Picture this: You’re hosting a party for your parents’ wedding anniversary and decide to fly out your step-siblings and their partners to celebrate. You even offer your stepbrother and his partner to stay on your yacht for the week. But things take a turn when the partner, known for her militant social justice views, starts making inappropriate comments at an afterparty. You decide enough is enough and kick them off the yacht, but should you be responsible for their hotel expenses? ♀️ This is the dilemma one woman faced, and the internet is divided.
The Anniversary Celebration
Yacht Accommodations ️
Unpopular Fran
Party Time
Afterparty on the Yacht
Fran’s Rant
Awkward Silence
The Morning After ☕
Fran’s Attitude
The Hotel Bill
Parents’ Intervention
Standing Her Ground
Afterparty Consent ✅
Paying the Bill
Mark’s Apology
Fran’s Insecurity
Understanding Fran
Moving Forward ⏩
Apologies and Gifts
The Verdict: Hotel Bill Paid, but Lessons Learned
After much debate, our yacht-owning protagonist decided to pay the hotel bill to keep the peace with her parents. She also had a heart-to-heart with her stepbrother Mark, who apologized for Fran’s behavior and explained her insecurities. They agreed to move forward, with Fran no longer being offered free travel or accommodations in the future. As for the afterparty guests, they received small gifts as an apology for the awkwardness. While our protagonist may not agree with Fran’s views or manners, she now has a better understanding of where she’s coming from. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
OP’s stepbrother and SIL criticized their generosity. NTA for kicking them out.
Is the story really funny or just a cringe-worthy mistake?
Consequences for speaking out: NTA refuses to pay extra costs
Comment section reads like terrible fiction
Commenter calls out OP’s classism and arrogance, YTA confirmed
OP broke their word but guests were r**e. ESH.
Commenter and Fran both s**k, but not the time or place ♀️
A ‘funny’ incident leads to a huge fine. Industry secrets revealed
YTA for kicking out guests over a mild comment.
Commenter calls out classism in yacht dispute, ESH.
Commenter calls out OP for baiting with acronym YTA
Commenter calls OP YTA for kicking out stepbrother and SIL.
Commenter calls out OP for being a j**k, but OP defends.
Commenter calls out obliviousness of yacht owner and guests. ESH
OP offered to pay, then kicked them out. ESH, but pay up!
Commenter calls out snotty behavior in ESH situation
Offered yacht stay but took party to yacht, causing discomfort.
YTA for putting them on yacht to avoid them, then partying.
OP’s out of touch behavior called out by commenter and replies
Commenter calls out entitled behavior and lack of accountability
NTA for refusing to pay hotel bill after accommodating already.
Commenter calls out OP’s privilege and suggests paying hotel bill
Commenter calls out OP for being an AH and lording money over people. SIL is still horrid.
YTA gets called out for being r**e and combative
Calling out the wealthy and their privilege
OP knew SIL’s behavior but didn’t give her a chance
ESH, hosting gone wrong with after party on yacht. Drama ensues.
Commenter suggests paying hotel bill after kicking out stepbrother and SIL.
Commenter defends Fran, suggests better communication and boundaries.
Mixed opinions on paying hotel bill after kicking out family.
Bad guest, bad host, and an idiot: ESH
YTA invites guests to use stepbrother’s yacht, then complains about behavior
YTA gets called out, SIL defends, drama ensues
Commenter criticizes OP’s wealth and ethics.
Short and not so sweet: YTA
ESH conflict: OP humiliates Fran in front of friends, but Fran ungrateful.
NTA flew them out, made accomodations, treated to meals, disrespected.
Debate over social justice leads to everyone sucking here.
Polite people don’t insult their hosts. Fran should pay hotel bill.
A funny altercation led to a fine? Here’s what happened
NTA offers hospitality, but guests spit on it. Awkward hotel bill.
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you
Commenter calls out YTA with a Diogenes quote
NTA tears up hotel bill after stepbrother and SIL’s behavior
Keeping promises is important, even with an obnoxious sister-in-law.
Curious about the hotel bill? Was it really that expensive?
Proper etiquette: NTA! They disrespected you & your guests shamefully.
Send them a bill for their time on your yacht
Commenter calls out YTA and predicts karma
NTA comment shuts down argument with clever metaphor
Commenter questions the character of the people involved
Navigating the high seas of hotel bills
Commenter says NTA and delivers a blunt verdict
Cutting off mooching stepbrother and SIL. NTA, but pay for parents.
Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team