Let’s face it, kids are kind of dumb . It’s not their fault, of course; it’s not like you’re born knowing everything you know today. Plus, we were all dumb kids at one point, too.
So whenever we see kids doing things that make no sense whatsoever, it’s super entertaining . And don’t worry. These kids will grow up one day and think, “yeah, that was pretty dumb.”
We all have to start somewhere.

You can’t be too mad at this because even the best artists around probably drew like this at one point or another. But wow, the audacity of this kid to present it as a gift. How bold.
“My 4 year old was ‘practicing juggling’ by throwing rocks at the TV.”

Something tells me that this kid’s future as a professional juggler isn’t looking too bright. They might also be losing screen privileges for a while.
“Luckily, I have a digestive system of a bear.”

The last part is killing me. The fact that they ate sand because they didn’t like soil is literally too much.
I also have to applaud OP for actually wanting to grow a plant in their stomach. When I thought that was a thing, I literally avoided any kind of seed like the plague.
The H tree.

I think I might’ve tried a little too hard to make sense of this. But no, this poor kid is very wrong about the similarities between the word “tree” and the letter H. She’ll learn one day, probably.
“My kid’s answer on her math test.”

That answer is so, so wrong. And yet at the same time, so, so right. You’ve got to applaud her cleverness, even if it might not translate into strong math skills.
“Ah yes, the tuna of the land.”

You might laugh, but this is the exact kind of strange, confusing thing I probably would’ve said at that exact age. Kid logic very rarely makes sense, after all.
What do you mean the movie isn’t real!?

I think the worst thing about growing up is realizing that movies use special effects, and the things that happen in them are very fake. It really takes the magic out of it.
“‘Part of the muffin eating experience.'”

I think it’s the fact that they thought the wrapper was part of the muffin until they were 17 is what’s getting to me here. But hey, you live and you learn.
They’ll believe anything you tell them.

It’s so funny how, if you reword something slightly, a kid will suddenly believe something they don’t like (or think they don’t like), is totally different now. It’s actually a shame they always get older and wiser.
“Potato rolling through the halls.”

Tornado, potato… tomato? I guess the jump between tornado and potato isn’t that much of a stretch, but the mental image of people freaking out because there’s a big potato rolling down the hallway is pretty entertaining at least.
“Don’t drink water after eating chocolate, kids.”

I feel like we all have that one thing that an adult told us, that we ended up taking way too seriously. I know I believed a good amount of fibs and stories my parents and teachers used to tell me.
Boundaries? What boundaries?

Don’t worry, I’m sure that kid will eventually learn that most people don’t like it when they get asked about their bathroom habits. Especially at restaurants… Oh man.
“She thinks I can’t see her.”

Man, being a kid really was a simpler time. Thinking you were invisible by hiding, even if your hiding spot isn’t very good… if only we could all go back.
Maria and Maria: the Sequel.

I can’t tell if the toddler is just having a tough time pronouncing Aurelia, or if they genuinely believe that both kids are named Maria. Either way, this is comedy gold.
“My daughter not exactly inspiring confidence for her future.”

Why does it almost feel like this kid is managing her expectations at an early age? I mean, being normal is a pretty good goal to have, but I’m not sure that’s how you’d go about doing it.
Do you think she has a sibling named Wi-Fi?

See, if the kid was, like, five, then I’d believe she was just having a hard time pronouncing Antoinette. But the fact that she straight up thought the name was Internet is hilarious… and only slightly concerning.
The old liquid diet.

I bet that kid was waiting for the waiter to ask what they wanted to eat, and got really confused. Either that, or they’re actually into eating food in liquid form.
“Why does my son eat burgers like he just watched a PETA video on YouTube for the first time?”

I genuinely can’t tell if this kid is a super picky eater, or if he doesn’t actually know how to eat a burger. Either way, this is a little terrifying.
“My daughter said she was going to hang up her pajamas for pajama day at school. This is how she put the pants on the hanger.”

I need to know if this is truly how this kid thinks people hang pants on hangers. Kids are honestly so strange.
“Caring for Grandma!”

Don’t worry! I’m sure that one day, that toddler will learn that people don’t live inside phones. At least you know she cares about her grandma.
Last Updated on March 25, 2022 by Ashley Hunte