Picture this: a proud mom of twins gives her babies unisex names, only to get furious when people mix them up. Is it an innocent mistake or a case of sexism? One woman’s sister thinks it’s time for her to chill out and accept that mix-ups are bound to happen. But the mom insists it’s a harmful, sexist issue that needs to be addressed. Let’s dive into this twin-name drama and see what’s really going on.
Meet the Twins: Peyton and Micah

Mom’s Fury Over Name Mix-Ups

Countless Arguments

The Friend Incident

Sister’s Dramatic Reaction

Grandma’s Mix-Up

Sister Snaps at Grandma

The Unisex Name Debate

Innocent Mistake or Sexism?

Get Used to It!

Twins’ Names: Assumptions and Gender

Sister’s Response: Sexism and Enabling

Twin Name Mix-Up: Innocent Mistake or Sexist Issue?
So, we have a mom who’s furious over people mixing up her twins’ unisex names, believing it’s a sexist issue. Meanwhile, her sister thinks it’s time to accept that mix-ups are bound to happen and it’s not malicious. With countless arguments and even snapping at their elderly grandmother, this twin-name drama has everyone questioning: is it really sexism or just an honest mistake? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this heated situation…
Naming mix-up sparks debate on unisex names and identity confusion

Sister defends her choice of ‘gender-neutral’ names for twins.

Gendered clothing or mix-up? Twins are hard to tell apart

NTA’s sister’s ‘sexist’ names for her kids may backfire.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/153eb530-ea17-40e9-804e-1662b4038bef.png)
Gender-neutral twin names cause mix-up and debate among commenters

Gender mix-up drama for twins with unisex names. NTA.

Names becoming unisex over time, not a sexist mistake.

Micah is traditionally a boy’s name, NTA for assuming gender.

Sibling drama over baby names gets tedious
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/d50afa7b-7a36-4bc8-b180-711ea2917b4c.png)
Defending against sexism accusations over a name mix-up

Naming infant twins can be tricky, but this NTA commenter has a point.

Unisex names don’t discriminate, confusion is normal

When your family can’t even get your name right

Sibling rivalry gets political

Even cats get confused, NTA mom needs to chill

Sibling rivalry over baby names gets messy

Sibling disputes over unisex names spark NTA comment.

Gender mix-up for babies is common, don’t stress it out
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/9472f86a-2dc6-46fc-8945-a1380b609195.png)
Expect mix-ups with ambisexual names NTA comment.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2bfb4c58-abf0-4bb7-aa07-af68d405be55.png)
Twin mix-up causes ‘sexist’ drama. Commenters debate name confusion.

Gender mix-up or not, name confusion is common
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/394a3f3b-1b3e-416e-9280-66d5d8c29d8d.png)
Gender-neutral names can be confusing. NTA suggests.

Commenter calls out hypocrisy of ‘tolerant’ people.

Sister gets mad at 90-year-old for mixing up names ♀️, defends herself with NTA.

Intern babysits triplets with confusing names, supports OP’s sister (NTA)

Defending grandma from ‘sexist’ accusations earns NTA’s praise

Gender-neutral names can be confusing, but NTA. Interesting observation!

Sister’s unisex names lead to confusion and drama. NTA.

Hilarious response to twin name drama

Gender-neutral names causing unexpected drama and confusion

Sibling rivalry over baby names sparks fiery NTA comment

Commenter defends twin’s name mix-up, advises against overreaction

Biblical names aren’t unisex. NTA for correcting the mix-up.

Don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s just a harmless mix-up

Unisex names can be tricky, but patience is key

Parental name mix-ups: a relatable struggle

Sibling feud over baby names sparks political debate

Twins doomed to a lifetime of mix-ups #NTA

Gender-neutral name mix-up sparks fury. Commenters side with OP.

Gender-neutral clothing for babies: a solution to avoid mix-ups? ♀️ ♂️

Twin mom faces backlash for ‘sexist’ name mix-up

Being r**e won’t solve the issue, give it time

Sister named kids inverse gendered names for attention. NTA.

Gender mix-up leads to sister’s fury, but commenter is understanding.

No drama here, commenter is not the a**hole

Redditors side with OP in twin mix-up drama
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/d87604bb-0840-4c9f-afb8-0232c4675e1a.png)
Naming twins can be tricky! Can you tell them apart?

Mom’s name mix-up – relatable or unacceptable? NTA comment.

Unisex names, no sexism here. Don’t be mad, lady ♀️

Gender-neutral names causing confusion and controversy ♀️

Last Updated on May 20, 2023 by Diply Social Team