Imagine being a 16-year-old on the autism spectrum, and your therapist suggests getting a puppy to help you express empathy and communicate verbally more. But what if you didn’t want a puppy, and your parents got you one anyway? This is precisely what happened to our protagonist, who found themselves in a continuous state of sensory overload due to their new husky puppy. Despite taking care of the dog, they decided to rehome it without telling their family, leading to a whirlwind of drama and accusations. Let’s dive into this emotional rollercoaster of a story.
Therapist Suggests a Puppy

Parents Put Their Foot Down

Sensory Overload

Family Does Nothing

Decision to Rehome

New Home Found

Parents’ Reaction

Accusations Fly ️

Am I the A**hole?

Husky Puppies’ Reputation

No More Mammals, Thanks

Worst Part for Our Protagonist

Parents’ Dog Choice

A Dramatic Turn of Events ️
Our protagonist, a 16-year-old on the autism spectrum, found themselves in a difficult situation when their therapist suggested a puppy to help them express empathy and communicate more verbally. Despite not wanting a pet, their parents got them a husky puppy, which led to sensory overload and frustration. Taking matters into their own hands, they rehomed the dog without telling their family, resulting in anger, accusations, and a whirlwind of emotions. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation… ️♀️
NTA. Giving an untrained husky puppy to an unwilling teenager is cruel. OP did the right thing by finding the puppy a better home.

Therapist suggests pet without considering family and pet’s needs

Teen with autism not at fault for getting rid of puppy

Responsible decision to rehome puppy. Huskies are a handful

Husky puppy not a good therapy dog for teenager on spectrum. Cats are better for establishing boundaries and training.

Animal therapy for ASD discussed, hermit crabs suggested as alternative.

Therapist’s suggestion taken too far by parents, NTA for OP

Teen on the spectrum responsibly rehomed therapy dog, NTA

Autistic commenter suggests getting a cat instead of a therapy dog

NTA for not wanting a dog, especially a husky

NTA. A husky puppy is a terrible option for you

Putting the dog’s happiness first NTA

Teen on spectrum rehomes therapy dog, NTA, miscommunication with family.

Choosing a husky as a therapy dog was a bad idea . Commenter suggests considering a low-maintenance pet like a cat . OP prefers reptiles .

Empowering response to teen’s decision to give up therapy dog

Therapist and parents made a terrible decision. NTA for sure!

Teen on the spectrum shows empathy by finding new home for puppy NTA

Labrador trained for ASD is better than husky. NTA.

Commenter suggests a new pet and gets asked for pictures

Taking care of a surprise pet responsibly. NTA.

Choosing a therapy animal you actually want is important

Commenter’s initial anger turns to empathy for poster’s decision.

Teen rightfully rehomes puppy after parents force it on them

Teen with autism praised for responsible decision

Labradors may not be the best pick for service dogs

Dog lover supports decision to rehome therapy husky, suggests alternative breeds
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Stand up for yourself and do what’s best for you!

Responsible move to rehome puppy with better caregivers

Golden retrievers may not be suitable therapy dogs for everyone

Responsible pet rehoming after being forced into ownership.

Owning a pet is a huge responsibility

Husky breed not suitable for inexperienced owners, NTA for rehoming.

Therapist meant trained dog, not untrained husky puppy. NTA.

Commenter defends teen’s decision to get rid of therapy dog.

Stand your ground and set boundaries with family.

Teen on the spectrum rehomes therapy dog, NTA. Breed choice questionable.

Choosing not to have a therapy dog does not make you a**hole

Self-aware teen removes overwhelming therapy dog, praised for honesty

Teen not at fault for giving up therapy dog

Taking responsibility for your therapy dog, NTA wins!

Therapist wrong, you did the right thing finding dog home

Responsibility dumped on OP, rehoming dog was right decision. NTA

Teen on the spectrum responsibly rehomes therapy dog, parents TA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Chihuahuas are suggested as a low-maintenance alternative to therapy dogs

Responsible decision to get rid of therapy dog

Teen on the spectrum finds a better home for therapy dog

Maturely handled situation with therapy dog, NTA

Commenter supports OP’s decision to rehome therapy dog, suggests alternative pets

Keeping the therapy dog wasn’t the best option. NTA

Dog drama: NTA blames bad choice on family, sparks debate

Teen on the spectrum stands up to parents and rehomes husky

Teen on the spectrum stands up to overbearing parents

Support for therapy-seeking teen let down by therapist and family.

Dog-loving commenter defends OP’s decision to rehome therapy dog.

Teen on the spectrum stands up for himself and his needs

Dog lovers discuss husky breed temperament and training challenges
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NTA. Doing what’s best for the puppy

NTA. Great job handling the situation!
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
NTA. Family doesn’t listen to OP about not wanting dog

Fiery comment about husky puppy as therapy dog.

Teen on the spectrum finds new home for untrained puppy

Mature decision to rehome puppy, empathetic towards its feelings

Teen rehomes therapy dog after family ignores requests. NTA.

Dog owner sympathizes with teen’s decision to rehome stubborn husky.

Therapist’s poor suggestion leads to disaster with a husky puppy

NTA’s advice on getting a puppy: don’t force it on someone! ♂️

Teen on the spectrum finds new home for unsuitable therapy dog
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Commenter criticizes parents for forcing therapy dog on teen with autism

Last Updated on June 5, 2023 by Diply Social Team