Ever had one of those days where all you want is a moment of peace? Imagine you’re heading home after a hectic day, your brain fried from work, looking forward to some quiet time. You find a seat, settle in, and then… there’s this kid. A chatty, energetic bundle of curiosity, moving from passenger to passenger, engaging in endless conversations. What do you do? Plug in your earbuds and pretend to sleep, or indulge in the small talk? Let’s dive into a story that’s sparked quite the debate.
A Hectic Day and a Train Ride Home
Seeking Solitude in a Crowded Place
The Chatty Young Explorer
Not a Fan of Small Talk (or Small Children) ❌
The Encounter Approaches ✨
Defensive Measures: Volume Up, World Out
Pretending to Sleep: A Survival Tactic
Unheard Words and Sparkly Lures
The Great Escape ♀️
Time to Go: The Unpleasant Goodbye ♀️
Confrontation at the Exit
A Mother’s Wrath: Accusations Fly
Hate or Just a Need for Quiet?
Reflecting on the Encounter ✨
Silence on the Train: Selfish Move or Justified Peace?
So, was it an act of self-preservation or a cold shoulder too far? In a world where everyone’s fighting their own battles, sometimes all we crave is a bit of silence. But when does our bubble of peace infringe on the innocent curiosity of a child? ♀️ It’s a tricky line to walk, and this story walks it with sparkly backpacks and noise-cancelling earbuds. Whether you’re team ‘Silence is Golden’ ✨ or believe in indulging every curious soul, this tale of train ride etiquette has us all aboard the debate train. Choo choo! Let’s dive into what the internet thinks of this situation…
Polite parenting prevails: NTA for expecting respect and consideration.
Don’t let entitled parents guilt you into babysitting
Polite way to ignore chatty strangers, regardless of age. NTA.
Setting boundaries with kids is important for healthy relationships
Ignoring a chatty child on a train ride? NTA, says comment.
Amused commenter sympathizes with annoyed train rider, blames parent.
Mom criticized for not teaching child about talking to strangers
Ignoring chatty child on train: NTA, moms tune out too
Setting boundaries with extroverted people
No obligation to entertain someone else’s kid on train ride.
Ignoring chatty child after work: NTA sparks outrage
Sassy reply to a parent who can’t entertain their child
Chatting on the train? NTA for wanting a quiet ride
Mom defends child’s every whim, calls others monsters.
Ignoring a chatty child on a train ride sparks outrage
Parent criticized for not controlling child on train
Father defends OP for not tolerating entitled mom’s child.
Stranger danger? NTA for not engaging with a chatty child
Mom empathizes with train incident, defends ignoring chatty child. NTA
Ignoring a chatty child on a train ride: NTA
Ignoring chatty child on train: NTA, mother is TA
Parent criticized for not entertaining own child on train ride
Not obligated to entertain every child. Mommy can f**k off
Respecting personal space on train ride sparks agreement
NTA. Parenting is not everyone’s problem . Stranger danger is real
Teaching kids to worship Satan? Not today, Satan.
Ignoring chatty child on train ride: NTA, but watch music volume
Passenger called an a**hole for not wanting to talk
Teaching kids social cues is important
Mom insults passenger for not entertaining her chatty child. NTA.
Ignoring children to focus on podcast while walking dog
Ignoring a chatty child on train ride sparks outrage. NTA.
NTA: Mother should have stopped kid from bothering people
Setting boundaries on public transport
Ignoring a chatty child on a train ride: NTA
Mother encourages child to talk to strangers, criticizes person’s response. ♂️
NTA for not wanting to be talked to by entitled mom’s kid
Parent defends introverted child, teaches extroverted child boundaries.
Passenger defends ignoring chatty child, sparks outrage and support
Politely declining a chatty child sparks outrage NTA offers hilarious solution
Parent explains why they teach their child about boundaries on trains
Stranger danger on a train. NTA parent deserves lecture
Passenger refuses to entertain chatty child on train
Ignoring a chatty child on a train ride sparks outrage
Setting boundaries with kids is important. NTA
Ignoring chatty child on train ride sparks outrage. NTA.
Ignoring chatty child on train ride sparks outrage. NTA.
Ignoring chatty child on train sparks outrage. NTA.
Ignoring a chatty child on the train is understandable
Ignoring a chatty child on a train ride sparks outrage
NTA. Some parents lack manners and think the world revolves around kids
Commuter defends ignoring chatty child on train, calls for etiquette.
Mother’s entitlement sparks outrage, commenter says NTA
Ignoring a chatty child on a train ride: NTA
Parent explains why they don’t want to talk to strangers’ kids
ANC headphones: the universal sign for ‘don’t talk to me’
Stranger danger? NTA for not entertaining chatty child
Ignoring a chatty child on a train ride sparks outrage
Ignoring a chatty child on a train ride? NTA ♀️
Polite decline of chatty child: NTA, but tips for future.
Ignoring chatty child on train sparks outrage and assault. NTA.
Mommy-shaming in the comments section
Last Updated on February 25, 2024 by Diply Social Team