Picture this: you’re at a friend’s housewarming party, everyone’s having a great time, and then… BAM! Your clumsy, intoxicated self accidentally breaks your friend’s brand new TV. Talk about a party foul! Of course, you apologize profusely and promise to pay for the damages. But when you find out the TV is on sale for $80 less than what your friend paid, do you pay the full price or just the sale price? That’s the dilemma our TV-toppling protagonist found themselves in. Let’s dive into the story and see how it all unfolded…
Housewarming Party Gone Wrong
TV Catastrophe
Sober Apologies and Promises
PayPal or Buy It?
Full Price vs. Sale Price
Friend’s Stubborn Stance
Update: Resolution Reached ✌️
Paying in Full, Friendship Matters ❤️
TV Tragedy: Full Price or Sale Price?
Our clumsy party-goer found themselves in a pickle after breaking their friend’s new TV. They promised to pay for it, but when they discovered it was on sale for $80 less, the friend insisted on receiving the full price. Our protagonist tried to compromise by offering to drive to the store, buy the TV, and help carry it, but the friend wouldn’t budge. Eventually, they learned the friend had borrowed money to buy the TV and just wanted to repay the loan. So, in the name of friendship, our TV-breaker decided to pay the full price. But what do you think? Was it fair to pay the full price or should they have only paid the sale price? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
Friend tries to make extra $$$ off broken TV. NTA
Taking responsibility for TV, NTA. No need to pay more
Standing up for yourself against a scamming friend
Curious commenter questions missing details in TV replacement situation
Questioning friendship, suggesting insurance, and ruling NTA.
Friend still upset over broken TV despite sale price and availability.
Pay for what you broke, but not necessarily like for like ♂️
Friend asks for money instead of lost game, dodged bullet
Borrowed discounted bike gets stolen, friend refuses to pay replacement
Miscommunication led to conflict over reimbursement for broken TV
Generous offer to fix TV mishap shows NTA’s kindness
Fair point. Friend’s expectations were unreasonable.
Friend demands extra cash after TV broke, NTA stands firm
Friend wants extra cash for broken TV despite sale price- NTA
Friend drunkenly breaks TV, offers cheaper replacement, YTA.
Replacing a broken item is different from paying for it. YTA.
Don’t be a cheapskate. YTA for trying to save $80 after breaking a TV.
Did you assume too much? YTA according to comment.
Friend breaks TV, OP refuses to pay sale price. YTA.
Direct communication saves friendships!
Friend’s scheme to make you pay for her TV
Friend wants extra cash after TV broke but NAH
Replacing like for like, so why does cost matter?
Debate on owing original price vs sale price for broken TV.
Scammer Alert! NTA offers new TV, ‘friend’ wants extra cash
Friend demands extra cash after TV breaks, coat situation 2.0
Being financially responsible is key . Borrowing money for luxuries is risky.
Petty friend demands extra cash for TV replacement
Friend demands extra cash for broken TV despite sale price? NTA.
Don’t let guilt trip you! NTA for not giving extra cash
NTA for replacing TV, friend not TA for wanting exact cost
Owing money to lender for TV, cheaper price doesn’t matter ♂️
Friend demands extra cash for TV despite offered replacement
Replacing the TV means restoring her position, not more money
Debate on paying for borrowed TV ends in sucker punch.
Suggesting a savvy solution to save some cash!
Friend demands extra cash for broken TV despite sale price. NTA.
Friend demands extra cash for TV? Not the a**hole!
Replacing broken TV with new one, friend wants extra cash
Real friends don’t demand money for accidents.
Friendly advice: Pay the $80 for the TV replacement
Fair replacement value and made whole again. NTA
Don’t let your friend take advantage of you! You’re NTA
Friend wants extra cash after you replaced TV? NTA.
Responsibility fulfilled, friend wants more cash? Not cool.
Friend demands extra cash for broken TV, OP not the a**hole
Replace the TV to be a good person. NTA
Be a helpful friend . Take her to the store for the discount. NTA
OP is the a**hole for breaking friend’s TV while drunk
A helpful solution to entitled friend’s TV demand.
Helpful friend offers solution to TV breakage dilemma.
Keeping the warranty intact. Not the a**hole move.
Buy the TV and ditch the friend.
Fair is fair, and an $80 bonus is odd ♂️
Navigating the tricky situation of replacing a broken TV
Don’t let her profit! Only owe value of used TV.
Friend broke TV, but NTA for settling debt instead
Friend charges ‘inconvenience fee’ for broken TV cleanup
NAH friend regrets borrowing money & repays, adults adulting ✌️
Doubting the borrowing story, seems like a money-grab. NTA
Will the friend scam the store with the broken TV?
Friend suggests TV may have been bought for staging purposes.
Responsible decision-making turns NAH from NTA. Glad it worked out
Friend wants money to buy TV at lower price, smells scammy.
Replacing the TV makes them whole. NTA for not paying extra
Replacing TV is fair, but not profiting off a friend. ✌
Fair or not, friend’s request for extra $ is petty
Friend tries to make money out of pal’s misfortune
Friend demands cash for broken TV, NTA suggests paying up or ending friendship.
Shady friend or just a coincidence?
Replacing exact model at cost offered, minimal inconvenience, NTA
Friend wants extra cash after TV broke, drop the friend. NTA
Offering to pay replacement cost, NTA for not paying full price
Good on you for not letting her take advantage!
Buy her the TV and tell her she can take it or leave it. NTA.
Friend demands extra cash for broken TV, NTA stands firm
Replacing the TV is enough. NTA wins this one!
Buy the TV or wait for sale? NTA suggests ending friendship
Replacing broken TV like-for-like, not extra cash – NTA
Friend trying to profit from mistake, NTA for replacing TV
Real friend is thankful for replacement, not extra cash
True friends don’t get petty over $80. NTA
Last Updated on March 16, 2024 by Diply Social Team