Divorce can be tough on kids, especially when it comes to adjusting to new living arrangements. But for one 15-year-old girl, the situation took a turn for the worse when her mom’s boyfriend and his daughter moved in temporarily. Forced to share her room with the 11-year-old, she quickly discovered that cohabitation wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Frustrated and desperate for a solution, she made a bold decision that left her mom fuming.
Divorce and a New Roommate
A Temporary Living Arrangement
The Struggle of Sharing a Room
Sleepless Nights and Annoyances
Ignoring the Bedtime Signal
Mom’s Response
Dad’s Offer
Making the Decision
Mom’s Anger
The Aftermath
Christmas Presents at Grandma’s
Legal Concerns
Temporary Solution
Questioning Her Actions
Bold Decision Leaves Mom Fuming
Tired of sharing her room with her mom’s boyfriend’s daughter, our frustrated teen decided to pack her bags and stay with her dad until she could have her room back. Her mom was furious, accusing her of being a spoiled brat and making the temporary roommates feel unwelcome. Despite the tension, the teen remains at her dad’s, wondering if she made the right choice. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this dramatic situation…
NTA, but dad should’ve talked to mom. Roommate situation considered
NTA for choosing dad’s house over mom’s due to roommate
Teen chooses dad’s house over mom’s due to roommate situation
NTA – Teen chooses dad’s house over mom’s due to roommate issues
Teen chooses dad’s house over mom’s due to unbearable roommate situation
INFO: Communication and problem-solving could have resolved roommate issues.
Commenter calls OP a soft YTA for not showing compassion.
Commenter escapes terrible roommate situation at mom’s house
Teen’s attitude towards roommate’s trauma makes them TA.
Teen chooses dad’s house over mom’s due to unbearable roommate situation.
Separate rooms for parents is a great solution!
NTA: Teen forced to share room with stranger, better solution available
Teen chooses dad’s house over mom’s due to unbearable roommate situation
NTA. Teen wants own space, mom gives silent treatment.
Empathy vs Boundaries: A Roommate Dilemma for a Teen
“Unplanned ultimatum” puts mom in tough spot with fire victims.
“NTA. It’s unfair to expect roommates to share space uncomfortably. ♂️”
Mom’s big reaction to teen’s choice reveals uncomfortable truth
NTA. Mom’s AH move, you deserve your own space at dad’s
“NTA – You just want your own space at your dad’s “
Last Updated on February 3, 2024 by Diply Social Team