Selling stuff online is a great way to declutter and make some extra cash, but sometimes it can lead to unexpected and uncomfortable situations. Our protagonist was just trying to sell a book on an app when the buyer started getting a little too friendly. What started as a simple transaction quickly turned into a series of unwanted compliments and creepy messages. Read on to find out how this online encounter took a dramatic turn…
The Innocent Beginning

The Buyer’s Request

Unexpected Conversation

Friendly Texts…Too Friendly?

The Compliment That Crossed the Line

Leaving a Review

The Angry Response

The Buyer’s Justification

Threats and Insults

The Harassment Continues

A New Account?

Boyfriend’s Advice

The Unwanted Attention Showdown
Our protagonist just wanted to sell her stuff and move on, but the buyer had other plans. After receiving unwanted compliments and personal questions, she left a review expressing her discomfort. This led to a series of angry messages, threats, and insults from the buyer. Despite reporting and blocking him, he still managed to contact her through a different account. Now, she’s left wondering if she overreacted or if she’s justified in feeling harassed. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Protecting your online reputation from creeps.
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Standing up to online harassment and intimidation

Setting boundaries online: dealing with inappropriate behaviour

Standing up to a stalker: NTA for cutting off personal interactions

Supportive reply to uncomfortable situation

Unwanted compliments turn into harassment. NTA for setting boundaries.

Avoiding the ‘Nice Guy’ trap: NTA for setting boundaries

Not the a**hole! App being used for creepy behavior

Keep it professional: NTA comment shuts down unwanted advances

Exposing creeps online? NTA suggests posting screenshots as proof

Creepy guy leaves bad review after unwanted advances, NTA seeks justice

NTA. Others may have been afraid to speak up ♀️, but not you

Clear NTA situation with a touch of AH behavior

Standing up to creeps online

Protect yourself and your rights online

Deserving consequences for online harassers

Who’s the real a**hole in this scenario?

Commenter defends the consequences of a deserved punishment.

Using his account to harass women? Definitely not the a****e.

Setting boundaries is important.

Dealing with online harassment from a ‘nice guy’

Don’t mistake a transaction for a date . Basic politeness isn’t encouragement.
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Recognizing manipulation tactics and moving forward.

User defends taking action against harasser, supports consequences.
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Commenters unanimously support OP, no a**holes in sight

Harassment turned into a threat, consider taking legal action

Standing up against online creeps: justified review leads to threats

Seller receives unwanted attention, leaves bad review. NTA.
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Keep those receipts! NTA did nothing wrong

Avoiding creeps while selling online. NTA stands strong.

Setting boundaries online: one person takes a stand.

Standing up to creeps: NTA calls out overstepping boundaries

Standing up to creeps : Empowering NTA comment

Ban hammer strikes! Commenter not the a**hole.

Empowering response to harassment. Take back control

Handling unwanted attention online: NTA for setting boundaries

Empowering response to a creepy customer. You’re a hero!

Standing up against online harassment and sexism on business platforms.

Unwanted romantic attention on a buying app? Not cool

Beware of the r/niceguys vibe in this creepy online sale.

Standing up to online creeps – NTA sets the record straight.

Standing up for yourself online and winning!

Standing up against creepy behavior while selling online

Creepy guy gets called out for inappropriate behavior towards women.

NTA wins but the stalker can create a new account
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Spotting a Nice Guy in the wild

Stay safe online! ️ NTA under-reacted according to commenter.

Standing up to online harassment can prevent real-life danger.

Don’t be a creep online Learn from this NTA’s experience.

Avoiding creepy online interactions with r/niceguys support ♀️
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Calling out a predator, NTA takes a stand

Men pushing unwanted attention is never okay. Seek help.
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Exposing online creeps with a screenshot and a post

Women shouldn’t have to deal with entitled men online

Not the a**hole? Tell us more!

Commenter receives unwanted attention while selling online, advises reporting to police.

You stood up for yourself!

Setting boundaries is key. NTA for trusting your instincts.

You shut down a creepy online seller and he got angry
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When NTA becomes a red flag : Beware of ‘nice guys’

No doubts here, commenter is definitely not the a**hole
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Beware of creepy people when selling online

Standing up to harassment: NTA did not overreact

Standing up to harassment and warning others. NTA

Reporting creeps: NTA takes action against online harassment.

Unsolicited compliments are not a pass to harass women

Report creeps and AHs! NTA delivered, he crossed line

Using a buy and sell site to harass others? Not cool

Standing up to online creeps: a victory for women’s safety

Avoiding creeps online: A warning tale

Standing up to online harassment: NTA shuts down creep

Reported a creep on the app, NTA wins the day

Trust your gut, don’t let anyone make you feel guilty. NTA

You’re in the clear! NTA and no overreaction

Personal experience with online harassment and advice for protection.

Don’t fall for it! Recognize the DARVO maneuver

Women face danger online. This NTA comment resonates with me.

Calling out a creep with NTA judgement
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Commenter supports OP and condemns creepy behavior.

Preventing online creeps: One woman’s brave story

Selling items, not hearts : A clear NTA comment.
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Block and lock down: How to deal with online creeps

Selling online can attract unwanted attention
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Last Updated on May 11, 2023 by Diply Social Team