Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a dorm room drama that’s sure to make your gluten-free heart race! Meet our protagonist, a 20-year-old celiac sufferer just trying to survive college without getting sick. But when her gluten-free-turned-gluten-loving roomie starts dipping into her personal stash of spreads, things get sticky… and not in a good way! Will our heroine find a way to protect her health without ruining her roomie relationships? Let’s dive in and find out! ️♀️
Celiac Crisis in College!

Gluten-Free Gal vs. Wheat-Loving Roomie

Roomies Were Cool With It… At First

Gluten-Free Gone Rogue

The Peanut Butter Pact

Mystery Illness Strikes!

Caught Red-Handed with a Bagel!

Gluten Contamination Confrontation

New Jars, New Labels, New Hope ️

Accusations and Anger ️

AITA for Protecting My Health?

Gluten-Free Gal vs. Wheat-Loving Roomie: The Peanut Butter Predicament!
Well, well, well… looks like our gluten-free gal is in quite the pickle! Her roomie, who once promised to go gluten-free, has now turned to the dark side of bread and bagels. And what’s worse? She’s been dipping into our protagonist’s personal peanut butter and jams, leaving a trail of crumbs and contamination in her wake! Despite multiple confrontations and labeling efforts, the mystery illness persists, leaving our heroine with no choice but to invest in a minifridge to protect her precious spreads. But now, her roomie is playing the victim card, claiming that the lack of trust is impacting her mental health. Oh, the drama! The internet is sure to have some thoughts on this sticky situation…
NTA claps back at roommate’s gaslighting with no remorse

Roommate poisons food, but OP is NTA for having mini-fridge ♀️

Taking steps to protect yourself from a dangerous roommate
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Roommate poisons food, NTA prioritizes health over feelings

Fellow celiac’s fiery comment on gluten-poisoning roommate ♀️

Roommate cross contaminates food, NTA prioritizes own health.

Roommate gaslights girl, NTA for protecting herself with her fridge

Protecting health is top priority. Others must take it seriously

Protect your health and stand up to your toxic roommate

Roommate poisons girl’s food; NTA prioritizes physical health over mental health ♀️

Protecting your health is top priority. NTA

Roommate repeatedly poisons girl’s food, but calls her cruel? NTA

Food contamination is no joke. NTA for protecting your health.

Protecting your health, even from a clueless roommate

Roommate poisons food, OP takes it well and gets mini-fridge. NTA.

Roommate steals food, gets caught, blames victim. NTA wins

Keep your snacks safe and secure . Roommate gets what she deserves.

Roommate poisons girl’s food, gets upset when confronted. NTA.

A mini-fridge in the garage: a must-have for solo living

Living with celiac disease is tough. NTA stands up for health
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Roommate repeatedly poisons food, NTA for reporting to school

Roommate negligence: NTA stands up to carelessness ️

Celiac commenter shares experience; supports victim, condemns roommate’s actions.

Roommate intentionally poisoning, seek help from res life immediately. NTA

Sharing a mini fridge shouldn’t cause a poisoning roommate

Allergies are no joke ️, ask for help from others

Don’t let anyone play the mental health card! NTA

Put your health first, not her misplaced mental health concerns

Protect yourself from toxic roommates, NTA.
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Living with 43 people with Celiac is tough. NTA, stay safe

Mini fridge solution for toxic roommate. NTA wins

Roommate disregards health condition, cries mental health. NTA.

Roommate repeatedly poisons girl’s food, NTA takes precautions. AN upset.

Roommate revenge advice gets gross and stinky

Idiot roommate poisons food, NTA informs catering, justice served

Roommate caught red-handed, justice served. Keep safe and healthy

Food allergies are serious. Roommate was cruel and dangerous. NTA.

Celiac roomie advice sparks empathy

Roommate repeatedly poisons food despite warnings; NTA stands firm.

NTA warns roommate of consequences for poisoning food

Celiac disease is no joke. Roommate poisoning is unacceptable

Stand up for your health!

Protect yourself: get your own fridge in your room!

Supportive comment on mental health self-care
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Stand up for your health! ♀️ You’re not the a**hole here.

Protecting yourself from harm is never a**hole move.

Victim blaming? A fiery NTA comment sparks debate.
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Sharing food with a dirty roommate is a recipe for disaster

Roommate’s ignorance leads to toxic food, NTA takes action

Ignoring a toxic roommate or moving away?

Roommate poisons food, but you’re NTA for stopping them

Roommate repeatedly poisons girl’s food ☠️, NTA for not trusting her, she was affecting your health ☹️

Roommate repeatedly poisons girl’s food despite warnings, NTA calls out.

Protecting yourself from roommate’s poison with a fridge lock

Unapologetic commenter defends girl’s right to retaliate against cruel roommate

Report it to the dorm senior before she poisons you

Roommate poisons celiac girl’s food, victimizes self. Move out ASAP!

Roommate cross-contaminates food, OP not TA, suggests apology and explanation

Roommate poisoned food, victim is NTA and doesn’t trust him

Creative solution for communal condiments, NTA handled situation well

Buy a mini-fridge to avoid being poisoned
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Unsanitary food contamination sparks gluten-free outrage.

Roommate’s actions caused physical and mental harm to NTA

Roommate poisons girl’s food, but victim is the a**hole? NTA

Food poisoning or roommate drama? Investigate before accusing

Roommate’s disregard for health and safety makes OP NTA
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Standing up for health and safety, well-handled

Roommate poisons food, OP not the a**hole for not trusting her

Roommate repeatedly poisons girl’s food despite warnings. NTA stands up.

Roommate’s mental health card is a dangerous excuse. Report them!

Roommate’s toxic behavior blamed on victim, NTA comment supported.

Trust issues with roommate lead to practical solution for food safety

Celiac patient shares experience with cross contamination and assault charges. NTA

Stand up for your health. NTA

Roommate repeatedly poisons food, NTA for protecting own health

Roommate poisoning food despite warnings. NTA stands up for health.

Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by Diply Social Team