Wedding bells or baby cries? That’s the dilemma facing this soon-to-be-married couple! She’s 26, he’s 34, and they’ve got a house, stable jobs, and a wedding date set for June 2023. But wait, there’s a twist! The bride-to-be wants to postpone baby-making until after the big day, so she can enjoy her wedding to the fullest. Her fiancé? Not so thrilled about the idea. Let’s dive into this couple’s conundrum and see if we can help them find a solution!
A Couple’s Dilemma: Wedding Bells vs. Baby Cries!
⏰ The Countdown Begins: 6 Months to Baby-Making Time!
Wedding Bells Are Ringing: June 2023, Here We Come!
Excitement Builds: Refundable Reservation Made!
Family Chats: Baby Plans on Hold?
Fiancé’s Shock: “You Just Wanna Get Drunk!”
Pregnancy Woes: Back Pain, Nausea, and Dress Dilemmas!
2024 Wedding Suggestion: Fiancé Says No Way! ♂️
Bride’s Wish: Drink, Enjoy, and Feel Good on Her Big Day!
P.S. I Want Kids Too, But…
Baby vs. Wedding: Can This Couple Find a Compromise?
This bride-to-be is caught between her desire to fully enjoy her wedding day and her fiancé’s eagerness to start a family ASAP. She’s worried about the potential discomforts of pregnancy interfering with her big day, while he doesn’t want to be an older dad. They’ve got a refundable venue reservation for June 2023, but the groom’s not keen on postponing. The bride’s even willing to push the wedding to 2024, but her fiancé’s not having it. It’s a classic case of conflicting priorities, and emotions are running high! Can this couple find a middle ground that works for both of them? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this tricky situation!
Prioritizing children over venue may lead to compromises. Best luck!
Take control of your body! Reconsider wedding and kids altogether.
Delaying baby for big day: NTA for bride-to-be
Marriage before baby, NTA suggests. Don’t let him guilt you.
Pregnancy + wedding = super stressful. NTA for postponing.
Unanimous decision needed for baby plans, NTA commenter says.
Prioritizing wedding over pregnancy, NTA advises communication and reevaluation.
Reevaluate the relationship, having kids with him may be regretful
Don’t forget birth control, prioritize self-respect and desires. NTA
Sad reflection of society’s priorities around marriage and children.
Delaying pregnancy for wedding isn’t selfish, it’s responsible.
Compromise is key in a relationship
User defends waiting to have kids until after marriage, questions fiancé’s understanding
Delay the baby, save extra and enjoy the wedding!
Compromise on the wedding date and location for both to win
NAH. Couple disagrees on wedding vs kids. Whose opinion matters more?
Age shouldn’t be a reason to pressure someone into having kids. #NTA
Pregnant commenter shares personal experience, advises bride to prioritize health.
Supportive comment advises bride-to-be on wedding priorities and questions groom’s motives
Mother defends bride’s decision to postpone baby for wedding day
Suggestion for Bride: Courthouse wedding, postpone party until 2024
Age is just a number, right? Fiancé’s argument debunked.
Planning a wedding while pregnant can be tough. NTA here
Choosing when to have a baby is personal, enjoy your day!
Prioritizing wedding over pregnancy: NTA comment shuts down fiancé’s demands
Age doesn’t matter. Wedding should be about marriage, not baby.
Delaying baby for wedding: pregnant commenter suggests waiting is smarter
Wedding stress + pregnancy stress = not worth it. NTA
Pregnant commenter recommends waiting to get married after birth
Delaying pregnancy for wedding – relatable NTA bride comment.
Delaying pregnancy for wedding makes sense, partner not understanding. NTA
Pregnant commenter suggests simpler wedding plan to tick all boxes
Options for older fiancé torn between wedding and kids.
Bride faces lack of empathy from older fiancé over wedding plans
Empowering response to bride’s decision to postpone pregnancy for wedding
Pregnancy during wedding ruined honeymoon for commenter, NTA.
NTA. Both need to get on same page before proceeding.
Delaying baby for wedding? NTA advises on child care roles.
Whoopsie baby before wedding, still had a great time! NTA
Fiancé’s age shouldn’t ruin wedding plans. Response was harsh. ❌
Savage response to older fiancé, but justified?
User expresses disbelief at tying themselves to partner after 3 yrs, NTA
Pregnant at wedding: a personal experience with a NTA verdict.
Planning a wedding and a baby at the same time? NTA
Experienced dad advises to wait till after marriage. NTA.
Suggests smaller wedding before baby for bigger celebration later.
Choosing wedding over baby? NTA shares her experience
Pregnancy and wedding don’t mix. NTA for wanting child-free celebration.
Support for delaying kids due to r**e fiancé
Skipping pregnancy for wedding? NTA says a pregnant bride-to-be.
Prioritize your own needs first, enjoy your wedding and stand firm.
Planning life around pregnancy is uncertain. NTA.
Age gap relationships scrutinized yet again. NTA, but…
Delaying baby for wedding? NTA says they did the same.
Bride-to-be considering postponing baby for wedding, commenter advises against it
Don’t need a wedding to get drunk, NTA for postponing.
Planning to postpone baby for wedding: NTA explains why
Delaying pregnancy for wedding dress fittings, NTA says commenter.
Pregnancy isn’t always easy, weddings are stressful. Compromise or delay. NTA
Having a baby at 42? Piece of cake!
Pregnancy during wedding stressful, need supportive partner. Don’t do it!
Postponing baby for wedding? One commenter shares her tough experience. ♀️
Age-gap couple faces baby postponement dilemma, compromise needed.
Postponing baby for wedding: NTA for wanting to enjoy it
Pregnancy can be a horror to endure
Considerations for starting a family before the wedding.
Pregnancy is unpredictable and planning a wedding is stressful. NTA.
Delaying pregnancy for wedding – one woman’s experience.
Pregnancy is hard enough, prioritize your health and well-being!
Avoiding pregnancy at wedding is understandable. NTA.
Wedding while pregnant: fond memories but some misery & irritation.
Bride and Fiancé have different priorities for their future
Wedding planning > pregnancy stress. Postpone baby, NTA.
NTA’s valid concerns about wedding day vs pregnancy; reasonable compromise suggested
Pregnant commenter shares the challenging reality of first trimester ♀️
Wedding and pregnancy don’t mix, NTA made the right choice.
Enjoying your own wedding is a valid reason for waiting
Age is just a number! Being an older dad is common
Pregnancy can be unpredictable, NTA for wanting to postpone.
Bride-to-be receives support for wanting to postpone baby for wedding
Eloping while pregnant – beautiful but could’ve been better
Pregnancy is tough, valid to prioritize wedding. Vulnerability to illness.
Wedding planning + pregnancy sounds like a recipe for disaster NTA, hope fiancé understands.
Pregnancy at a major life event like wedding? Move either.
Compromise is key! Being an older parent has its perks
Pregnant bride-to-be gets a pass to vomit on groom.
Bride defends decision to postpone baby, shares pregnancy experiences.
Rescheduling wedding for baby is exhausting, unpredictable. NTA.
NTA. Reasonable planning. ♀️ Best of luck!
Prioritizing baby over wedding. NTA.
Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Diply Social Team