Being a stay-at-home mom with a newborn and a toddler is no walk in the park, and sometimes, you need a little help. But what happens when the help doesn’t meet your expectations? Our mom in question found herself in the middle of a domestic drama, with a nanny who she felt wasn’t stepping up to the plate. Let’s dive into this whirlwind of blueberries, cleaning disputes, and nanny nightmares.
A New Nanny Enters the Scene
The Nanny’s New Role
The Nanny’s Response
Cleaning Expectations vs Reality
The Micromanaging Accusation ️♀️
The Timetable Solution
Phone Time Troubles
The Blueberry Incident
The Confrontation
The Nanny’s Resignation
The Reliability Issue ⏰
The Final Question ❓
A Mom, A Nanny, and a Blueberry: Who’s in the Wrong?
Our stay-at-home mom found herself in a sticky situation, navigating the unfamiliar territory of hiring a nanny. From cleaning disputes to blueberry incidents, it was a rollercoaster ride. The nanny felt micromanaged, while the mom felt her standards were not being met. The situation escalated, leading to the nanny’s resignation. The question remains, was the mom too demanding or just maintaining her household standards? Let’s hear what the internet has to say about this domestic drama…
YTA: Trust issues, micromanagement, and passive-aggressive traps. Awful work environment.
“YTA. Hire a housekeeper or pay the nanny more.”
Nanny vs Housekeeper mix-up? Hilarious confusion!
“YTA, micromanaging your nanny? Not cool!”
YTA for micromanaging. Hire a housekeeper instead.
“YTA. You intentionally left the kitchen messy to see if she’d clean it up after she said she’s not a housekeeper. You got unreasonably angry after a single, individual blueberry got missed. Your standards for housekeeping are yours, but your nanny IS NOT A HOUSEKEEPER.”
“YTA. If you’ve got the time to track the lifespan of stray blueberries and set traps, you probably don’t need a nanny *or* housekeeper. Apparently she thought the same.”
“YTA. SAHM with nanny? Shouldn’t you take care of kids?”
YTA wants a housekeeper, but traps might scare them off.
YTA: Expecting your nanny to clean? Hire a maid instead!
YTA. Nanny stands up for herself.
“YTA. Micromanaging nanny, control issues, and a slob to boot. “
YTA. Demanding tasks outside job description, accusing of lying.
“YTA. Micromanaging nanny ruins child’s education. Surprised nanny didn’t quit sooner.”
“YTA. Nannies hate parents like you. Let them do their job! “
Commenter calls out OP for being a micromanaging nightmare.
Nanny’s revenge plan: leaving things in weird places!
YTA. Don’t treat your nanny like a housekeeper!
SAHM with a nanny? YTA! Lazy and entitled
“YTA- you don’t want a nanny, you may want a maid. “
Is it fair to call yourself a SAHM if you hire help?
YTA. Hire a housekeeper and stop being an overbearing lunatic.
Entitled mom gets called out for unreasonable expectations.
“YTA. Unmanaged anxiety issues? Control your environment to an unhealthy degree.”
Nanny escapes the micromanaging nightmare!
YTA – Expecting too much from the nanny turned cleaner.
Experienced nanny shares nightmare boss encounter, ends with quitting.
YTA – Micromanaging nanny leads to uncomfortable resignation.
Expectations vs. Reality: Nanny’s Job Description Sparks Controversy
Nanny refuses to be a maid, accidentally misses blueberry.
Nanny vs. Mom: Expectations and boundaries collide. ♀️
YTA receives a reality check from fellow nannies.
“YTA 100%. You don’t understand what a nanny is.”
OP expected too much from nanny, should hire housekeeper
YTA comment: Demanding nanny + dropped blueberry = disaster!
“YTA. Disrespectful, controlling, dismissive, and arrogant. You set yourself up for failure.”
Stay-at-home mom’s nanny nightmare: jealousy, micromanaging, and YTA judgement
“YTA. Double a**hole for paying a nanny as a SAHM? ♀️ Hire housekeeping instead!”
“Abusive and petty employer? YTA! No more help needed! “
“YTA – Expecting a nanny to do housekeeping? Stingy and entitled!”
“YTA. Pregnancy hormones aren’t an excuse to treat people poorly.”
Privilege and micromanaging – a nightmare for everyone involved!
Employer gets called out for being impossible to work for
Nanny’s job is to care for kids, not clean counters. YTA
“YTA. You expected too much from her and micromanaged. “
“YTA. Treat your nanny with respect and don’t be entitled. “
YTA, trying to exploit nanny’s work and being overly demanding.
Commenter calls out OP for trolling with a rage bait post
Nanny nightmare: Micromanaging or justified? One-blueberry-mama’s hives say it all!
Outrage over nanny’s lack of flexibility and unfair treatment
Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Diply Social Team