Picture this: you’re on a long-overdue vacation to a tropical island with your spouse, and you both decide to pick an activity to explore the island. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, not for this couple. After the wife chose a hike through the rainforest, which her husband reluctantly agreed to, he picked two activities that she refused to do due to her motion sickness. The result? A vacation filled with tension and disappointment. Let’s dive into their story…
The Vacation Plan ️
Picking Activities ♀️
Hubby’s Choices ️
Wife’s Motion Sickness
Husband’s Reassurance
Compromise Attempt
Hiking First
Meeting Another Couple
Getting the Scoop ️
The Verdict ⚖️
Wife’s Decision
Husband’s Disappointment
Tension Rises ⚡
Rest of the Vacation ♂️
Vacation Standoff: Who’s Right? ♀️
So, there you have it. A dream vacation turned sour as the wife refused to participate in her husband’s chosen activities due to her motion sickness. Despite his willingness to go on a hike with her, she couldn’t bring herself to brave the catamaran or dune buggy rides. The tension between them was palpable, and their vacation was far from the relaxing getaway they had hoped for. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Motion sickness is no joke. YTA for expecting her to try.
ESH couple could have planned better and communicated more effectively.
Dealing with motion sickness on vacation – YTA or NAH?
Husband is understanding, but commenters disagree on wife’s actions
Motion sickness is not a preference, it’s a health issue
Commenter defends OP’s motion sickness and criticizes lack of empathy.
Motion sickness is no joke, NTA for not participating
Husband’s stubbornness ruined tropical vacation for motion-sick wife ️
Poorly planned vacation leads to collaborative self-sabotage
NTA for choosing not to participate in uncomfortable activities.
Compromise or solo activities could have saved the vacation
NTA. Motion sickness is no joke ♀️
Motion sickness is no joke ♀️, husband needs to be more understanding
Suffering from motion sickness? Try prescription patches behind your ear
Defending NTA against YTA votes
Motion sickness is no joke, NTA.
Commenter defends NTA judgement with empathy and experience
Motion sickness? NTA. Better than vomiting on hubby’s shoes
Is it strange for a spouse to push risky activities?
Motion sickness can ruin a vacation. NTA for separate activities.
Choosing health over husband’s activity choices. NTA wins!
Couple’s tropical vacation ruined by activity disagreement ️
Collaboration is key, ESH. Partner’s comfort is important too.
Husband’s tropical vacation ruined by wife’s selfish behavior
Was the hike too much or was he just not interested?
Husband’s odd behavior ruins vacation, commenter supports wife (NTA)
Partner lied to force activity, 100% YTA
Motion sickness ruins vacation activities for NTA commenter.
Supportive comment defends wife’s decision to avoid motion sickness activity.
Hiking disagreement on vacation, NTA stands up for herself.
NTA. Commenter calls out sulking husband for childish behavior.
Stand up for yourself! NTA for knowing your limits
Choose your vacation destination wisely ️
Respectful NTA comment defends not wanting to do certain activities.
Motion sickness is real, NTA for choosing not to suffer
Let him have some solo fun ♂️
Husband and wife make a deal, but who’s the real AH?
Commenter is not the a**hole in vacation dispute ️
Commenter calls out selfish and manipulative behavior, replies defend husband.
Prioritizing health over vacation activities.
Motion sickness is real, plan activities better next time
Last Updated on May 5, 2023 by Diply Social Team