We’ve all had our fair share of sibling squabbles, but this story takes things to a whole new level. Imagine a special office chair, designed to mold to the user’s body, becoming the epicenter of a family feud. Our young hero, a 15-year-old boy, is pitted against his pregnant sister in a battle for the ultimate comfort. The stakes? His beloved chair and his back’s well-being. Let’s dive into this riveting saga of sibling rivalry, family dynamics, and one very coveted office chair.
The Chair of Destiny

The Chair’s Magic Fades ✨

The Culprit Revealed

A Plea for Chair Sovereignty

The Chair’s Disappearance ️♂️

The Chair’s Secret Nightlife

Parents Weigh In ⚖️

The Chair Gets Locked Down

The Age Reveal

The Chair Chronicles: A Family Feud for the Ages
In this gripping saga, a 15-year-old boy and his pregnant 18-year-old sister are locked in a battle over a special office chair. The chair, designed to mold to the user’s body, has been secretly used by the sister, causing discomfort to our young hero. Despite pleas, secret relocations, and even a steering wheel lock, the sister insists on using the chair, leading to a family-wide dispute. With parents siding with the sister, our hero finds himself grounded and his beloved chair under siege. Let’s see how the internet weighs in on this chair-centric conflict.
NTA. Stand your ground and protect your boundaries with

Engaging in a fiery debate over a pregnant sister’s entitlement

NTA. Sister needs to buy her own chair. You’re stuck.

Sibling rivalry escalates over office chair, boundaries need setting

Teen brother questions responsibility for adult sister’s pregnancy

NTA: Sister’s back pain doesn’t justify chair abuse

Sibling rivalry over office chair: Teen vs. adult sister

“NTA – A pregnant sister’s struggle for comfort and sisterly boundaries.”

Standing up for yourself against an entitled pregnant sister

NTA suggests using a bike lock to secure the chair.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/68e26fca-fce5-491a-bee6-7687b2ff9c4f.png)
Teen brother asked to contribute to sister’s pregnancy. Unfair?

Commenter seeks chair recommendation; Knoll and Herman Miller suggested

Claim your chair! Your sister needs to stop moping.

Locking your chair to protect your belongings from entitled sister

Claim your throne! Your property, your rules.

Family drama over a chair: NTA, escape the madness!

“ESH, but show empathy. Sister needs chair during pregnancy “

NTA That chair is yours! Stand up for your boundaries!

In search of the perfect chair for your a**?

NTA. Your chair, your rules. Sister should buy her own.

“NTA. Chair for 2 people? Compromise: she uses it till birth.”

Let them buy her a new chair for her comfort
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/1010e84c-bb65-4c19-bae4-d0060ee1fd23.png)
Pregnant sister wants my chair? NTA! Time for boundaries
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/6c4e8fb2-e7c9-4563-affc-82744be0a8e6.png)
Don’t let her take advantage of you. Stand your ground!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/28ad5a82-a5e8-4851-81bd-7ca203204ac9.png)
NTA: Sister’s pregnancy doesn’t make it your fault.

Claim your chair! She needs to find her own seat.

NTA: Uncomfortable couch, but no need to steal chairs

Sibling rivalry over an office chair, who will win?

Defend your property! ️ Don’t let favoritism ruin your boundaries.

NTA. Pregnant sister needs to stop throwing tantrums over chair.

YTA. Sharing the chair with your pregnant sister was the kind thing to do ♀️

Teen brother defends himself against unfair responsibility for pregnant sister

Stand your ground! It’s your chair, not your sister’s

Parents should step in and get her a comfortable chair

NTA. Your chair, your rules. Immature sister causes chaos

NTA: No obligations, no chair, no babysitting, no money. ♀️

Secure your chair like Fort Knox! NTA

No obligation to contribute money. It’s not your baby!

Sibling rivalry over office chair during sister’s pregnancy

“YTA. You have the right, but consider being a good uncle. ♂️”

Family feud over comfort after unexpected pregnancy

No obligation to provide chair for pregnant sister. NTA

NTA, but she should ask her work for a better chair ️

NTA. You’re not responsible for free babysitting duties ♀️

“NTA vs ESH: A Chair Theft, Bratty Behavior, and Parental Support”

You’re not the a**hole for not giving up your seat.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/6138b6a0-a5ef-4b9d-bb69-7aa7ff2f4b43.png)
A seat of contention: NTA for keeping your chair, but tough.

NTA. You have the right to decide what to do with the chair.

Last Updated on September 11, 2023 by Diply Social Team