Disrespectful Suggestion

Wife’s Fiery Response

Cutting Off Contact ✂️

Wife Stands Up for Grieving Husband, Shuts Down Insensitive Family ♀️
This brave wife had enough of her family’s cruel comments about her grieving husband, who lost his parents and brother to COVID-19. When her family laughed at his anxiety attack and suggested she leave him, she fiercely defended her husband, reminding them of his strength and the unimaginable pain he’s been through. She even cut off contact with her family until they learn to be more understanding. Her daughters fully support her decision, but her husband feels she made him look weak. Regardless, it’s clear this wife’s love and loyalty are unwavering. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Supportive replies encourage seeking therapy after family’s cruel comments.

Supportive commenters agree OP is NTA for standing up to family

Defending husband’s grief and mental health against insensitive family comments

Supportive comment urges therapy for grieving husband, condemns family’s behavior.

Defending husband’s complicated grief and d********n. NTA.

Hospitals can’t take elective surgeries due to COVID, a major income source.

Commenters criticize OP for hosting a gathering during pandemic after husband’s family died of COVID-19.

Defending grieving husband during pandemic: NTA but YTA for gathering

Encouraging comment on husband’s need for therapy and healing

Supportive comment applauds standing by grieving husband and seeking help.

NTA. Supportive comment and empathy for loss, with criticism of insensitive family.

Supportive comment offers advice and comfort during difficult time

Standing up for husband against family’s cruelty. NTA wins!

Spouse support during mental health crisis, not the a**hole.

Supportive comment urges help for grieving husband

Defending grieving husband against family’s abuse

Husband thinks wife should have told him about family’s disapproval
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Encouraging comment about asking for help during tough times

Protect your husband from family’s cruelty and nosiness. #NTA

Supportive comment encourages seeking help and blocking negativity.

Husband’s denial of grief sparks debate on honesty vs. support

Encouraging therapy for grieving husband amidst helpful comment.

Heartless family ridicules grieving husband with no empathy or compassion

Supportive comment offers advice and empathy for difficult situation

Supportive comment calls out family’s ignorance and cruelty ❤️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Supportive comment empathizes with grieving husband, condemns toxic masculinity.

Empathy is key. Good on you for standing up. NTA

Commenter supports OP and condemns family’s behavior

Defending husband with mental health issues against family’s cruel comments

Partner defends grieving husband against outdated family views. #NTA

Commenter shares personal experience and offers support for d********n.

Defending her family against cruel comments amidst grief

Empathetic comment offers support to struggling grieving husband

Encouraging response to NTA comment, suggests therapy for grieving husband

Encouraging support for grieving husband’s mental health.

Supportive comment applauds family’s strength during difficult time
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Supportive comment recommends cutting toxic family out of life

Normalize taking the grieving process seriously and seeking therapy. ❤

Family’s cruel comments about grieving husband are unacceptable. NTA.

Defending her husband against toxic family. NTA.

Comparing therapy to physical training to build mental and emotional strength

Family’s cruel comments towards grieving husband are not okay

Defending her husband from family’s cruel comments

Supportive comment defends husband’s mental health, opposes family’s cruelty
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Breaking the stigma around mental health and grief is crucial

Supportive comment reminds us to stand up for loved ones ❤️

Encouraging response to supporting grieving husband’s mental health

Supportive commenter agrees with OP and offers condolences.

Supportive comment offers resources and condemns family’s behavior

Supportive comment advocating for therapy and mental health normalization

Fighting toxic masculinity and stigma around mental health.

Supportive comment defends grieving husband, calls out cruel family members
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Family gets called out for cruel behavior. NTA wins!

Fighting toxic masculinity and ableism. NTA, abandon them too?

Supportive comment praises husband and criticizes toxic masculinity

Commenter defends grieving husband against cruel family, calls out hypocrisy

Supportive comment defends husband against cruel family, calls out toxicity. ❤

Empathetic comment praises spouse’s support and recommends therapy

Standing up for partner’s mental health = NTA

Breaking gender stereotypes and supporting spouses through grief ❤️

Supportive comment for grieving woman.

Breaking the stigma of toxic masculinity.

Supportive comment reminds us that strength comes from asking for help

Encouraging response to NTA comment about husband’s mental health

Empathy lacking family gets called out for cruel behavior
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Outdated gender roles? NTA! Protect your home

Family insults grieving husband, wife is NTA and awesome

Commenter offers to call out cruel family members. NTA supported.

Family’s cruelty acknowledged, commenter agrees

NTA needs to use tough love on stubborn husband

Defending grieving husband against family’s cruel comments. NTA

Family’s cruel comments about grieving husband, NTA calls them out.

Defending grieving husband against cruel family. NTA

Defending a grieving husband against cruel family comments

Heartbreaking loss, unsupportive family. NTA for defending husband. ❤️

Last Updated on June 18, 2023 by Diply Social Team