We’ve all heard the saying, ‘actions speak louder than words,’ but what happens when the words just won’t stop? Meet our frustrated heroine (25F) and her boyfriend (25M) who’ve been together for four years, living together for two. They usually get along well, but lately, the boyfriend’s chronic pain complaints have become unbearable. She’s tried to help, but he refuses to take action. Finally, she snaps at him, demanding he either do something about it or stop complaining. Was she too harsh, or is it time for him to take responsibility? ♀️
The Happy Couple

The Pain Begins

Worsening Condition

Trying to Help

More Suggestions ♂️

Doctor’s Visit?

No Action Taken

Her Own Pain

The Breaking Point

Fed Up

His Reaction

Second Thoughts?

Too Harsh? ⚖️

Talking It Out

Mattress Matters ️

The Painful Truth: Time to Take Action or Pipe Down?
Our heroine finds herself at her wit’s end as her boyfriend’s chronic pain complaints continue to escalate. She’s tried everything to help, from massages to doctor visit suggestions, but he hasn’t taken any action. With her own arthritis flaring up, she finally snaps, demanding he either do something about his pain or stop complaining. While they’ve talked it out and things seem okay for now, it’s clear that a more serious conversation is needed. Will he finally take action, or will the pain – and the complaints – continue? ♀️
Encouraging NTA comment suggests seeing a medical professional for chronic pain.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/39637cfb-2712-40c6-9856-575ab98beca0.png)
Boyfriend complains about pain, NTA suggests seeing a doctor ❤️

Learning to balance acknowledging partner’s pain without enabling it. NAH.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/62e4d049-7d33-4c53-b572-09cfa7a4064d.png)
Encouraging NTA comment with relatable personal experience

Engaging discussion on the effectiveness and safety of chiropractors. ♀️

NTA suggests boyfriend needs medical attention for chronic pain.

Be kind and supportive, even when frustrated.

Engaging suggestion for back pain relief using a new mattress

Don’t complain if you’re not doing anything about it

Girlfriend offers solutions, boyfriend complains but doesn’t act. NTA

Chronic pain is tough. NTA for setting boundaries.

Urgent reminder to take chronic pain seriously ⚠️

NTA, girlfriend tired of boyfriend’s constant pain complaints ♀️

Empathy vs problem-solving: understanding your partner’s needs

Supportive comment calls out boyfriend’s behavior, offers helpful advice.

Empathetic comment urges boyfriend to seek long-term solutions

Encouraging him to see a doctor didn’t work. NTA

Commenter suggests professional care options for boyfriend’s pain complaints

Partner calls out YTA for snapping at boyfriend’s pain complaints

Chronic pain sufferer sympathizes with OP, calls out BF’s behavior

Take charge of the situation and set boundaries

Dealing with a stubborn sick partner ♀️

Balancing empathy and boundaries with chronic pain in relationships

Advice on back pain and injury prevention.

Ignoring his pain could lead to serious health issues later

RN scares boyfriend into doctor visit, discovers tennis ball tumor

NTA tells boyfriend to get help before complaining

Encouraging comment urges seeking professional help for boyfriend’s back pain

Encouraging NTA comment advises PT and proper pain management for boyfriend’s chronic pain.

Chronic pain sufferer defends setting boundaries for unsympathetic boyfriend

Unwilling to fix his problem but complains? Definitely NTA ♀️

Frozen packs for back pain relief. NTA advice.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/bf22ee5d-f5ad-4b99-bdcf-4f7b84922bee.png)
Encouraging NTA comment urges boyfriend to seek medical attention ⚕️

Chronic pain requires treatment, not just back rubs. Seek help

Engaging with empathy and advice for chronic pain situation.

Boyfriend’s constant pain complaints need medical attention, not pity. NTA.

Offered solutions, but friend dismisses them. NTA.

Commenter advises seeking medical help for chronic back pain.

NTA calls out boyfriend’s whining, sets healthy boundaries

Coping with chronic pain is tough, but don’t burden others. NTA

Chronic pain sufferer advises against chiropractors without diagnosis

Chronic pain is tough but seeking medical help is important

Empathetic comment suggests medical marijuana for chronic pain relief.

Partner’s tough love advice for boyfriend’s constant pain complaints

Living with chronic pain is tough, but finding relief helps.

Encouraging comment on addressing chronic pain with practical solutions
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/67b7258e-232a-4f15-b367-cbdf68a23219.png)
Responsibility for pain management lies with the individual.

NTA reminds boyfriend to take action on his pain complaints

Setting boundaries for complaining about pain with NTA advice

Is the solution to her boyfriend’s pain a new mattress?

Overcoming chronic pain is hard work but worth it

A simple solution to their relationship problems ✨

Encouraging advice for boyfriend’s pain complaints

Partner’s fear of losing job causing frustration in relationship. ♀️

Valid point, complaining without taking action is unproductive

Comment removed due to violation of subreddit rules.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/b9d78d0d-9702-4c18-a5c5-ba09d500bc4d.png)
Don’t ignore pain, it might be something serious.

Partner complains of pain but won’t see a doctor. NTA

NTA. Tough love for a complainer.

Mattress inquiry offers hope for relationship

Suggests affordable mattress to ease boyfriend’s back pain.

Understanding YTA’s fear of chronic pain diagnosis

Is the old mattress the culprit?

Injury survivor empathizes with girlfriend. NTA for caring.

Encouraging a doctor’s visit saves lives. NTA.

Upgrade your mattress, NTA girlfriend has spoken

Chronic pain can affect cognitive function and strain relationships. NTAH

NTA. Lack of effort to fix issue makes him the a**hole

Girlfriend shuts down complaining boyfriend, NTA wins.

Girlfriend tired of boyfriend’s lack of effort in solving pain.

Commenter blames US healthcare system for boyfriend’s complaints

Living with chronic pain is tough, but effort is key. NTA.

Last Updated on May 28, 2023 by Diply Social Team