Imagine being a 22-year-old waitress, working two jobs to put yourself through college, only to find yourself caught in the middle of a couple’s heated argument. That’s exactly what happened to our protagonist, who we’ll call ‘Waitress Wonder,’ at Texas Roadhouse. The situation escalated, leaving her questioning if she’s the a****e in this story. Let’s dive into the drama and find out! ️
A Normal Day Turns Sour

The Couple Arrives ♀️ ♂️

Wife Loses It

The Argument Begins ️

Waitress in a Lose/Lose Situation

Waitress Speaks Up ️

The Drinks Are Served

Mealtime Tension

The Tip Dilemma

Wife Returns, Demands Tip Back

Manager Steps In

Wife’s Fury Unleashed

Other Guests Chime In ️

Wife Storms Out

The Guilt Lingers
After being caught in the crossfire of this couple’s argument, Waitress Wonder can’t help but feel guilty. Was she wrong for serving the husband his beer? Or was she just doing her job? The internet has weighed in on this dramatic situation, and we’ve gathered the top responses for your reading pleasure. Let’s see what people have to say about this intense restaurant showdown! ️
Waitress not the a**hole, but customers are still fighting ♀️
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Manager support and customer solidarity against entitled couple.

Waitress receives support for standing up to controlling customers.

Commenter and replies share stories of controlling and entitled parents.

NTA: Server receives support after being harassed by entitled customer.

NTA comment sparks debate on purpose of sub

Waitress caught in tip drama, but is she the a****e?

Redditor sarcastically questions if they’re the a**hole, receives agreement.

Empowering comment on societal pressure and toxic relationship dynamics.
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Waitress guilt-tripped by toxic work culture and entitled customers

Commenter defends OP’s actions, calls out post for validation seeking
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Comment section applauds for well-crafted story

NTA for serving an adult, wife’s feelings are not your concern

Supportive comment defends against controlling spouse accusation.

Commenter questions purpose of post, predicts NTAH consensus.

Wife’s behavior unacceptable, NTA and good handling by manager.

Commenter calls out fake post, tells OP to f**k off
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Supportive comment predicts customer’s divorce and tips in future

Keeping the tip, but bad mediator handling

Customer’s wife acts like a toddler, waitress NTA.

Curious why the waitress couldn’t accept the money?

NTA foh manager defends colleague’s handling of r**e customers

Commenter doubts authenticity of story, calls for closure.

Bartender stands their ground and keeps the tip. NTA

Commenter defends themselves, calls out OP’s motives

Commenter questions why obvious NTA posts go viral

Generous tip sparks debate: Who’s really at fault?

Don’t be the wife’s co-conspirator. NTA for sure!

Supplying alcohol to capable adults: NTA wins this round

Commenter questions if waitress is seeking validation for NTA situation

Commenter confident in NTA status

Commenter calls out OP for obvious ESH situation

Waitress stands up to entitled customer, boss has her back

Doubting NTA judgment

NTA commenter defends wife’s actions, but not her behavior towards waitress

Wife’s drunken behavior questioned after altercation with waitress

Sarcastic comment sparks wild imagination

Stay out of it! Commenter defends waitress caught in crossfire

Debate over driving after one drink sparks cultural differences

Server caught in crossfire of couple’s fight, NTA for handling it.

Waitress receives praise for handling difficult customers with grace. NTA

Shocking prices! Is this restaurant ripping off customers?
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Empowering response to entitled family, good job standing up!

Waitress receives support and justice from manager.

Empathetic commenter offers advice to waitress caught in crossfire.

No debate here, commenter is clearly NTA

Fellow waitress supports OP’s decision to keep tip.

Empathetic comment receives NTA judgment and support.

Waitress in the clear for not choosing customer’s drinks.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Waitress receives NTA judgment for her actions. Tough job.

Customer expects beer, waitress is NTA for serving it.

Waitress defends serving beer to customer’s daughter, calls out hypocritical wife

Clear-cut case of NTA, no explanation needed!

Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team