Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a juicy family drama brewing. Meet our leading lady, a 38-year-old stepmom who’s ready to jet off on a dream vacay with her hubby and their two little girls. But wait, there’s a catch! Her 9-year-old stepson isn’t invited to the party. Is she being a total a****e for wanting some quality time with just her fam? Or is she justified in her desire for a kid-free getaway? Let’s dive into this spicy tale and see what unfolds! ️
Family Vacation Drama Alert!

The Stepson Situation

The Ex’s ‘Fresh Start’

Bonus Bucks & Vacay Dreams ️

One Time for ME! ♀️

Hubby’s On Board

Mom Calls Me an A****e

Mom’s Reason #1

Mom’s Reason #2

The Ultimatum ⚖️

I Don’t Hate the Kid! ♀️

Update: Hubby & I Have a Heart-to-Heart

Hubby Speaks His Truth

Facing the Criticism

I Don’t Hate Him!

Becoming a Better Stepmom

Therapy & Family Healing

A Tough Pill to Swallow

The Stepmom’s Dilemma: To Vacay or Not to Vacay? ♀️
Our stepmom is in a pickle! She’s got a bonus burning a hole in her pocket and dreams of a family vacay sans stepson. ️ But her mom’s not having it, calling her out for being a hypocrite and neglecting her stepson’s needs. After some soul-searching and a heart-to-heart with hubby, our stepmom realizes she’s got some work to do. She’s committed to becoming a better stepmom and embracing her blended family, even if it means therapy and tough conversations. In the end, stepson’s coming along for the ride, and this family’s ready to heal and grow together. Now, let’s see what the internet has to say about this wild ride!
Stepson is family too, not wanting him on vacation is AH behavior

Stepmom wants vacation without stepson, called out as huge AH

Stepmother receives harsh criticism for wanting vacation without stepson
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3fda38e6-e565-4934-89c4-293cda160452.png)
Stepson is part of YOUR family. You can’t exclude him

User calls out stepmom’s selfish behavior, receives no replies.

Step up and be a decent human being for the sake of this child, YTA times a thousand

User calls out OP for wanting vacation without stepson. YTA.

Stepson’s relationship with OP and bio mom questioned

A stepmother excludes her stepson from a family vacation. Commenter explains why she’s TA.

Stepson is family, YTA for excluding him from vacation

Stepson’s role in family questioned, wife receives harsh criticism

Stepson is not a burden, he is part of the family. YTA

Stepson excluded from vacation – readers call out cruelty

Stepmom demands vacation without stepson, comment calls her out YTA

A scathing comment calling out a selfish stepmom and unsupportive husband

Married with a child, but treating him like an outsider? YTA

Dating someone with a kid? It’s all or nothing!

Stepson left behind for vacation – YTA comment and no replies

Step-parenting should be inclusive, YTA stands corrected.

Redditors call out stepmom’s unacceptable behavior

User outraged at wife’s request for vacation without stepson.

Stepson is family too! Commenter calls out OP’s selfishness

Stepmom’s demand for vacation without stepson backfires. YTA.

Cruel to exclude stepson from family vacation

Stepson is family, YTA and a monster. Husband needs courage. ♂️

User calls out OP for being the a**hole and predicts potential consequences for stepson’s mental health.

User calls out wife for prioritizing herself over stepson.

Step-son is family. YTA for wanting vacation without him.

Stepmom receives harsh YTA judgment for excluding stepson from vacation

Stepson is part of your family, YTA for excluding him.

Stepmom demands vacation without stepson, labeled narcissist and monster

Stepson caught in the middle of a parental tug-of-war

User calls out stepmother for wanting to exclude stepson from vacation

Step-parenting is voluntary, you signed up for it. YTA ♂️

Strong reaction to stepmom’s vacation demand. YTA accusation.

Sarcastic reply calls out step parent’s lack of empathy

Redditors slam parent for excluding stepson from vacation. YTA.

Stepmom faces YTA judgement for excluding stepson from vacation

YTA Alert Entitlement at its finest. Apologize and make it right.

A commenter calls out a stepmom for wanting a vacation without her stepson and gets angry with the husband for supporting her.

User calls out stepmom for excluding husband’s son from vacation

Stepson is part of the family. YTA for excluding him.

Harsh YTA comment calling out all parties involved

User calls out OP for leaving stepson out of vacation

User calls out OP for not considering stepson as family

Heartless stepmom sparks outrage, husband not spared.

Parent wants vacation without stepson, called out for being selfish

Is it fair to exclude stepson from family vacation? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Heartless stepmom excludes stepson from family vacation

Don’t mess with a child’s life and self-esteem. YTA.

Strong condemnation of stepmother’s behavior towards stepson.

Stepmom gets called out for excluding stepson from family vacation
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a78cc73b-9b33-4c72-8c65-f329c5ec8fed.png)
User calls out stepmother for not considering stepson as family

Stepmom gets called out for being selfish and cruel

Stepson excluded from vacation, commenter calls out selfishness.

Redditors call out OP for being a selfish stepmom

Stepson excluded from family vacation, sparks controversy ♀️

User calls out stepmom for demanding vacation without stepson

User calls out stepmom for excluding stepson from family vacation

Harsh criticism for wife’s vacation demands from commenters.

A scathing comment calling out the stepmom’s behavior and hypocrisy

A comment calling out YTA for wanting a vacation without stepson

User calls out stepmom for being entitled and toxic

Step-mom’s demand for excluding stepson is not acceptable

User calls out wife’s demand to exclude stepson from vacation

User calls out stepmom for demanding vacation without stepson

Stepson deserves love too. YTA for excluding him from vacation.

Treating stepchildren differently is unfair and hurtful. Have you discussed it with your husband?

User calls out stepmother for wanting vacation without stepson

Redditor calls out wife’s behavior and supports mother-in-law

A user calls out the stepmother for her selfishness.

Stepson excluded from ‘own’ family? YTA according to comment.

Stepson excluded from vacation – YTA, husband too.

Stepson’s exclusion from vacation sparks YTA debate

Stepmom wants vacation without stepson – Reddit calls her YTA

Stepson is not just ‘someone else’s kid.’ YTA

Last Updated on May 6, 2024 by Diply Social Team