Meet our modern-day Sleeping Beauty (22F) and her Prince Charming (22M). She loves her sleep, so much so that alarm clocks are no match for her. Instead, she relies on her boyfriend to wake her up, a task that often feels like a Herculean effort. The prince, however, is growing tired of the daily struggle to rouse her from slumber. The drama unfolds when she lands a job in a corporate office and needs to be up early for her first day. She makes him promise to wake her up, but things don’t go as planned…
The Sleeping Beauty’s Daily Routine
The Prince’s Struggle
The Big Day Arrives ⏰
The Promise
The Morning Battle
The Final Attempt and Surrender
The Aftermath ♀️
The Blame Game Begins
The Argument Heats Up
The Prince Fights Back ️
The Unresolved Conflict ♂️
The Promise Revisited
A Promise, A Missed Alarm, and A Blame Game: Who’s in the Wrong? ♀️
So, our Prince Charming did everything he could to wake up his Sleeping Beauty for her big day, but to no avail. She overslept, missed her first day at work, and came home blaming him for breaking his promise. Despite his best efforts, he’s now caught in a whirlwind of blame and accusations. But is it really his fault? Or is it time for Sleeping Beauty to take responsibility for her own wake-up calls? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this tangled tale of sleep, promises, and blame.
Possible health issues causing excessive sleep and difficulty waking up
NTA: Girlfriend’s responsibility to wake up, but OP should follow through
“She needs to take responsibility for her medical issue. NTA!”
NTA. She needs help waking up – not normal.
Seeking medical advice for Sleeping Beauty’s work absence
NTA. Commenters relate to dating someone with hypersomnia, share stories.
ESH: Stop enabling her. Be direct and let her figure it out.
ESH. Lack of communication and concern for safety leads to conflict.
NTA, suggest seeing sleep specialist. Personal experience overcoming sleep issues.
Concerned about Sleeping Beauty’s excessive sleep? NTA suggests medical help.
ESH: She s***s for not waking up, you for enabling.
ESH: Lack of communication leads to blame game and immaturity.
Deja vu! The subreddit loves recycling stories.
NTA. Sleeping Beauty needs a wake-up call, literally!
ESH for this one time – you’d told her you’d wake her up for this, you’ve always done it in the past, so she had no reason to expect that you wouldn’t. You choose THIS time when the stakes were high to make a stand? Sorry but that’s a d**k move. But she s***s for using you like that in general and needs to go see a sleep specialist to figure out the real problem here.
Concerned about excessive sleep, NTA suggests medical consultation. ⚕️
NTA. She wants you to put a business suit on too?
ESH. Late start? Blame it on Sleeping Beauty’s medical issue!
NTA: She needs to take responsibility for her actions.
Ingenious alarm solution for heavy sleepers! Engineer away your problems!
Support her persistence in seeking medical help!
NTA needs to grow up and take responsibility
Mixed opinions on personal promises and clear communication.
Promises broken: Who’s really to blame for Sleeping Beauty’s absence?
NTA. You fulfilled your promise. Is she always this irresponsible?
NTA, seek medical help for potential sleep disorder!
Narcolepsy? No way! Expecting an alarm clock? B******t! NTA
NTA: Sleeping Beauty needs a reality check!
Creative alarm tactics to wake up a sleepy coworker!
NTA: Adult should take responsibility for waking up, not you.
“Wake up call” fails, girlfriend called lazy by doctor. NTA.
NTA. Adult needs to take care of business. Sleep disorder?
User criticizes repetitive alarm posts, calls out mods.
NTA: Adult needs to take responsibility for waking up.
Sleeping Beauty’s sleep disorder raises questions about responsibility. NAH.
NTA…medical problem? Encourage her to talk to her doc! ⚕️
NTA: Stand up for yourself and set some boundaries!
NTA for not being able to wake up your partner.
NTA, but could there be a medical issue at play?
Encourage her to get tested for Sleep Apnea! ⚕️
Wake-up call suggestion: ice cold water as an alarm clock. NTA
Medical diagnosis needed for Sleeping Beauty, NTA.
NTA: Encourage her to seek medical help or move on.
Sleeping in? NTA needs help!
Not your fault
NTA: Sleeping Beauty needs to take responsibility and get organized.
Seek medical help! Sleep apnea or brain tumor? Get assistance!
Deep sleeper struggles: 3 alarms aren’t enough for her!
Seeking medical advice for Sleeping Beauty’s absence. Not the a**hole.
Last Updated on December 26, 2023 by Diply Social Team