We all cherish those fun-filled nights out with our friends, don’t we? But what happens when those very friends start excluding you from their gatherings, just because of your gender? This is the story of a woman who found herself in such a predicament. Her boyfriend, ‘C’, and her share the same friend group, but lately, the boys have started a ‘guys night’, leaving her and the other girls out. Let’s dive into her tale of friendship, love, and exclusion.
The ‘Guys Night’ Saga Begins

The Uncomfortable Exclusion

The Sting of Isolation

The Unfair ‘You Had to Be There’

The Breaking Point

The Outburst

The Aftermath

The Dilemma

The Clarification

The Unfair Schedule

The Summary

A Battle of Gender, Friendship, and Love: Who’s Right?
Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, our protagonist finds herself excluded from her own friend circle, all because of her gender. The ‘guys night’ tradition, started by the boys in her group, leaves her feeling isolated and ignored. The situation escalates when she confronts her boyfriend, leading to a heated argument that leaves their relationship hanging by a thread. The girls in the group stand by her, but the boys label her as the troublemaker. As the dust settles, she’s left wondering if she should apologize or stand her ground. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA, but some people here are being real d***s about it

Finding new friends who actually care about you

“NTA I think your man and your friends are being really inconsiderate of the fact you care for your grandfather AND have a full time job and literally have 1/14 days out of a fortnight to yourself… they really should be at least considerate of this and let you join and have fun in your very busy life regardless of your gender. I completely understand how it would make you feel bad especially since they were your friends first??? Plus, I don’t really understand all these comments of ‘just make new friends’… it’s really hard to make friends as an adult as it is without the pandemic, and I’m assuming OP doesn’t want to lose the friends she’s had for years because her boyfriend is being a d**k. If your man is really that adamant on having his little boys club on the one day in two weeks that you’re free, I suggest you find a new one!”
“Funny how you say that ‘just make new friends’ is a s****y advise and continue with ‘just find a new boyfriend’. Isn’t that the same kind of thing to say?”
Valid feelings of exclusion and frustration, but no apologies owed.

YTA for excluding your friend’s partner from seeing her friends

NTA for being excluded, some guys want ‘guy time’ to trash women
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/90a46c48-2f71-456e-b208-b59fff5cd803.png)
Cut out toxic friend, find new circle of supportive friends ✂️

Engaging caption for comment and its replies

Having separate friend time is healthy for relationships.

Girlfriend excluded from ‘guy nights’, not considered a true friend.

YTA, try joining the girls’ night out and make new friends!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/54ab10f0-745a-492f-9cf5-3d31a7febb1c.png)
Why can’t you go out more often? Clarify in post!

♀️ NTA. Relatable struggle with exclusion, gender, and pandemic friendships.

Dump him! You’re not the a**hole. #FriendshipGoneWrong

NTA. Friends and BF excluding you? That’s a**hole move

OP feels insecure and wants to be her boyfriend’s priority.

You introduced him to your friends, gender shouldn’t matter! ✨

“YTA. You’re jealous. Give him freedom to have guy time. “

Not the a**hole, he sounds like a j**k.

YTA for being possessive. Let him have his ‘Guy Nights’

Excluded from ‘Guy Nights’, OP finds new friends and boyfriend. NTA

Last Updated on October 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team