We’ve all been there – a friend in need, a spare room, and the best of intentions. But what happens when a simple act of kindness spirals into a friendship showdown? Our tale today involves a generous friend, a disgruntled houseguest, and a set of house rules that sparked a fiery debate. Let’s dive into this drama-filled saga…
A Friend in Need
The Offer of Refuge ️
Setting the Stage
The House Rules
The Rules Unveiled
More Rules…
The Fallout
The Unexpected Response
The Apology and Ignorance
The Aftermath ️
The Moral Dilemma
The House Rules Showdown: A Friendship on the Line
In a twist of events, a simple act of kindness turned into a friendship crisis. When our generous friend offered her spare room to her bestie in need, little did she know it would lead to a drama-filled showdown. The introduction of house rules – a standard expectation for any shared living situation – was met with unexpected resistance and accusations of being a ‘controlling mom’. The fallout? A friendship on the brink of collapse, a houseguest turned away, and a lingering question – who’s in the wrong here? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this…
Maybe the person who kicked her out of the other house wasn’t such an a**hole after all…. NTA
Dream deal! Rent-free, clean up, respect roommate? Bullet dodged!
NTA: Friend needs to learn self-awareness and common courtesy
NTA for setting fair rules in your own home
Offering free rent and rules caused a friend fallout.
Dodging bullets while doing a favor? NTA wins this showdown!
“NTA, simple rules. Was she being an a** or just immature? “
Dodged a bullet with roommate, won’t let her move in again
NTA. Friend took advantage of your free accommodation, good riddance!
NTA. Enjoy the karma when her new roommate complains
NTA: Fair and standard rules. Dodged a entitled diva bullet.
“NTA, but she took offense to basic rules. Major A move.”
Entitled friend complains about rules, cut ties with leech
Set the rules, pay the price. No room for negotiation. ♀️
Polite guest follows rules, other person didn’t appreciate it. NTA
Offered a place to stay with rules, friend overreacted. NTA.
NTA. Dodged a bullet with a freeloading, entitled roommate.
NTA: Dodged a bullet with an immature roommate. Good riddance!
Basic rules for living together – NTA
Fate saved you from roommate drama!
Living together? Just basic manners. NTA ♀️ ♀️
NTA, but watch out for assumptions. Common sense isn’t universal.
NTA for setting basic rules. Friend needs a reality check!
NTA. Basic etiquette rules for roommates. Is she controlling or justified?
A confident commenter offers to move in and upgrade your patio!
Last Updated on October 30, 2023 by Diply Social Team