Family emergencies can strike at any moment, and when duty calls, sometimes you just gotta step up! Our 20-year-old online uni student found himself in quite the predicament when his aunt and uncle had to rush out late at night, leaving their baby in his care. But with a big presentation looming, how would he juggle the responsibilities of both student and babysitter? Buckle up, because this story is about to take a wild turn!
Family Emergency Strikes!
Late Night Call Aunt & Uncle Need Help!
Babysitting Duty Accepted! I’m On My Way!
Arriving at Aunt & Uncle’s, Ready for Baby Duty!
⏰ Morning Class Approaches, Baby Still Snoozing
Sleeping Baby = Best Baby! Don’t Move a Muscle!
Presentation Time! ️ Camera Off, Baby On!
Awkward Moment: “Uhh, I have a sleeping baby…”
Explaining the Emergency, Offering Proof
Prof Says Turn On Camera, Baby and All!
️ Lights, Camera, Baby! Presentation Begins!
♂️ Nailed It! Questions Answered, Baby Still Snoozing
Plot Twist: Prof’s Email, Marked Down for Baby ‘Pity Prop’!
AITA for Bringing Baby to Class? Pity Never Crossed My Mind!
Edit: Balancing School & Responsibilities, Judgment Clouded by Stress
Baby On Board for Online Class Presentation! Prof Cries ‘Pity Prop’!
Our student thought he had it all under control – baby cousin snoozing peacefully as he aced his presentation. But plot twist! The prof wasn’t buying it, marking him down for using the baby as a ‘pity prop’! The internet is about to weigh in on this one – was our student the a****e for bringing a baby to class, or was the prof way out of line? Grab your popcorn, because the debate is about to get heated! Let’s see what the masses have to say about this student’s unexpected ‘bring your baby to class’ day!
Stand up for yourself! NTA. Take it to Academic Affairs!
Report the professor! NTA, your presentation was perfectly fine.
Having a baby shouldn’t affect your grade! NTA
A baby in class? Normally a no-go, but NTA
Defending a student against an unfair teacher!
Defend yourself against ridiculous assumptions and file a complaint!
Report the professor! Flexibility for family is crucial
Zoom class + baby = NTA, prof was petty and unprofessional
Defend yourself and report professor for discrimination. NTA
Actual professor advises student to report unprofessional behavior
Student receives sympathy accusation from prof, but is NTA ♂️
Student accused of exploiting baby for sympathy? NTA says commenter.
Fighting for justice: NTA student fights mark penalty for baby.
Support for student bringing baby to virtual class, calling out professor.
Doubting the story’s authenticity, anyone else remember the original?
Stand up for yourself and contest the biased professor! NTA
Student defends actions in grading dispute with sympathetic tone.
Baby in class? One student shares a positive experience
Student accused of exploiting baby, but commenters side with her.
Stand up for yourself! NTA, report your professor
Student accuses professor of going beyond requirements, gets NTA.
Parent defends bringing child to class, calls out professor’s accusation.
Discrimination for having a baby? Hold the professor accountable!
Babies in college? NTA comment reminisces about the good old days.
Student stands up against unfair grading accusation by prof.
Stand up for yourself! NTA. Use proof for better grade
Professor accused of exploiting student’s baby for sympathy, NTA wins.
Demanding students to turn on cameras is inappropriate
Fighting unfair grades? NTA explains why you should file complaint
Report the unprofessional behavior to Academic Affairs and department head
Hilarious comparison of holding baby vs houseplant during class.
Understanding NTA defends new mom student, who was accused of exploiting baby
Parenting and presentations, NTA wins with a sleeping baby
Professor gives perspective on student bringing baby to class. ESH.
Supportive comment defends student against unsympathetic professor
Lecturer accused of exploiting student’s baby for sympathy. NTA wins!
NTA defends presenting with baby, calls teacher a b***h.
Student accuses professor of inappropriate behavior, offers advice on communication.
Report her ASAP! Inappropriate comments regarding legitimate circumstances. NTA
Student accused of exploiting baby, but commenter advises reporting professor
Student accuses professor of unfair grading, suggests filing complaint
Defending a student accused of exploiting baby for sympathy.
Student stands up to professor’s disgusting accusation. #NotTheAsshole
Student accuses teacher of discrimination for penalizing her for having her baby in the background during online class, suggests reporting to the dean. #NTA
College professor defends student accused of exploiting baby for sympathy
Student questions grading rubric, defends grade against biased teacher.
Teacher accused student of exploiting baby, but commenters disagree. ✌
Supportive response, advises filing complaint with dean for justice.
Professor unfairly accuses student of exploiting baby as sympathy prop.
Doubtful comment and lack of empathy from replies.
Student should have notified professor about babysitting beforehand. ESH.
Stand up for yourself! NTA. Talk to the ombudsman
Defend yourself! Email the teacher and escalate if necessary!
Student unfairly marked down for baby? NTA, escalate ASAP!
Petty professor accused of exploiting innocent baby. NTA fights back.
Supportive comment defends student against unfair professor assumption.
Supportive comment and advice for dealing with unreasonable professor
NTA: Rockstar nephew helps family in emergency and excels in school
Psychological screening with a toddler present? NTA handled it well!
Report unprofessional prof for accusing student. NTA
Supportive comment urges reporting abusive professor to university authorities.
Fighting back against unfair accusations – NTA takes action
Prof reverses stance on baby, accuses student. NTA’s professionalism questioned.
Supportive comment, recommends reporting the professor.
Teacher lacks sympathy for student with baby during online presentation
Fight back! NTA should report unprofessional prof to her superior
Supportive comment encourages filing a complaint against unprofessional professor.
Supportive comment encourages reporting unfair professor.
Professor accused student of exploiting baby for sympathy. NTA.
Professor’s behavior towards student’s child is inappropriate. NTA.
Stand up for yourself! NTA, take it to the department
Professor accused of baby exploitation. NTA stands up for students.
You’re responsible and NTA, but your prof is TA.
Online class, sleeping baby, and accusation. NTA, report teacher.
Parent defends bringing baby to class, NTA verdict upheld.
Stand up for yourself and report the unfair treatment! NTA
Defending the right to work from home with a baby
Last Updated on March 27, 2024 by Diply Social Team