Imagine this: you’re stranded on a deserted highway in the pouring rain, your car has broken down, and you’re freezing cold. You call your spouse for help, but they refuse to come to your rescue. How would you feel? One man found himself in this exact situation and decided to give his wife the cold shoulder. But was he justified, or did he take things too far? Let’s dive into this story and find out! ️♀️
Car Trouble in the Worst Conditions ️
A Desperate Call for Help
Wife’s Shocking Refusal
Turning to Family for Help
Brother to the Rescue
A Reluctant Lifesaver
Brother’s Wife’s Selflessness ❤️
The Long Wait
Hospitalized and Angry
Brother’s Advice: Forgive and Forget
Ignoring the Wife’s Attempts
Wife’s Anger and Mother-in-Law’s Disapproval
The Wife’s Emotional Turmoil
Mother-in-Law’s Verdict: J**k
Cold Shoulder or Justified Anger?
So, our stranded husband found himself in a dire situation, and his wife refused to come to his rescue. He ended up hospitalized with a severe fever, and during that time, he didn’t allow his wife to see him or communicate with him. When he finally returned home, his wife and mother-in-law were furious, calling him unreasonable and a j**k. But was he really in the wrong, or was his anger justified? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this dramatic situation!
Compassionate reply shows solidarity with OP’s justified reaction ❤️
Stranded husband’s wife refuses to help him, commenters say NTA
Stranded husband gets no sympathy from commenters
User accuses commenter of bad fiction writing. YTA.
Doubting the validity of the story, no sympathy given.
Be prepared and take responsibility for your own wellbeing.
Missed opportunities for help, ESH.
Curious commenter questions hospitalization reason after rainy wait.
User calls out fake story, questions details and credibility
Camping in blizzards with frostbite is worse than a fever
Partner’s lack of concern for safety is appalling and cruel
Communicate your upset instead of ghosting in an argument
Wife and mother-in-law are AHs, DARVO behavior explained. NTA.
When to draw the line on helping a partner?
Stranding your spouse is divorce-worthy
Stranded husband receives support after wife’s selfish behavior
Debunking the story with a touch of sarcasm
Stranded husband justified in giving cold shoulder to wife and MIL.
Leaving someone stranded in the rain: NTA or ESH?
NTA for being upset, but AH for not communicating
NTA. Dealbreaker? Couple’s counseling may save the marriage.
NTA. Marriage advice and empathy for a mistreated husband.
Spouse stranded, NTA cold shoulder justified. Did she apologize?
Stranded husband receives support after wife’s lack of empathy.
Partner’s lack of concern for spouse’s life is alarming
Is divorce really the only solution here?
Stranded husband receives support and advice on handling situation.
Spouse stranded by wife, commenter sympathizes and condemns wife’s behavior.
Stranded husband receives sympathy for wife’s selfishness.
Spouse refuses to pick up sick partner from hospital. NTA.
Agree, wife’s behavior was unacceptable. NTA for being upset.
NTA stands firm on not apologizing for stranded spouse incident.
Spouse’s cold response to stranded partner sparks outrage.
Spouse’s justified cold shoulder after wife left him stranded. ♂️
Wife’s reckless behavior leads to husband’s justified cold shoulder ❄️
Spouse prioritizes comfort over husband’s safety in dangerous situation.
Supportive comment, questioning the point of having an unsupportive wife
Stranded wife’s lack of care leads to justified cold shoulder.
Stranded husband’s wife prioritized selfishness over his life. NTA.
Stranded husband’s anger after hospitalization: justified or not? NTA.
Wife’s neglectful behavior causes justified anger and space needed. NTA.
Husband’s refusal to forgive wife after a week. ESH.
Reader questions details of story, supports OP’s reaction.
User questions hospitalization, calls wife TA, suggests divorce
Skeptical commenter calls out OP’s story for being fake.
NTA’s unwavering loyalty and call for respect in marriage
Stranded husband gets support from SIL, not wife. NTA
ESH couple argues over stranded partner, silent treatment ensues. ♂️
ESH, but ignoring her afterwards was unnecessary. Communicate and sort it out.
Crashed car, stranded husband, and childcare. Communicate, don’t isolate.
Stranded husband left waiting for 3 hours, commenter says NTA
Spouse refuses to help sick partner. NTA, wife is.
Wife’s reckless actions reveal her priorities, NTA for reacting coldly
Stranded husband receives support for not forgiving wife’s guilt.
Ignoring spouse for a week: justified or ridiculous? ESH.
Sick husband gives wife the cold shoulder. Toxic or justified?
Doubtful comment questions the validity of the story.
ESH. Wife should have gone to husband. Communication is key
Stranded husband gets called out for being TA and not taking initiative
Suggesting alternatives to freezing outside.
Stranded husband’s hospitalization leads to vindictive behavior from wife.
Stranded husband faces AH wife, questioned for not taking cab
Stranded husband called wife a callous a**hole. Divorce looming?
Partner should prioritize helping each other in times of need
Compassion wins over grudges. NTA for helping someone in need.
Partner’s support is crucial, counseling may help. NTA.
Stranded husband’s wife lacks support during his illness. NTA.
NTA comment: A loving partner wouldn’t leave you stranded.
Stranded husband’s justified NTA move after hospitalization.
Last Updated on February 24, 2024 by Diply Social Team