We all love a good wedding, don’t we? The joy, the laughter, the tears, and of course, the drama! But what happens when the drama takes a turn for the worse, and a lifelong friendship is put on the line? This is the story of Jane* and our protagonist, two friends since pre-K, and a $200 joke that went too far. Buckle up, folks, this is one rollercoaster ride you won’t want to miss!
The Backstory: A Friendship Forged in Pre-K

The Wedding Gift: A Grand Gesture

The Expenses: A Pricey Affair

The Silence: Unexpressed Annoyance

The Bridal Shower: A High-End Gift

The Turn of Events: A Simple Wedding ️

The Venue: A Rustic Charm

The Big Day: A Stressful Start

The Complaints: A Bitter Pill to Swallow

The Gift: A Shocking Revelation

The Joke: A Failed Attempt at Humor

The Confrontation: A Heated Exchange

The Aftermath: A Friendship on the Rocks ♀️

The Dilemma: A Divided Opinion

The Question: A Moral Quandary ♀️ ♂️

A $200 Joke, A Wedding, and a Friendship on the Line: Who’s the Real Culprit?
This tale of friendship, weddings, and a $200 joke that backfired, has left us all on the edge of our seats. Our protagonist, who spent a small fortune for her friend Jane’s wedding, was left shocked and hurt when Jane ‘gifted’ her the same $200 she had given Jane at her wedding, calling it a ‘joke.’ The fallout? A strained friendship, divided friends, and a wedding day marred by an ill-conceived jest. As the dust settles, we’re left wondering: who’s really at fault here? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation… ️
NTA. A bizarre comment about gift, friendship, and classlessness.

Confusing wedding gift joke leaves commenter puzzled after 4 years

NTA – Where’s the real gift? $200 joke after 4 years?

NTA: Jane’s uncouth joke at your wedding was embarrassing and r**e

Friend gives back wedding gift as a way to ‘even the score’

“Le Crueset oven: the ultimate wedding gift everyone dreams of!”

NTA: No expectations for gifts, just a misunderstanding and miscommunication
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/faba5108-54c1-4f51-9b1f-3ad3776aa982.png)
NTA. Friendships are about give and take. Expect equal effort.

NTA! Jane’s rudeness was unacceptable. Stand your ground!

NTA, but Jane’s self-centered attitude is a real turn-off

NTA. How weird.

Sister’s insulting gift on wedding day sparks friendship doubts

NTA. Your friends’ lack of effort shows their true colors.

NTA – Friend’s weird gift and refusal to acknowledge it

Confused about the joke? Let’s break it down for you

Friend’s ‘joke’ with returned wedding gift sparks confusion and insult

Friend saves card for 4 years to pull hurtful prank

NTA! $200 cash gift insulted me, she held onto it for 4 years

Cutting out entitled friends who make offensive jokes

NTA. Exposing a wedding gift re-gifting scheme.

NTA – A missed opportunity for a Le Creuset return

Friend demands expensive gift, calls friend cheap. Drama ensues.

Friendship quantified. Ugly. Not the a**hole.

Revealing the truth: toxic friendship exposed!

Friendship lost over a $200 joke. Time to move on

NTA: Don’t invite these hypocrites to your wedding!

Regifting gone wrong: NTA unleashes ultimate wedding gift controversy

NTA: A r**e and thoughtless gift that went too far

NTA! Flying across an ocean for a friend’s wedding

Cut ties with Jane and leave this drama in the past
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a0083fa5-c4b3-438a-b08d-c76bd1ee90b5.png)
Friends criticize event, NTA for not apologizing. Family joked too.

NTA: Lesson learned after spending $4000 to please unappreciative friend

Confused about the score? You’re NTA for feeling that way!

“NTA: Jane’s regifted $200 cash, a friendship scorecard gone wrong!”

Don’t let pettiness ruin your wedding memories! Reflect and forgive.

INFO: The distinctive envelope had a custom-made design with Chinese wedding symbols

Heartwarming story of a thoughtful gift and true friendship ❤️

Friendship betrayal and a $200 joke gone too far

“NTA. You chose to spend, no one is required to reciprocate.”

NTA. Reach out and hear her side of the story

NTA. Tacky behavior and entitled bridezilla ruins friendship.

Curiosity led me to this rural Spanish wedding… Hahahaha

Find new friends, these ones sound like a**holes

Bizarre wedding gift drama leaves friend inconsiderate and thoughtless. NTA

Wedding gift drama: A cheap gift and a friendship shattered

Guests’ geography ignorance sparks heated comment section debate

Friendship turned sour over wedding gift misunderstanding ♀️

Wedding gift drama: Why I’d rather spend on bills than weddings

Confused about “even the score”? Let’s unravel this mystery!

Friendship fallout: NTA, but is reconciliation possible?

Keeping score is tacky, but following her lead is fair.

Friendship gone wrong: NTA calls out Jane’s a**hole behavior

NTA. That’s crazy and disrespectful

Friendship tested by a $200 joke gone wrong

Wedding gift drama: A r**e comment, stress, and cracked friendships

Savage comeback! NTA didn’t hold back on this wedding gift!

Weddings: The ultimate friendship test. NTA, lost 2 friends.

NTA. Jane’s envelope prank created unnecessary drama on your wedding day

Friendship tested by a joke gone wrong. YTA overreacts

NTA. Re-gifting at weddings is incredibly disrespectful. Your friend needs to apologize.

NTA, but pick up the phone and talk it out

Wedding gift drama reveals awful friend group dynamics

NTA, time for new friends? The old ones never grew up

Congrats on the wedding! Inconsiderate friend, NTA.

Not the a**hole. Let’s hear the juicy details!

Friends question loyalty and travel comments, NTA sparks controversy

Last Updated on December 7, 2023 by Diply Social Team