We’ve all been there – parents pushing us to achieve something we’re not passionate about. This 14-year-old girl was forced by her mom to complete her Silver Award project, despite being swamped with schoolwork and other commitments. She tried to warn her mom about her feelings, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. When her mom unexpectedly put her on the spot to share her experience, she didn’t hold back.
Forced into the Project
Sacrificing Important Plans ️
Mom’s Grounding and Ignorance
Overworked and Miserable
Mom’s Control
Honesty at the Daisy Troop Meeting
Real Talk for Future Silver Awardees ️
Mom’s Shock and Fury
Standing Her Ground ♀️
Calling Out Mom’s Selective Hearing
Troop Leader’s Support
What’s a Silver Award?
The Bittersweet Taste of a Silver Award
This girl’s experience with the Silver Award was far from the fun and rewarding journey it’s meant to be, thanks to her mom’s insistence on controlling the project. Forced to sacrifice important plans and pushed to the brink of exhaustion, she couldn’t help but be honest when asked to share her story. While her mom was shocked and furious, the troop leader and others supported her bravery in speaking the truth. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best lessons come from unexpected places.
Mom’s abusive behavior could ruin OP’s scholarship. NTA.
Teen feels used by mom for her own bragging rights
Girl Scout momzilla: NTA, seek support from trusted adults
Former GS praises comment for following GS Guidelines
Confused non-American learns about Girl Scouts and prestigious awards
Compassionate leader offers advice and support.
Gen Z praised for not caring, standing up for themselves.
Commenter praised for supporting the writer.
Empowering girls is the essence of Girl Scouts
GS leader supports OP’s decision, advises to choose a project she cares about for Gold
Commenter regrets half-assing Silver Award, supports OP’s NTA stance.
Supportive comment on toxic mother-daughter relationship.
Commenter supports teen against abusive mother with strong language
Breaking free from a narcissistic parent
Teen bravely stands up to overbearing mother for mental health
Critiques are important. Encouraging kids to set realistic goals
Supportive comment applauding OP’s maturity and honesty
Encouraging comment supports OP’s independence from abusive mother
Learn about the Girl Scout Silver Award
Encouraging comment for autonomy with heart and clapping emojis.
Overbearing parents in Girl Scouts? NTA for wanting autonomy
Mom gets called out for micromanaging teen’s life
Take control of your life and set boundaries with parents
Supportive comment acknowledges tough award experience due to toxic parent.
Mom’s shocked pikachu face when her dirty laundry aired out
14-year-olds plan trip without adult supervision
Teen’s mom micromanages silver award project, but she gives honest advice
Sibling support and advice for maintaining individuality.
OP’s mom is in denial and refuses to listen. NTA
Overcoming a terrible experience to make a positive impact
14-year-old defends prestigious award and internships against doubtful comment
Standing up for truth and self-worth
Encouraging reply to a teen’s struggle for independence
Surviving the Silver Award: Advice and NTA solidarity
Mom’s silver obsession: NTA teen or mom’s missed opportunity?
Mom’s controlling behavior is a red flag. NTA.
Good job standing up for yourself and setting boundaries!
Teen receives Silver Award and exposes the dark side
Mom-led Girl Scouts incident earns sympathy for NTA commentator
Mom forced teen into prestigious award, NTA for speaking out
This comment praises someone for being a hero ❤️
Honesty is the best policy
Supportive comment urges teen to escape toxic mother ☺️
Commenter approves of NTA’s approach
Curious commenter seeks clarification on silver award
Empathetic reply offers support to struggling teen
Finding a roommate might solve the issue
Mom’s pressure on teen for award. Support for OP.
Teen receives NTA judgment for Silver Award experience
Girl Scout shares the pressure and hard work of Silver Award
Former Girl Scout quits after disastrous Silver Award experience
Scout survivor shares NTA opinion on corrupt and boring awards
Mom wins silver sphincter award for mistreating daughter.
Girl Scout congratulated for standing up for herself and earning Silver
Explaining Silver Award Project while calling out OP’s mom
Girl Scout sister shows courage in speaking her truth
Girl Scout leader oversteps boundaries, teen stands up for herself
Choosing to decline the award is always an option
Mom living vicariously through child? NTA sets boundaries.
Regret for not finishing Gold Award, but NTA for quitting.
Former cadette shares NTA perspective on Silver Award project
Speaking up: A justified response
Encouraging comment to a teen facing parental pressure, with helpful advice
Standing up to Mama Beauregard and inspiring autonomy in Daisies
Silver Award is intense, but it should be the holder’s choice
Heartwarming comment congratulating OP on their achievements
Girl Scout mom supports truth-telling, NTA
Choosing own project is key for silver award, NTA. Mom=AH
Overcoming obstacles and standing up for yourself
Mom needs to back off
Girl Scout’s Silver Award is soul-draining, NTA comment agrees.
Curious commenter asks about Silver Award in Scouts program.
NTA. Teen’s mom is living vicariously through her achievements.
Standing up to the troop leader.
Being forced into prestigious awards is pointless. ♂️
Encouraging comment applauds maturity and work ethic
Encouraging support for a teen resisting parental pressure.
A brief comment with no replies, but a hopeful sentiment
Last Updated on June 19, 2023 by Diply Social Team