Ever had a sneaky sibling with sticky fingers? Well, a 25-year-old woman found herself in a similar situation when she noticed her medical marijuana stash mysteriously dwindling. Her 14-year-old brother, her only housemate, became the prime suspect. But instead of confronting him, she decided to pull a prank that has since sparked a lively debate.
The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Stash ️♀️

A Suspect Emerges

Setting the Trap

The Reveal and the Backlash

The Defense ️

The Final Verdict ️

A Prank, A Laugh, or A Lesson?
What started as a harmless prank has now turned into a moral quandary. Was the sister right in teaching her brother a lesson in a humorous way, or did she cross a line? While she insists catnip is harmless and the incident will be a funny story in the future, her friend believes she should come clean to their parents. As the debate rages on, we’ve gathered some of the most thought-provoking responses from the internet. Let’s dive in!
Prank on pot-pilfering brother sparks drama. NTA if one-time, YWBTA if ongoing. Hide stash.

“NTA. Have a talk with him about stealing your marijuana.”

Lock up your weed and don’t give minors the opportunity

Prank sparks debate on age and drug use.

Catnip experiment gone wrong

NTA for harmless prank, but lock your stuff up now!

A funny prank that shows sibling love and weird care

Hilarious prank gone wrong! ESH for handling it poorly
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Sibling prank leads to debate on drug safety and growth

Sibling drama over pot prank and medication theft. ESH.

Sibling prank leads to unexpected drama over pot-pilfering brother

Epic revenge plan: a massive d***o to protect your stash

Hilarious prank with pot turns into unexpected drama

Engaging caption: Sneaky sibling prank turns into unexpected drama!

Concerned about brother’s cannabis use? Discuss the long-term effects!

NTA saves the day by pranking pot-pilfering brother!

Hilarious prank! NTA, some people need to chill

Sibling prank goes wrong when child smokes catnip

Hilarious prank sparks drama, commenter finds it funny

Harmless prank turns into unexpected drama. Weed and sibling rivalry!

Confrontation would’ve been better than spiking him. YTA.

NTA. Prank reveals brother’s theft and smoking habits, needs guidance.

Mixing tobacco and catnip for a minor buzz? Interesting combo!

NTA finds humor in smoking catnip and stealing weed

Creative herbal joint prank sparks harmless sibling drama

Hilarious prank on pot-pilfering brother sparks unexpected drama

Catnip: The Unexpected Ingredient in Incense and Hilarity Ensues

NTA. Friend is a party pooper
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NTA. Teenagers + marijuana = scary s**t
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Secure your stash or his stupidity will get you in trouble

Freezer: the ultimate hiding spot for pot-pilfering siblings

“NTA. My dad had a similar approach with me. “

“YTA. You’re the adult here. Lock up your drugs securely.”

Hilarious prank turns into unexpected drama over stolen weed

Protect your meds with a lockbox! NTA for sure

Hilarious prank on brother with catnip, not rat poison!
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Prankster sibling gets revenge on pot-pilfering brother!

Catnip prank exposes brother’s pot-pilfering, sparks harmless drama

Smoker sibling prank sparks drama, but NTA for revenge

Hilarious prank on brother with catnip sparks unexpected drama

NTA. Brother’s pot prank sparks drama and room lock talk

Hilarious prank sparks drama, commenter approves with

NTA. Weed and brain development don’t mix. Catnip is safer.

Engaging caption: NTA – Catnip prank sparks sibling drama and cannabis boundaries.

Sibling prank with catnip sparks drama but teaches a lesson
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Sister’s prank sparks drama, but she’s not the a**hole

Prank war escalates as sibling seeks sweet revenge
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Dad’s unconventional lesson sparks debate over harmless catnip prank

Protect your stash with a personal safe

Curious to know how he reacted to the prank?

NTA: Prank gone wrong, but a funny lesson learned!

Belly laughs and no a**hole? That’s a prank win!

Sibling prank leads to unexpected drama

Smoking catnip? NTA prank goes up in smoke!

Catnip prank leads to unexpected anxiety and paranoia. NTA.

Update on the brother talk with unexpected twists

Brotherly love and maturity in the face of substance use
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/cd358937-0f39-4be1-8cb5-84a735349f4d.png)
A stoner’s mind exposed. Gross! You’re the a**hole!

Catnip-loving commenter shares their innocent perspective on the prank

Funny prank leads to unexpected drama and missed communication

YTA. Dangerous prank escalates sibling drama. Catnip can harm humans.

Dad’s epic prank on brother’s tobacco stash backfires hilariously

Prank gone wrong! Booby trapping pot sparks unexpected drama

14yr olds and their marijuana pranks

Lock up your pot or it might attack!

Harmless prank or missed opportunity for responsible drug talk? YTA

Sibling prank backfires, exposing hypocritical weed-stealing brother.

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Diply Social Team