In a frustrating situation, a wife tries her best to wake up her husband for work after he stayed up all night drinking. Despite her repeated efforts, he refuses to wake up and she is left with the consequences of his laziness. But when he finally wakes up, he blames her for not trying hard enough. Is it really her fault? Find out the details of this story and share your opinion.
An anonymous poster shares their struggle with a sleepy spouse.

Husband chooses beer and friends over work, wife helpless.

When a five-minute nap turns into morning chaos ⏰

Wife tries to wake up husband for work but fails

Struggle of waking up spouse for work, a daily grind

Struggle of waking a sleepy partner

Wife struggles to wake up husband for work

Struggling to wake up your partner? Been there

Struggle to wake up your partner? You’re not alone ⏰

Struggle to wake up your partner? We feel you.

Struggle of waking up a sleepy partner while working from home

Wife fails to wake husband up, gets blamed for his irresponsibility.

Struggling to wake up partner for work – AITA judgment?

Struggling to wake up your partner? You’re not alone

When the husband won’t wake up for work
When you’re married to someone who has trouble waking up, mornings can be a nightmare. This wife (24f) tried everything to get her husband (24m) up for work after he stayed up all night drinking with a friend. Despite shaking him, taking the dog out, and even using an ice pack, nothing worked. The husband finally woke up a couple of hours later and blamed the wife for not trying hard enough. But who’s really at fault here? Read on to find out and share your thoughts in the comments below.
Don’t be his mom. He is a grown a*s man. NTA.

Gaslighting exes blame everything on partners, NTA for setting boundaries.

Is this guy a husband or a toddler?

Spouse needs to be thrown away according to commenters

Spouse needs to recognize abuse and set boundaries.

Commenter sympathizes with the wife’s struggle and offers support ❤️
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Spouse’s blame game continues with a flat tire. ♂️

Commenter sympathizes with wife’s struggle to wake up husband.

Husband acts like a teenager and blames wife for consequences

Savage response!

Commenter and reply agree: husband is gross
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Don’t take the blame for his drunken actions

NTA for not waking up husband, alarm clocks exist ️

Commenter suggests extreme wake-up methods, reply finds it funny.

Commenter calls out husband’s irresponsibility, gets support from others

Partner’s morning routine raises questions about equality in relationship

Stop babying your partner, NTA called out in comments

Husband can’t drive, wife tries to wake him up. Anxiety issues?

Supportive reply urges wife to leave toxic relationship.

Wife can’t wake up husband for work after drinking, NTA.

Wife does everything to wake up husband, but what about him?

Spouse vs child roles debated. No A****e found.

Setting boundaries in a relationship

Wife’s dilemma: NTA for not waking up husband, but YTA to herself for enabling him.

Stop trying to wake him up and let him be responsible

Supportive comment defending the wife’s actions, addressing husband’s immaturity

Spouse snoozes through work: commenter’s NTA verdict with spicy tone.

Husband’s inability to drive causes marital struggles

Don’t be his alarm clock ⏰, NTA

Don’t be an enabler . He needs to grow up

Wife tries to wake up husband, but fails. NTA.

Internet agrees: NTA for wife struggling to wake husband for work

Commenter suggests divorce over spouse’s laziness.

Commenter calls out controlling behavior in a short quip ♀️

Commenter calls out lazy husband in humorous way

Commenter sympathizes with wife, calls out lazy husband.

Short and sweet: ♀️
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Responsibility falls on the husband. NTA wins the day

Don’t be the alarm clock. NTA, you tried your best.

Don’t be a morning j**k! NTA for not waking him.

Don’t blame the wife for the husband’s poor decision-making

Husband sleeps through alarms, NTA suggests taser for wake-up call

Husband can’t wake up for work, wife called out for mothering.

Spouse fails to wake up partner for work, NTA wins

Husband refuses to wake up for work, blames wife. NTA.

Wife fails to wake up husband, NTA for not covering up.

Commenter finds husband’s morning routine gross.

Divorce lawyer might be needed if he’s always like this

Commenter suggests therapy for dysfunctional relationship.
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Commenter suggests reevaluating marriage due to husband’s behavior and issues.

Husband needs a reality check – NTA
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Commenter knows they’re not at fault, wants post removed ♀️

Don’t let anyone treat you like a doormat!

Don’t breed with him until he grows up

Zero responsibility for lazy husband. He’s the a**hole
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A 30+ year marriage offers some wisdom on being adults

Last Updated on April 17, 2023 by Diply Social Team