Ever thought your landlord might have a say in your home attire? Well, buckle up for a wild ride in this tale of a young university student, living in a converted garage under a bustling family of seven. The twist? Her landlord has some unexpected expectations about her appearance at home. Let’s dive into this intriguing story…
The Unusual Living Arrangement
The First Impressions
The Furry Factor
The Unexpected Review
The Unexpected Expectations
The Unsettling Admission
The Creepy Consequences ♀️
The Dilemma: To Be or Not to Be…the A*****e? ♀️
The Unexpected Outcome
When Home Isn’t Just a Place to Relax Anymore
In a surprising twist, our young student finds herself in a peculiar situation. Her landlord, who initially seemed pleased with her and her dog, has now voiced some unexpected expectations. Apparently, making breakfast in pajamas and not wearing makeup on a day off is a no-no in this household. Despite being tidy and otherwise a great tenant, her ‘home look’ seems to be a deal-breaker for the landlord. This has left her questioning her actions and contemplating a move, despite the hassle. The internet has been buzzing with reactions to this unusual situation. Let’s see what they have to say…
NTA. Tell the wife about the creepy comments, she deserves to know
NTA. Landlord’s creepy expectations and misogynistic roommate.
NTA: Creepy comments and a desire for younger ‘eye candy’
NTA: Stand up for yourself and talk to his wife
NTA: Woman criticized for not looking pretty and wanting free childcare
Friends divided over creepy landlord’s comment about appearance.
NTA – Call a meeting to confront the creepy landlord
Tenant stands up to creepy landlord. No pajama policing allowed!
NTA! Get out and never look back! They wanted a babysitter, not a tenant
Curious about the wife’s role and appearance in the drama?
Coffee in pajamas leads to eviction? NTA, outrageous landlord behavior!
Lock your door! Stay safe from creepy encounters.
NTA. Uncomfortable with pyjamas, but control freak?
Avoid the creepy dad, find a new place and stay safe!
NTA- You’re good as long as you’re clean and modestly dressed
Lease or agreement? NTA for not being Super Nanny
Huge red flag! Creepy vibes and NTA for sure!
Friend thinks I should dress up 24/7 for landlord. Seriously?
Landlord creepiness and tenant rights: H**l no, NTA!
No one should be forced to look ‘put together’ at home
NTA. Avoid future meetings. Discuss lease renewal and move on.
NTA. Embrace the cozy life and shut down the creepy landlord.
Renting a space: Expectations vs. freedom. NTA for sure!
NTA: Roommate wanted a live-in babysitter and eye candy
Commenter imagines a 90s movie plot in this creepy situation
NTA defends wearing pajamas at home, addresses family discomfort.
Last Updated on September 25, 2023 by Diply Social Team