Imagine you’re in your late 20s, working in a large retail chain. You’ve been saving for an operation to fix your bad eyesight. Suddenly, the doctor says it’s urgent and schedules it for the same week as your colleague’s long-awaited wedding. What would you do? ♀️ This is the predicament one employee found themselves in, leading to a workplace showdown that will leave you on the edge of your seat!
The Wedding Planner
The Eye of the Storm ️ ️
A Ticking Time Bomb ⏰
Clash of the Calendar ⚔️
The Doctor’s Note ⚕️
The Wedding Woes
The Ultimatum
The Face-off
The Jury’s Out ️
The Inescapable Truth
The Emergency Booking
Caught in the Crossfire: A Tale of Sight and Spouses ️
In a whirlwind of events, an employee’s urgent eye surgery coincides with their coworker’s wedding, leading to a dramatic showdown. The employee, desperate to preserve their eyesight, is forced to take time off, resulting in the cancellation of the coworker’s wedding leave. The bride-to-be, left in a lurch, lashes out, blaming the employee for her wedding woes. As the tension escalates, opinions are divided, with some colleagues siding with the bride. But with the employee’s sight at stake, the question remains: who’s really at fault here? Let’s dive into the internet’s top responses to this high-stakes dilemma…
Boss cancels wedding time off, employees consider quitting.
Boss is the a**hole. NAH for OP and Candice.
NTA – Managers are massive, pulsating a**holes. Both valid reasons for time off.
Boss’s poor planning causes workplace showdown. You’re not the a**hole.
Support each other against unfair workplace policies
NTA and Candice are stressed about their weddings, but boss is AH
Boss is the a**hole, misdirected anger. Legal rights for weddings and emergencies.
Boss prioritizes work over employee’s important life events.
Management is TA, offer to be reference if she leaves
Boss is the a**hole, not you. Candice should chill out
NTA. Coworker should prioritize her wedding over a bad company.
Management issue: NTA needs surgery, boss cancels coworker’s leave.
Commenter sympathizes with coworker, criticizes employer. NTA.
Wedding vs Surgery: No competition! Boss is totally TA.
Manager’s poor decision causes workplace tension, but not your fault
Management’s fault! ♀️ Neither you nor Candice are wrong. NAH.
Can your employer cancel your approved holiday?
Boss is the a**hole. You’re NTA.
Scheduling surgery is tough, but bride blaming you? NAH
Last Updated on September 22, 2023 by Diply Social Team