We’ve all had our fair share of embarrassing moments, but this one takes the cake! Imagine having a crush on a classmate, gathering the courage to ask them out, and then discovering they’re not even interested in your gender! That’s exactly what happened to a high school student named Mason. Little did he know, his crush, Hannah, was a lesbian. The story unfolds with a mix of humor, awkwardness, and a debate on whether the girl who knew about Hannah’s sexuality should have warned Mason.
The Crush Begins

Mason’s Curiosity

The Big Question

Trying to Drop a Hint

Mason’s Big Move

Hannah’s Response ️

Mason’s Persistence ♂️

The Big Reveal

Mason’s Tears

The Blame Game

Back-Up Arrives

Second Thoughts ♀️

The Great Debate: Should She Have Warned Him? ♀️
This hilarious and cringe-worthy story leaves us with a question: should the girl who knew about Hannah’s sexuality have warned Mason about his doomed crush? On one hand, she didn’t want to out her friend, but on the other, she could have saved Mason from public humiliation. The debate is on, and the internet is weighing in with their thoughts. Let’s dive into the top responses and see what people have to say about this awkward situation!
NTA: Asking someone out publicly can be manipulative and embarrassing.

NTA. You handled it well, warning him without invading privacy.

OP tactfully warns Mason about Hannah’s preferences, avoiding potential outing. NTA

Cringe-worthy public proposal, but NTA. Lesson learned at 17.

NTA. You handled the situation with grace and respect.

NTA. Friend ignores advice and asks out classmate in John Cusackey way

Supportive comment about not outing a friend, with a funny twist

NTA for handling the situation sensitively and respecting her boundaries ❤️

“But why? I’m a great guy!” – guy that probably isn’t a great guy

OP warned him, but he ignored and made it cringy

NTA. Your friend put pressure on her by publicly asking her out.

NTA.. Mason’s contradictory response and entitlement reveal his true colors

Respecting boundaries and coming out: a delicate situation

Respecting someone’s privacy is always the right thing to do

Respecting her privacy: NTA for not outing her

Kid’s a**hole, proposes date to lesbian classmate. Who does that? ♂️

NTA. Learning to accept rejection is an important lesson

NTA, it’s not your place to disclose her sexuality

Hilarious proposal fail!

Lesbian defends NTA for handling awkward proposal with grace

Teen boy’s embarrassing proposal leads to tears in class

NTA. Respectful approach to asking someone out, lesson learned.

Honesty is key! NTA for setting expectations with your friend

Rejected teen learns a lesson about respecting others’ privacy

NTA. Publicly pressuring someone to say yes? Not cool

Supportive comment defends kid who made an innocent mistake.

NTA. Respect for privacy and a lesson on public proposals.

NTA. Rejection is tough, but he’ll survive.

Last Updated on February 3, 2024 by Diply Social Team