Imagine losing a child and facing the difficult decision of whether to honor their memory by naming your next child after them. That’s the dilemma one couple is facing, as they struggle to find common ground on this emotionally charged issue. The wife wants to name their new baby after their late son, while the husband feels it would be like erasing the memory of their precious child. Let’s delve into their story and see how they’re navigating this heart-wrenching situation.
A Tragic Loss

Naming the Twins

The Heartbreaking Outcome

Expecting Another Baby

Wife’s Reasoning

Husband’s Concerns

Memories of Michael

Middle Name Dilemma

Agreeing to Disagree… For Now

A Sudden Change of Heart ❤️

New Naming Possibilities

Seeking Family Approval

A Beautiful Memorial Idea

A Special Spot by the Lake

Embracing the Memorial Idea

Moving Forward Together ❤️

A Couple’s Struggle: Honoring a Lost Son or Erasing His Memory?
This couple’s heart-wrenching story has touched many, as they grapple with the decision to name their new baby after their late son, Michael. While the wife feels it’s a way to honor both her father and their son, the husband fears it would be like erasing Michael’s memory. After much soul-searching and discussion, the wife has a change of heart and considers using her father’s middle name instead. Meanwhile, they plan to create a beautiful memorial for their lost loved ones at their lake property. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this emotional situation…
Naming new baby after deceased child can be emotionally burdensome. NAH.

Naming a new baby after a deceased child can be a heavy burden.

Naming a child after a deceased sibling can be problematic

Consider a unique middle name to avoid emotional burden.

Reusing a deceased child’s name for a new baby? Not okay

Reusing deceased child’s name for new baby: fair or unfair?

Naming new baby after deceased son can be a heavy burden.

Suggests using father’s middle name as solution. Empathizes with OP.

Couple disagrees on reusing deceased son’s name for new baby

Honoring deceased son vs. wife’s desire to name after father

Naming a new baby after a deceased sibling – NTA

Naming a new baby after a deceased child: sensitive topic

Understanding both sides of a sensitive naming dispute

Naming a subsequent child the same as one that passed away?

Compassionate advice for grieving couple seeking counseling.

Compassionate response to wife’s desire to reuse deceased son’s name.

Using middle names to honor deceased family members is common

Naming a child after a deceased sibling and grandfather: appropriate?

Couple disagrees on reusing name of deceased son for baby

Choosing a baby name should be a mutual decision , not a source of pain
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Reusing deceased child’s name for new baby? NAH, but odd.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Couple at impasse over reusing deceased son’s name for new baby

Compromise is key, but will this couple find common ground?

Couple disagrees on reusing deceased son’s name for new baby
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Naming a new baby after a deceased child: culturally acceptable?

Naming new baby after deceased son: a delicate matter

Compassionate NTA comment suggests visiting son’s grave to explain disagreement.

Respectful disagreement on reusing deceased son’s name for new baby.

Heartwarming support for a strong couple during tough times ❤

Heartwarming support for OP’s resolution to honor son and FIL ❤️

Suggesting a peaceful solution with a hint of humor

Naming new child after deceased child erases their memory. NTA.

Honoring deceased son’s memory vs erasing his existence. Compromise needed.

Respectful understanding of a difficult decision.

Suggest a compromise with a middle name.

Naming a child after a deceased sibling: YTA or NAH?

Using deceased son’s name for new baby? No way, NTA.

Naming new baby after deceased son? Consider the impact.

Naming new baby after deceased son – NTA comment warns against uncomfortable situation for children

Naming new baby Michael after deceased son raises family concerns.

Reusing deceased child’s name sparks comparison. NTA wins.

Heartwarming comment suggests memorial bench for deceased son ❤️

A heartwarming appreciation for a couple’s open-mindedness ❤

Family tradition of sharing middle names.

Reusing a deceased child’s name? NTA says it’s a burden.

Honoring deceased child’s name for new baby? Heartwarming NAH story ❤

Heartwarming compromise reached after loss of a child ❤

Suggesting compound first names for deceased son’s name debate

Suggest a variation of the name or related alternative.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Compromise is key, but reusing the same name seems odd

When in doubt, seek a therapist for sensitive issues.

Naming dispute causes tension between couple. Who’s right?

Naming new son after deceased son, husband disagrees. NTA.

Heartwarming comment about OP’s parenting skills ❤

Commenter calls out situation as messed up

Naming a baby after a deceased family member can be complicated

Heartwarming comment offers condolences and congratulations to couple.

Compromise with a new middle name to honor both loved ones

Identity theft accusations loom in NTA comment thread

Compromise needed: Reusing deceased son’s name too heavy for child

Compromise suggestion for naming new baby after deceased son.

Sharing a name with a stillborn sibling can be a burden

Heartwarming resolution to naming disagreement

Honoring deceased family members through naming is a touching tradition

Last Updated on May 10, 2023 by Diply Social Team