Imagine being a high school senior, excited about college, only to find out your mom has dipped into your college fund to help your half-brother. That’s exactly what happened to an 18-year-old girl who’s now suing her mom for control of the account. The inheritance, left by her late grandma, was meant to cover her education expenses, but it seems her mom had other plans. Let’s dive into this family drama and see what led her to take this drastic step.
Grandma’s Generous Gift
Leo’s Struggles
Living with Dad
Dad vs. Mom ⚖️
College Fund Shock
Mom’s Confession
Taking Control
Mom’s Plea
Therapy Success?
Loans vs. Inheritance
The Decision
Suing Mom: The Ultimate Dilemma
Caught between her own future and her brother’s well-being, this 18-year-old is faced with a heart-wrenching decision. Should she go into debt for college or help her autistic half-brother with his therapy? With her mom refusing to hand over control of the account, she’s left with no choice but to sue. Let’s see how the internet reacts to this family drama…
Teen sues mom over missing college fund, commenters support NTA stance
Charities can help autistic children. No need to involve mom
Teen sues mom over missing college fund. Commenters suggest legal action.
Commenter sympathizes with the teen, but mom’s financial situation is tough
Teen sues mom for college fund. NTA. Family dynamics explained.
NTA. Don’t go into debt over college. Get what’s yours
Teen sues mom over missing college fund. NTA, entitled to money.
Teen rightfully wants college fund back from selfish mom
The comment highlights the financial struggles of American families, questioning the lack of support from their country. It suggests that perhaps the real question is whether the country is failing its people and if the citizens are the real a******s for letting families face these situations unaided.
Teen fights for college fund, NTA. Sacrificed enough for family.
Consider legal action to recover stolen college fund
Commenter blames American healthcare system for missing college fund
Mom’s misuse of college fund leads to lawsuit.
Teen sues mom over missing college fund, commenter supports legal action.
Grandma’s college fund stolen by mom? NTA teen sues back!
Demanding college fund from mom: NTA, it’s your right
Don’t let parents guilt-trip you into sacrificing your future!
Mother steals college fund from daughter with sensory issues
Teen sues mom over missing college fund. NTA, mother failed.
Mother embezzled college fund for brother. NTA suing for justice.
Debate over morality of suing mother for stolen college fund
Sibling rivalry over college fund. NTA claims rightful ownership.
Take legal action and alert financial institution to stop theft
Curious about mom’s income and support for dad?
Teen sues mom over missing college fund, but is it justified?
Teen sues mom for college fund, commenters side with teen.
NTA. School debt is a real issue. Universal healthcare needed.
Teen sues mom over missing college fund but consider alternatives
Teen sues mom over college fund. Commenters support teen’s decision.
NTA. Sue your mom and secure your future.
Don’t let your mother guilt trip you into paying for therapy
Morally right, but financially unfair? The college fund dilemma
Sue your own mom? NTA says it’s justified ⚖️
Teen sues mom over missing college fund. NTA comment supports it.
Mother’s neglect hurtful, but suing over college fund justified
Supportive comment encourages suing mother for missing college fund
Teen sues mom over stolen college fund for brother’s therapy
Mother steals college fund, commenter supports lawsuit.
Take control before mom transfers college fund. #NTA
Teen sues mom over college fund. NTA, mom has no right
Claim your college fund! You’re not the a**hole here
Sue your mom and get what’s rightfully yours!
Curious commenter seeks context on family’s financial situation
Fight for what’s rightfully yours! Sue your thieving mom
Teen’s mom stole college fund, NTA for wanting it back
Protect your future, take control now. NTA
Get legal advice but be cautious of r/legaladvice moderators
Don’t let anyone dismiss your future. You go, NTA!
Teen not at fault for missing college fund
Mother steals college fund, NTA sues and seeks justice
Take back control and sue for stolen college fund
Inherited money, missing college fund, and a difficult sibling. YTA.
Commenter defends teen’s lawsuit against mother for college fund.
Sibling conflict over disability and college fund. ESH
Mother steals from child’s college fund, NTA should sue
Teen sues mom over missing college fund. NTA. Invested fund=$124k.
NTA, OP should gather evidence and get a lawyer.
Sue her right away and get your college fund back
Autistic commenter supports suing mother for misusing college fund
Justice served? A mother steals her child’s college fund
Sibling rivalry turns legal over college fund
Secure your future . Sue your mom for stealing.
Protect your future! Sue her a** for the college fund.
Compassionate NTA comment suggests helping mother find resources for brother
Take control of your college fund legally
Teen fights for college fund left by GM, NTA for wanting it
Last Updated on May 11, 2023 by Diply Social Team