Imagine living with a flatmate who not only disregards your health but also refuses to pay for the WiFi they use. One student found themselves in this exact situation, ultimately deciding to shut off the WiFi in their shared flat. With a history of conflict and a serious health condition, the student had to move out and live with their parents, leaving the flatmate to fend for themselves. But was this the right decision? Let’s dive into the story.
The Nightmare Flatmate
Health Concerns Ignored
Pleading for Safety
Forced to Move Out
No Sympathy from Flatmate
Paying for an Unlivable Flat
Unpaid WiFi Bills
Standing Their Ground
Tattletale Tactics
A Possible Resolution?
Update: WiFi Cancelled ❌
Anniversary Gift Drama
Package Gone Missing?
Final Update: Unpaid Rent & Damages
Blacklisted and Apologies
WiFi Wars: A Battle of Responsibility and Respect
After months of dealing with a disrespectful and careless flatmate, one student decided enough was enough and shut off the WiFi in their shared flat. With their health at risk and unpaid bills piling up, the student felt they had no choice but to move out and leave their flatmate to face the consequences. Despite attempts to resolve the situation, the flatmate continued to cause problems, even affecting the student’s anniversary gift. In the end, the flatmate was blacklisted from their letting agents due to unpaid rent and damages. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this dramatic tale…
Commenter defends student’s actions, calls out landlord’s wrongdoing.
Commenter defends WiFi shut off as justified.
Unemployed student shuts off flatmate’s WiFi, internet drama ensues
Cutting off WiFi: justified or cruel? NTA comment says justified.
Taking the WiFi with you when you move out: justified?
Roommate’s lack of awareness during pandemic justifies shutting off WiFi
WiFi provider might help. NTA for shutting off WiFi.
Student shuts off WiFi in unlivable flat: justified or cruel? NTA takes revenge
Practical advice for dealing with terrible flatmates
Tenant takes revenge on landlord’s WiFi after unlivable conditions.
No internet for bad landlord! NTA strikes again!
NTA for shutting off WiFi in unlivable flat. Revenge is sweet
Canceling WiFi on selfish roommate: justified or petty?
Taking matters into their own hands NTA shuts off WiFi
Roommate threatens life, so OP shuts off WiFi. NTA
NTA shuts off WiFi in unlivable flat, deemed too nice.
WiFi war: NTA moves out, refuses to pay for ex-roommate’s internet
Roommate disregards guidelines during pandemic, commenter calls them out.
Cancel the WiFi and let her set up her own
Canceling WiFi after leaving unlivable flat: fair or cruel?
Good call! Getting out was the right move.
WiFi bill? Not their responsibility. NTA wins this round!
Commenter calls out entitled roommate, advises financial caution.
Former roommate was entitled, move your broadband to parents’ address
Cut the cord and cut the toxicity
Tenant shuts off WiFi in unlivable flat, justified or cruel? NTA wins.
Standing up to entitled flatmate. NTA wins this round!
NTA shuts off WiFi to terrible roommate. Revenge is sweet
Student turns off WiFi in unlivable flat, commenters agree NTA
Roommate broke rules, didn’t pay for wifi, NTA to shut off
Cutting off WiFi for non-payment: NTA, but sue if owed.
Tenant’s quarantine-breaking behavior justifies shutting off WiFi. NTA
Transfer the account or shut it down? NTA’s advice
Taking control of your own well-being is not selfish
Standing up to a selfish roommate while staying classy
NTA. Self-care and personal responsibility are key life lessons.
NTA. Justified to turn off WiFi in unlivable flat. Keep safe!
Not the a**hole for standing up to terrible living conditions.
Fair to shut off WiFi for non-paying roommate. NTA
Stop paying for unused WiFi service, NTA wins this round
Natural consequence or cruel punishment? NTA comment section
Agreement on shutting off WiFi in unlivable flat. NTA wins.
Assertive comment encourages self-respect and boundaries.
NTA shuts off WiFi in dangerous flat, justified or cruel?
Empowering or enabling? NTA shuts off WiFi in flat
Splitting utilities bill evenly is fair, but illness doesn’t excuse responsibility
Roommate endangers OP’s life and owes money, NTA for cancelling WiFi
Commenter warns about utility bills in your name, gets revenge
Commenter defends shutting off WiFi in unlivable flat.
Commenter calls out awful behavior, NTA and w*f
Student deemed not the a**hole for turning off WiFi.
Reporting flatmate to police for lockdown violations: necessary action
Roommate feud: NTA comment shuts down idiotic behavior
WiFi war: NTA shuts off internet in unlivable flat. Dad drama.
NTA shuts off WiFi in unlivable flat. Fair or cruel?
Limited options for WiFi transfer, rural area struggles
Tenant and landlord argue over unpaid rent and utilities.
Cancel the WiFi, not the kindness. NTA wins
Cancel everything and move WiFi to parents’ house. NTA
Tenant shuts off WiFi in unlivable flat, deemed NTA
WiFi shut off after risking life: NTA strikes back
Short and sweet: commenter approves shutting off WiFi
Revenge is sweet NTA for turning off WiFi
Girl prioritizes partying over roommate’s life. NTA shuts off WiFi
Cutting off WiFi: justified or cruel? NTA says fair game
Roommate breaking social distancing laws, NTA for moving out
NTA shuts off WiFi in unlivable flat, roommate gets a taste
Friend disregarded health, NTA for shutting off WiFi.
Commenter suggests reporting roommate for breaking quarantine and filing complaint with landlord
WiFi not a utility, according to comment. No replies.
Last Updated on June 18, 2023 by Diply Social Team