Picture this: you’re out for a leisurely stroll with your spouse in your affluent neighborhood. You spot a lost cat poster offering a hefty $500 reward. Being a cat lover, you can’t help but sympathize. You chat about it, and lo and behold, you spot a cat that looks just like the one on the poster. You return the cat, but then comes the awkward moment: Do you ask for the reward? Well, that’s exactly what happened to one couple, leading to a heated debate about whether it was right or wrong.
A Walk, A Poster, and a Furry Surprise
The Cat on the Car Roof
The Cat Caper Continues ️♂️
The Joyful Reunion
The Reward Dilemma
The Awkward Exchange
The Partial Payment
The Unexpected Reaction
The Aftermath and the Debate ️
The Moral Dilemma
The Family’s Verdict
The $500 Cat Rescue: A Tale of Morality and Money
So, what do you think? Was our cat rescuer in the right for asking for the reward, or should he have simply returned the feline without expecting anything in return? The couple’s friends and family are divided, with some applauding his honesty and others criticizing his lack of altruism. The cat owners, despite their initial shock, ended up paying a portion of the reward. But their parting words left a sour taste. Let’s see how the internet weighs in on this feline fiasco.
Offering a reward comes with the obligation to pay up
“NTA they offered a reward for finding their cat. $500 is a large amount of money. Did they really expect no one would try and claim it?”
Rewarding the return of a lost pet brings immense joy!
NTA: Returning the cat was a contract, $320 was fair
NTA offers reward, regrets it, sparks debate on generosity vs greed
Plot twist: Kids secretly offer $500 reward, parents annoyed.
Generous offer sparks insulted sore winners and broke cat-lover’s gratitude.
Reward debate: A*****e thieves, entitled neighbors, and a lost cat
Reward offered, but taking money for rescue is controversial. ESH.
NTA for expecting a reward when the poster promised it!
Asking for a reward doesn’t make you an a**hole
NTA: Calling out people who take advantage of kindness
Doing good deeds deserves rewards! You’re definitely NTA!
Generosity or greed? NTA! They offered, you accepted. Effort is irrelevant.
Mixed feelings about asking for reward in cat rescue ♂️
Generous reward backfires, resulting in backlash and hurt feelings
NTA for taking the reward offer; it’s legally binding!
Passionate pet owner stands up to greedy cat rescuers.
Last Updated on September 25, 2023 by Diply Social Team