Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a juicy family drama that’s sure to get your blood boiling! Meet our protagonist, a loving father caught in the middle of a messy divorce with his soon-to-be ex-wife, Sally. ♀️ With a blended family that includes biological, adopted, and step-children, things were already complicated enough. But when Sally dropped a bombshell about her adopted daughters, our hero found himself in a moral dilemma that would test his limits. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions, shocking revelations, and tough decisions!
Family Drama Alert: Ex-Wife’s Shocking Demand!

Baby on Board: Our Little Bundle of Joy

Living Arrangements: Sally’s Ex Wants Nothing to Do with Adopted Girls

Shocking Revelation: Sally’s Heartless Plan for Adopted Girls!

Adoption Disappointment: Korean Girl Not What Sally Hoped For

Financial Struggles: Can’t Afford More Children

Desperate Measures: Sally’s Shocking Re-Homing Plan!

Investigation Underway: Sally Under Scrutiny Too!

Ex-Wife’s Fury: Insults and Accusations Fly!

AITA for Reporting to CPS? You Decide! ️

Shocking Twist: Ex-Wife’s Heartless Plan Exposed!
Just when you thought this family drama couldn’t get any more intense, Sally drops a bombshell that leaves everyone speechless! She wants to abandon her adopted daughters and leave them with our protagonist, claiming she has no need for them now that she has a biological daughter. ♀️ To make matters worse, she reveals that the adoption agency ‘cheated’ her out of the Eurasian child she wanted. Our hero, already struggling to support his own children, is faced with an impossible decision. When Sally threatens to re-home the girls if he doesn’t take them, he makes a bold move and reports her to CPS. Now, all h**l has broken loose, with investigations, insults, and accusations flying left and right! The internet is abuzz with this shocking story, and everyone has an opinion. ️ Let’s dive into the juiciest responses and see what the world has to say about this heart-wrenching tale of love, betrayal, and the lengths one parent will go to protect innocent children.
Heartbreaking. Adopted kids aren’t disposable. NTA.

Calling CPS on wife who wants to ‘reh**me’ adopted daughters

International adoptions require proper vetting, private ‘rehoming’ can be dangerous. NTA.

Parenting gone wrong, 8 kids and abandoning an adopted daughter.

ESH – Adopting kids isn’t like getting new puppies
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/45f1c5f6-14a7-4012-876b-51ca570a2285.png)
Heartbreaking situation for the girls, no one is showing empathy
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/b7637391-d77f-4b27-a36a-f714eb541b0b.png)
Heartbreaking situation for the adopted daughters. ❤️

Financially unable to care for kids, OP not the a****e

NTA, but 8 kids? How did you manage?

Defending OP, blaming parents, condemning mother’s actions.

Adopt then abandon? Horrific. Hire lawyer, get custody.

Legal and ethical dilemma of adoption addressed. Heartbreaking situation.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/cf69966b-7566-4191-95b7-c3465da66ea5.png)
Heartbreaking: Wife wants to abandon adopted daughters in divorce

Ex-wife’s actions are despicable. Calling CPS was the right move. NTA

Abandoning adopted children is heartless and all parties s**k.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/70729b96-2c30-4679-806c-88de29119ea1.png)
Heartless wife wants to abandon adopted daughters. Commenter defends them.

Heartbreaking situation of ex-wife abandoning adopted daughters.

NTA’s decision to keep the adopted daughters was the right one.

Heartbreaking stories of adopted children being abandoned and mistreated.

Standing up for children, protecting them from abandonment.

Adopted child speaks out against abandoning children in divorce.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/58f50d45-1d10-447b-9eda-ffd2e7585036.png)
Adopted children are not disposable. Heartbreaking. NTA.

Defending the children from potential s*x trafficking. #NTA

Heartbreaking situation. Support NTA and report to CPS immediately.

NTA, You had a moral obligation while married, but not after.

NTA! She’s treating them like dogs! What a terrible attitude.

NTA praised for adopting unloved kids, commenters stray to pets

NTA, Wife wants to abandon adopted daughters in divorce. Disgusting behavior.

Don’t let anyone guilt you into taking responsibility for others’ choices.

NTA for choosing to adopt and not abandoning the kids

Heartbreaking comment on the fate of abandoned children

Heartbreaking situation for the girls, NTA but the outcome is sad

NTA defends adopted daughters against racist abandonment.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/26973b09-1896-4ab2-bd8f-2bb9a0523e08.png)
Prioritizing your own children is NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/93e5f328-9b69-4430-bf95-c19bbd55dfd5.png)
Divorcee’s wife wants to abandon their adopted daughters. Commenter says she’s evil.

Heartbreaking story of child abandonment, all adults are at fault ❤

Heartbreaking situation, never rehome children like pets. NTA.

Adoptive father not wrong for giving up non-biological kids. NTA

Calling CPS was necessary, but forming a bond is important

Heartless woman wants to abandon adopted daughters in divorce NTA

Discussion on legality of abandoning adopted daughters in divorce.

Kudos for reporting to CPS and knowing limits. NTA

Reporting to CPS is important, let them decide. NTA!

Adoption process questioned in heartbreaking divorce situation. ♀️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/51880e9c-f880-46cd-860d-89bead1c6665.png)
The commenter defends the father and advises to stop having kids.

Taking in kids you can’t house and/or pay for would be a detriment to all of the kids. NTA

CPS won’t take kids. Rehoming=human trafficking. NTA.

Criticism for a careless mother who wants to abandon adopted daughters.

Heartbreaking story of a mother abandoning her adopted daughters ❤

Divorcing spouse wants to abandon stepdaughters, NTA prioritizing own kids.

Couple wants to ‘rehome’ adopted daughters, NTA. Neglect investigation warranted.

Calling CPS saved adopted daughters from potential trafficking. NTA!

OP did the right thing by protecting the kids. NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/69267a5d-d715-4ec4-8738-d0de3b9b0382.png)
Harsh criticism of ex and partner’s parenting abilities.

Heartbreaking situation for the adopted daughters. NTA, but sad.

NTA stepping into hero territory, keep documentation for children’s safety

NTA, ex-wife and adoptive parents are despicable

Calling CPS was necessary. Adopted kids aren’t disposable.

Harsh but true. ♂️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/b4d2cf04-ea75-4bc6-9532-30d5843638f5.png)
NTA for not wanting to support non-adopted stepdaughters in divorce

A comment calling out a despicable act. No replies.

Confusion ensues as commenter struggles to follow the story

Divorcing couple both have faults, commenter calls out racism

Obsession with girls leads to divorce and child abandonment

Heartbreaking situation for adopted daughters, ESH for abandoning them.

Adopted daughters mistreated, bio children not safe with her. NTA.

Adopting a child for their ethnicity is not okay
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/9c416fef-bbea-478d-a178-221644d2db12.png)
NTA reports wife’s attempt to re-home adopted daughters, calls out racism

Heartbreaking situation for adopted children. Commenter calls out TA behavior.

ESH parents accused of racism and poor parenting abilities.

NTA/ESH debate: The real victims are the adopted girls

Last Updated on April 20, 2024 by Diply Social Team