Weddings are supposed to be a magical day filled with love and celebration, but for one couple, their special day turned into a nightmare they’ll never forget. A few years ago, a lesbian couple, N and the author, were excitedly planning their wedding, picking out beautiful dresses for their big day. However, their happiness was short-lived when they discovered that their wedding dresses had been stolen and destroyed by two of their so-called friends. Read on to find out how the couple dealt with this heartbreaking situation.
The Dream Wedding Dresses ☁️
A Friend’s Strange Reaction
Wedding Day Disaster
The Shocking Truth
Confession and Consequences
The Ultimatum ⚖️
Emotional Turmoil
Plan B: Backup Dresses
Surprising Payment and No Contact
A Friend’s Opinion
Rebuying the Dresses for Keepsake
Moving On…?
The Great Wedding Dress Debate ♀️
Despite the heartache and ruined wedding day, the couple eventually received the $5,000 from the culprits and bought their dream dresses again as a keepsake. But the question remains: should they have asked for the money in the first place? Let’s dive into the internet’s thoughts on this emotional rollercoaster of a story.
Lesbian couple’s wedding dress destroyed by ‘friend’ who stole jewelry. NTA.
Lesbian couple’s wedding dress destroyed by friends, NTA seeks justice
Standing up against hate crime, NTA takes legal action
Homophobic friends destroy wedding dresses, justice is served. NTA
OP’s ‘s****y and dumb friends’ steal wedding dresses. NTA for asking reimbursement.
Commenters support NTA’s stance against friend’s bigotry and sabotage
Comment section full of skeptics and sarcastic replies
Doubting the authenticity of the story
Lesbian couple’s friends ruin wedding dresses, reimburse cost, avoid charges.
Dismissing comment with sarcastic response
Commenters call out fake post claiming NTA status.
Doubting the authenticity of the story
Straight to the point, but why YTA?
Disbelief and skepticism expressed in one short comment.
Calling out a fake story
Curious about the missing dresses and mutual friend’s involvement
Commenter caught OP in a lie about wedding dress disaster
Heartless friends destroyed wedding dresses but justice was served
Taking legal action against wedding dress saboteurs.
Debating the authenticity of the story with skepticism
Doubts raised on authenticity of wedding dress sabotage.
Standing up against homophobia and theft. Justice served
Pay for the damage you caused. NTA stands strong
Comment debunked as fake, YTA called out
Doubting the authenticity of the story
Eye-rolling post gets sassy reply, obviously NTA
Commenter accused of lying, gets called out for it
This section seems to be fictional
Comment section in agreement: OP is NTA
Commenter questions how wedding dress sabotage occurred
A blunt comment with no replies ♀️
Standing up for what’s right, NTA comment shuts down drama.
Lesbian wedding dress sabotage – rightful outrage over property destruction.
Real or not, commenter takes side with the victim
Justice served! Commenter supports NTA victim of property theft.
Justice served! NTA takes action against bigoted friends.
Supportive comment denouncing sabotage and encouraging legal action
Lesbian couple’s friends ruin wedding dresses, pay for replacement. No photos.
Supportive commenters offer condolences and advice for legal action. ❤️
Redditors express frustration with AITA subreddit in comment section.
Clear-cut case of NTA. Don’t doubt yourself
Commenter doubts authenticity of post and defends OP
Friends steal dresses from lesbian wedding, NTA gets justice
Friends ruin lesbian wedding dress, commenter suggests legal action.
Friendship sabotaged, but NTA prevails with a spicy comment
Friends commit hate crime and grand larceny at lesbian wedding
Betrayal by close ones hurts more than strangers
Last Updated on May 15, 2023 by Diply Social Team