We’ve all been there – the stress of selling a home, the endless list of tasks to complete, and the inevitable disagreements that arise. This tale of a simple paint job gone wrong is filled with drama, conflict, and a dash of humor. It’s a story of a wife, a husband, a painter friend, and the chaos that ensues when the lines between professional and personal blur. Buckle up, because this is more than just a story about paint.
The House Sale and The Paint Job ️
The Unexpected Painter
The Color Clash Begins ⚡
The Professional’s Assurance
The Color Catastrophe Unveiled
The Unexpected Bill
The Blame Game Begins
The Hidden Cost of Hiring Friends
The Argument Continues ️
The Final Verdict and The ‘Friend Tax’
The Marriage Not in Crisis, Just a First World Problem
The Final Word and The Robbed Victory
The Paint War: A Tale of Blame, Friendship, and a $200 Mistake
When a simple paint job turns into a domestic drama, it’s hard to know who’s really at fault. A wife’s wish to hire a professional painter was ignored, leading to a color catastrophe, an unexpected bill, and a heated blame game. Despite the conflict, the painting was completed, and the couple paid the ‘friend tax’, learning a valuable lesson about mixing business with friendship. But when it comes to who was right and who was wrong, the internet has its own opinions. Let’s see what the world thinks of this colorful conundrum… ️
NTA. Husband lacks backbone, friend blamed you. Send him home!
Husband’s disrespectful move and blame game cost you money.
NTA: Who paints the ceiling a different color?
NTA- Supportive comment receives love and appreciation.
Stressful paint job, social anxiety, and regretting hiring friends. ♀️
Don’t mix paints! NTA for refusing to pay extra.
Mixing friend and business: NTA’s husband needs to step up!
NTA: Husband blamed you, he should pay for the mistake.
Husband disrespected wife’s wishes, needs to apologize!
“Cutting in” refers to creating clean lines around the edges.
Take charge! NTA, but maybe it’s time for new management.
Nightmare situation! Guy still there? Not the a**hole!
NTA. Odd move! Stirred up a storm, but who’s to blame?
Guy makes mistake, charges for it? Backwards logic!
NTA. Husband’s bad decision in hiring friend for painting job.
Middle-aged blokes and their ‘mates’ – always causing trouble!
NTA: Negative review and a talk needed. No respect given.
NTA. Don’t blame yourself! The painter should’ve handled it professionally. ♂️
Husband’s hiring blunder: Own up and pay for the mistake!
Fire the dude and hire a real painter. NTA!
Husband and friend are TA for blaming and messing up.
“NTA I am a painter and decorator by trade and I wouldn’t dream of blaming the client for me painting a different colour on the wrong walls, let alone ask them to pay MORE. This is literally part of the job, what if you had a feature wall with a different colour and he mixed it up and cut in with that? Lots of people have a slightly darker shade of the same ‘family’ of colours as feature walls. May just be difference in painting style but you shouldn’t cut in after either, you roll over in order to remove and hide brush marks, some painters even use a small roller (usually referred to as a rad roller) to remove as much as possible.”
NTA – Husband’s friend made a costly mistake, he owes apologies.
Oops! Wrong color paint? Not your fault!
NTA, but communication is key when hiring friends for jobs.
Partner’s betrayal and weak apology – not a true partner
Contractor’s failed promise leads to a paint job disaster.
Husband’s mistake leads to blame game, painter caught in middle ♀️
The punctuation debate that sparked a fiery comment section.
Spineless husband? NTA comment sparks a fiery debate!
Friend’s advice ignored, husband at fault. NTA
You’re not wrong! The blame game is in full swing.
NTA. Insist on proper payment for his mistakes.
Savage comeback to the painter and husband’s poor decision-making.
Last Updated on September 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team