Meet ‘Ina’, the 17-year-old stepsister of our 24-year-old storyteller, who’s known for her history of being a little less than honest. The tension between these two reached a boiling point over the festive season, and it all started with a missing $100. A tale of family drama, moral dilemmas, and a Christmas gift that was anything but merry!
Meet Ina: The Stepsister with Sticky Fingers

The Thanksgiving Visit

Gifts for the Family

The Rushed Departure ♀️

The Missing Money

Ina’s Sticky Fingers Strike Again!

The Christmas ‘Gift’

Dad’s Disbelief

The Facebook Fallout

Standing Firm

The Love for Dad ❤️

FAQs: The Court Case That Never Was ️

The Replenished Pocket Money

The Lesson Learned…Or Not?

The Special Gift for the Med School Stepsister

Christmas Chaos: A Tale of Family, Money and a Yuletide Showdown
Our storyteller, a 24-year-old woman, found herself in the midst of a family feud when her stepsister ‘Ina’ took $100 from her. Despite Ina’s history of dishonesty, our storyteller’s decision to consider the stolen money as Ina’s Christmas gift sparked outrage from their father. With the family now divided, our storyteller remains firm in her decision, believing it to be a much-needed lesson for Ina. While the family drama continues to unfold, let’s dive into the web’s top responses to this holiday hullabaloo…
NTA. Dad and wife enabled a little monster. No consequences = more bad behavior

NTA. Daughter took money without proof, lucky no charges pressed.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. NTA is a thief.

Cut off toxic family, respect yourself. Don’t be the punchline.

NTA. Rumaging through backpack, finding cash, lying about it.

Rewarding a thief? NTA, but why the uneven gifts?

NTA: Ina took money from your backpack, you didn’t ruin Christmas
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA. Don’t reward thieves. Dad needs to step up parenting

NTA: Punishing theft discourages future stealing. Bring her coal!

NTA – Stand your ground, your dad has no right

NTA. Stolen gift sparks family feud.

NTA. Spoiled brat learns consequences; no gift until sincere apology
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA. A weak father and the result: a family feud.

NTA! Ina needs a reality check and your dad needs boundaries

NTA: Theft is theft, even if she’s your step-sister

Dad enabling thief daughter? Bet he’d bail her out!

Ina steals money, dad’s house is no longer safe

Dad enabling $100 Christmas ‘gift’ – NTA vs ESH

Avoiding a criminal record: the unexpected bonus of Christmas

NTA: Consequences are key for personal growth

NTA. The joy of reading about ‘ruined Christmas’ is cracking me up

Stealing a gift? Definitely not the a**hole!

NTA – Sister stole money, cut contact with entitled family.

NTA. She stole from you; you can legit say you were $100 short in your budget this year. Congrats to your other step-sister

Dad thought $500, but she only got $100. NTA.

Niagara’s sticky fingers spark a family feud. Will she stop?

Definitely NTA.

NTA: A stolen $100, a Christmas gift, and unresolved debts

Not the a**hole. Let’s see what happened!

Father steals cash from backpack, commenter supports OP. NTA

NTA: They should be grateful you didn’t press charges!

NTA. Generous gift turned into a lesson on boundaries.

NTA. She stole from you. That was “gift” enough.

NTA. Parent’s refusal to punish creates a monster

NTA. Dad’s daughter stole money meant for someone else. Punishment needed.

“You know there’s still time for me to press charges.” NTA.

NTA: Ina stole money, you took back what was yours

NTA. A little thief? Tell us more!

Nta. Unwrapping a family feud over a $100 ‘gift’

NTA!! Ina stole money, dad didn’t make her pay. You’re not obligated to give her a gift. You didn’t ruin Christmas, they did. Congrats to your ss!

Last Updated on November 7, 2023 by Diply Social Team