We’ve all been there – trying to catch some Z’s when the rest of the world seems intent on throwing a rave. But what happens when a sleep-deprived scholar decides they’ve had enough of the midnight merriment? This tale of a college student, a noisy midnight party, and a call to the cops will have you on the edge of your seat. Let’s dive in, shall we? ️♀️
A Scholar’s Struggle

The Sound of Silence… Not!

The Noise Creeps Up

The Confrontation

The Dialogue of Deaf Ears ️

The Unyielding Partygoers

The Unwanted E****t ♀️

The Call to the Cops

The Aftermath

The Guilt Trip

The Campus Rules

The Conclusion

A Tale of Sleepless Nights and Campus Cops ♂️
In a world where sleep is a luxury and noise is the currency, our scholar found themselves in a pickle. After a failed attempt at diplomacy with the noisy night owls, they resorted to calling the campus cops. The result? A blissful silence that was music to the ears of many on the dorm floor. But the victory came with a side of guilt, as they pondered the balance between their right to peace and the others’ right to party. So, was our scholar a hero or a party pooper? Let’s see what the internet has to say…
NTA: Calling the cops on rowdy neighbors is completely justified!

NTA: Heroic student stands up to rowdy night owls!

NTA. Polite request for quiet leads to discussion on noise laws.

NTA calls cops on rowdy neighbors, sparks debate on responsibility

Quiet-seeking student vs. rowdy night owls: campus clash!

YTA for calling the cops on rowdy college students
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“You’re in college, it’s gonna be loud sometimes, buy some ear plugs.”

Calling cops on rowdy night owls? YTA! Party pooper!

Respecting neighbors: NTA calls out rowdy college students
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/9fd2cdf0-7797-4703-80ad-d921dcc1c7c1.png)
YTA for calling the police instead of Resident Assistants.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/36925ea1-98b7-40f7-ad9d-40a9fbfeb157.png)
ESH – Calling cops on rowdy people can escalate and endanger.

NTA: Called cops on rowdy neighbors, they gave you a big “f**k you”.

INFO: Why live in uni halls if you hate parties?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a0f73d11-34b9-4a86-8552-7a85ffd5dcc2.png)
“YTA it’s 1 AM on a Saturday night at college and you’re calling the cops on kids hanging out? The uwu I was shaking from anxiety bit doesn’t make you any more sympathetic. Move off campus if you don’t want to deal with this.”

NTA for calling the cops, but consider campus security instead

“YTA just because things shouldn’t always need to escalate to police involvement. There wasnt anyone with a little authority on campus? Like an RA or security officer? I find that very hard to believe. If you’re in the US and have been able to see anything that has gone on this Summer… maybe go through all your options before calling the police.”

Student calls cops on rowdy night owls: Are they the a**hole?

ESH: They should have been respectful, but calling cops is extreme

YTA for involving the police instead of campus staff

YTA calls cops on party: excessive or justified?

Calling out rowdy college students during a pandemic

Proving her wrong with a smile! NTA

RA asleep? You’re not alone, night owls party on!

NTA. They can f**k right off.

Calling the cops on rowdy neighbors: YTA or justified?

Calling the cops for a noise complaint: YTA or NTA?

Campus rules and noise regulations: unnecessary call or justified action?

Gender assumption leads to a surprising change in opinion

Calling the cops on rowdy neighbors during the pandemic

Clarifying the timeline of the incident.

“YTA. Being loud on a college campus is expected “

NTA. Uni isn’t an excuse for loud parties at 1am.

NTA: Old man shares solution for noisy neighbors

NTA for asking rowdy college kids to tone it down

NTA for calling cops on inconsiderate, hostile night owls. Good luck!
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NTA: Teaching rowdy night owls some much-needed adulting lessons

Enforcing quiet hours: NTA shuts down rowdy night owls

“YTA. Not for calling the cops but for constantly referring to adult women as ‘girls’.”

YTA can’t handle the noise? Get earplugs, not the police!

Quiet dorm vs. rowdy students: Who’s the real party pooper?

NTA shuts down rowdy night owls with a single shout!

NTA: Stand up for your peace and quiet!

College student calls out obnoxious partygoers.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/1086c172-197a-42ca-b4e1-5373de2b0b00.png)
Calling the cops on rowdy college kids: justified or overreacting?

NTA shuts down rowdy night owls with fiery sleep request!

NTA: Standing up for peace and quiet!

NTA for calling cops on r**e, noisy partygoers. Universities cracking down.

Standing up against noisy neighbors: NTA’s college party nightmare

Last Updated on September 9, 2023 by Diply Social Team