Ever had a houseguest who just doesn’t know when to leave? Or worse, one who thinks they own the place? Well, meet our protagonist, a 27-year-old woman who’s found herself in a bit of a pickle. She shares an apartment with her younger sister, but things take a turn for the worse when her sister’s boyfriend starts acting like he owns the place. Let’s dive into this drama-filled saga, shall we?
The Apartment Agreement

A Sibling’s Share

The Domestic Dispute

The Boyfriend’s Bad Habits

Midnight Madness

The Late-Night Confrontation ⏰

Drawing the Line ✋

The Boyfriend Ban

Standing Her Ground ️

The Aftermath ️

The Warning ⚠️

A Promised Apology

The Reality Check ✔️

The Future Plans

The Wake-Up Call

A Battle of Boundaries: The Fallout of a Family Feud
In this emotional rollercoaster, our protagonist finds herself caught between familial love and the need for respect in her own home. After a heated argument and a late-night confrontation, she decides to ban her sister’s unruly boyfriend from their shared apartment. Accusations fly, tempers flare, and the sisterly bond is put to the test. But will this decision lead to a peaceful resolution or further fan the flames of conflict? And what does this mean for their living situation moving forward? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
NTA. A man storms into your bedroom, your safe space, in the middle of the night screaming at you?! He wouldn’t be allowed in my home either.

NTA. Kick sister out for giving him a key

NTA. Don’t risk your living arrangements for your sister’s relationship

NTA’s sister’s bf is a j**k, lucky no police involved

NTA files restraining order against unruly guest, sister’s apartment dispute.

Struggling with sister’s unruly boyfriend, torn between safety and love

Sister’s boyfriend causing trouble in OP’s apartment. NTA!

NTA. Set boundaries with your sister or she’ll face consequences

NTA. Sister’s immature, boyfriend defends her against big sister.

NTA: Love troubles and roommate woes, a tangled web of drama

NTA. Set boundaries, change locks, prioritize your safety

NTA!!! Ban him permanently! Change the lock ASAP!

Change locks? Sister’s mental health? Move in with him!

Hold your ground! You’re not the a**hole.

NTA, but why doesn’t your door lock?

Concerned for sister’s safety, NTA tries to protect her

Unruly guest vs. landlord’s law: Kick her out or not? NTA

Protect yourself! File a restraining order against the violent guest.

Restraining order: the ultimate solution for unruly guests!

NTA. Set boundaries and prioritize your own comfort at home.

NTA demands apology before allowing unruly guest back

NTA: Sister’s bf causing trouble? Time for some tough choices
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Setting boundaries with sister’s unruly guest

Unruly guest barges in while she sleeps, NTA for kicking out!

NTA. Sister’s man scares you at night? Ditch them both

NTA: Abusive, toxic guest causing chaos and invading privacy!

NTA, sister needs to follow rules or find new place
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/cee4fbcc-1aae-41bb-9141-861c4e8f1f7e.png)
Setting boundaries: Taking action against an unruly house guest

Stand your ground! Call the cops on that unwanted intruder!

Invasion of privacy! NTA’s safety at risk!

NTA. Don’t let him back in! Get a restraining order!

NTA. Sister needs to go as well.

Stand your ground! ♂️ Let her know the consequences.

NTA. Your house, your rules. They need to grow up.

NTA-pack your sister up. She’s lost all her chances at this point. You need to maintain some safety (and trust me, when a guy flies off the handle like that, he’s not good for your sister’s mental health either, so by kicking her out, you’re actually helping her too.)

Sisterly drama: Victim or villain? The truth revealed!

NTA. Consider changing locks & obtaining restraining order for safety

NTA. Foster sister’s dangerous relationship creates escalating drama

Safety first! Setting boundaries with unruly guests. NAH.

Protect your privacy with a door wedge!
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Protect your home and mental health, NTA!

Taking matters into her own hands: Filing a police report

NTA: Kick out sister’s unruly boyfriend, change locks, and protect yourself

Personal space invaded! NTA for keeping him out.

Tensions rise as commenter slams sister’s mental health issues.

Stand your ground! Don’t let your entitled sister walk all over you

Not the a**hole. Share your stories in the comments below!

Sisterly love vs landlord’s law. Who’s the real a**hole here?

NTA. Kick him out and get a restraining order!

Safety first! Room invasion and verbal attack. NTA

NTA. Boyfriend’s behavior is concerning. Stand your ground and stay safe

Protect your sister from an abusive bully

NTA. Kick her out and let her fend for herself.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/86f0c3c7-f3c0-48a5-8c68-1a005eafecc5.png)
Taking a stand against an unruly guest

Last Updated on September 11, 2023 by Diply Social Team