The mind of a child is a thing to behold. Their innocence and wonder can help to teach us to slow down and appreciate the little things life has to offer.
However, that same sense of innocence and wonder can also lead you down the rabbit hole to some truly odd and bizarre behavior. Have a look as these parents share the strange things their children are obsessed with.
Some things will never get old.
It hurts my soul to know that kids these days will never know what it was like to grow up with Saturday morning cartoons and The Looney Tunes . Yosemite Sam and Bugs Bunny were always two of my favorites.
So long as they’re reading, that’s all that matters.
“My 7yo uses an online reading app and she made her username “P**p,” so I keep getting emails with this subject line but I guess I should be glad P**p is reading.” – Twitter/@copymama
Everybody’s an armchair expert.
It’s remarkable how fast kids will go from knowing absolutely nothing about a sport to being able to give an Olympic athlete performance critiques and tips on their form. Kind of like how serious I get while watching The Bachelor .
Thank god that she didn’t try to dress up as Supergirl.
“My daughter thought that dressing up as Gekko from PJ Masks would mean she could stick to walls. She’s still testing that theory. I’m terrified.” – Twitter/@kelleychamp
When you finally realize that you’re raising a future sommelier.
If anyone ever slagged off on my ZInfandel, boy I tell you I would give them what for! In all seriousness though, these parents should encourage this behavior as far as it will take them.
These parents may have just solved the age old question of how to get kids to eat their vegetables.
“My daughter wanted to be a dragon for the longest time. Would only eat red food, to help with her “ fire .” So many bell peppers and strawberries.” – Twitter/@nicawrites
The moon is actually pretty incredible.
“My son is obsessed with the moon, which means that suddenly I also am, and that I now understand more of how the moon works than I have in my whole life and it’s pretty [expletive] amazing and I’m disappointed that I wasn’t paying attention before this.” – Twitter/@hankgreen
Why not try it another way?
“You think you’re going to have a pretty normal day and then your 5-year-old announces she only walks backwards [sic] now,” writes Twitter user @Lhlodder.
I’m genuinely curious how long they were able to keep it up for.
Children are nocturnal at the best of times.
Just be grateful that the kid is still sleeping. After he whacks his head off the corner of the wall enough times, he should start to come to his senses — or lose them entirely, I suppose.
Watching cartoons constantly is one of the biggest selling points on future fatherhood.
“Before having a kid the most important thing to ask yourself is “Am I ready to watch the exact same cartoon on repeat for the next 4 years?” – Twitter/@robfee
When you sign your own death warrant.
What kind of idiot would give a 13-year-old a kazoo? I guess if it’s any consolation, at least it isn’t a recorder. Those things caused my parents 3 years of straight h**l; I don’t know how they survived.
That wonderful yet simultaneously annoying stage where kids kind joy in the simplest of things.
“My daughter’s s new favorite game is called ‘walk around the table together,’” explained Twitter user and father @Average_Dad1. “It’s about as exciting as you’re imagining.”
Have you ever wondered what your pets taste like?
How many kids out there do you think have taken a bite out of their wiener dog simply to test whether or not their pooch tasted like hot dogs? I bet it’s more common than you’d suspect.
Monkey see, monkey do…
“This morning my toddler informed me — w great enthusiasm — that when she grows up, she will “drink coffee!” and “go to the office!” And it occurs to me that we’re modeling some pretty grim behavior around here.” – Twitter/@AshleyRParker
Life is full of disappointments.
That poor little confused boy, if only you could grow up to be a real flamingo. Now wouldn’t that be a twisted Pinnochio-inspired tale if ever there was one?
Last Updated on September 15, 2021 by Jordan Claes