For as smart as most of us claim to be, it’s amazing how often we tend to get in our own way. So why do we wind up choosing the path of most resistance?
The easy answer is that the vast majority of us simply don’t know any better. So in order to help gett eh cart back on track, here are 15 ways to correct the things we do wrong on a daily basis.
Holding a wine glass.
Just because people on TV and in movies hold their wine glasses by the basin doesn’t mean that you should. The heat of your hand will raise the temperature too quickly and can wind up spoiling the taste. Instead, grip your glass at the stem.
Opening plastic packaging.
Anyone who has ever tried to open a package of salad mix knows that it isn’t easy. I’ve never tried myself, but so I’ve been told. Next time, reach for the can opener and try that instead.
Refrigerating cold drinks.
If you’re in a pinch and need to rapidly cool down your bottled beer before guests arrive, then reach for a damp paper towel. Wrapping the bottles in a couple of Bounty sheets will help them to cool that much faster.
Peeling garlic.
Peeling garlic can be a pain! A great solution is to reach for a mason jar (or something comparable). Put the whole bulb in the jar and begin to shake vigorously. In no time, the cloves will simply peel themselves.
Peeling a banana.
We have a tendency to break bananas at the tip and peel the skin in large chunks. But if you look to our primate cousins, you’ll notice that they pinch the bottom end and twist. This allows for a much more even peel.
Brushing your teeth.
The overwhelming majority of us brush our teeth far too hard, which ends up causing more harm than good. Brushing too hard can actually scrape away tooth enamel. Also, despite what you’ve been told — never brush immediately before or after a meal.
Wrapping a towel around ourselves.
Do you find that no matter how tightly you wrap the towel around, it always ends up coming undone? Next time, wrap it once around your body and then roll it down until snug. That way, it will stay in place until you’re ready to remove it.
Microwaving popcorn.
I love popcorn but I absolutely hate having to navigate the uncooked kernels at the bottom of the bowl. It turns out that the air vent at the top of the bag is also meant to help discard “dead” kernels. Simply turn the bag upside down and shake it.
Have you ever noticed that your pots and pans have a little hole in them at the end of the handle? That’s not just for storing/hanging purposes. The hole can also be used to hold your wooden spoon when you aren’t using it.
Wearing earbuds.
If the cord is facing down when you wear your ear pods, then I’m sorry to say but you’re doing it wrong. Flip the piece upside down in your ear and fold the wire back over your ear.
I know it might feel uncomfortable at first, but you really should be sleeping on your back . Sleeping on your side can cause your spine to fall out of alignment, so if you must do so make sure to use a pilot between your legs.
Going to the bathroom.
Not to get too graphic but a 90 -degree seated angle doesn’t exactly create the most accessible pathway for our bodies to dispose of waste. Having a small footstool in your bathroom will go a long way as far as increasing your overall comfort level is concerned.
Frying an egg.
Frying an egg is an art form, but if you don’t have a perfectly even stove it can be difficult to get it done perfectly. Next time, reach for a ring of raw onion and crack the egg inside it. You’ll have a perfect circle every time.
Charging your phone.
Nobody likes charging their phone (least of all me) but it’s the price we all must pay to have a smartphone. If you’re looking for a quick tip to speed up the process, put your cell on Airplane Mode
Wearing a backpack.
If you happen to live in a place where pickpockets aren’t a problem, then you can just disregard this last note. For everyone else — make sure to keep your backpack facing frontwards. Especially if you happen to be on public transit or traveling abroad.
Last Updated on November 11, 2021 by Jordan Claes