In the midst of the tumultuous year of 2020, a woman (28F) found herself in a unique predicament. Her younger sister (25F), unemployed and homeless, needed a place to stay. The older sister, a single mother, needed a babysitter. A deal was struck: free room and board in exchange for babysitting. But when the younger sister demanded more, the older sister laid down an ultimatum that’s causing quite the stir. Let’s dive into this family drama.
A Sister in Need
The Babysitting Deal
The Job Description
The Unexpected Demand
The Financial Reality Check
The Counteroffer
The Ultimatum
The Backup Plan
The Emotional Aftermath
A Babysitting Bargain or a Family Feud?
In the midst of a global crisis, a woman found herself in a unique predicament. Her sister, jobless and homeless, moved in with her in exchange for babysitting her daughter. But when the younger sister demanded a $25 hourly wage, the older sister laid down an ultimatum: babysit or move out. Now, the internet is buzzing with opinions on this family drama. Let’s see what people have to say about this situation…
NTA. Yeeesh, talk about biting the hand that feeds.
NTA – Sister wants fair pay for babysitting, OP explains expenses.
“She wants free housing, bills paid, and a wage? NTA!”
NTA. Sister wants more, but OP already does enough.
NTA: Pay her for babysitting and charge her for rent
NTA but she needs a reality check on her expenses
NTA for setting boundaries, but a conversation is needed
Show her the bills and rent, get her babysitting reimbursement!
Negotiate fair exchange of rent for babysitting. NTA.
NTA. Sister should be grateful for all you do
Agreed to support sister, but she demands more money
NTA- You’re doing right by your sister
Negotiating with a demanding sister. NTA!
NTA wants to feel valued, consider paying her a wage
Fair pay for childcare and bills, $25 is ridiculous
NTA, but sister feels undervalued. Compromise: pay nominal rent, cover bills.
Outrageous demands! Is she for real? Holy Heck!
NTA. Sister got influenced by a friend or Reddit advice
Fairly compensating for expenses, NTA.
NTA: Expecting sister to babysit? Reasonable or choosing beggar?
Sister agreed to arrangement, now wants to break it
NTA – You told her beforehand and have a text message.
NTA: Sister agreed to babysit when moving in for free
NTA. Sister wants to be paid for babysitting, but her request is unreasonable.
NTA. Offer her a choice: free housing + childcare or pay rent & bills + $20/hr
Negotiate a win-win solution: fair pay and valued job.
Creative ultimatum: babysit or pay rent. Not the a**hole (NTA)
NTA – Negotiate terms with a business-like arrangement for fairness
Sister’s financial stress leads to poorly executed babysitting ultimatum
Concerned about daughter’s meds. OP clarifies it’s just allergies
Setting boundaries pays off! NTA saves sister from potential disaster
Generous stipend offered, but sister’s demands are unreasonable
NTA. Kick her out.
NTA. Set boundaries and stick to them.
NTA. Setting boundaries with entitled siblings.
Babysitting for $25 an hour? Let’s talk about the difference.
Fair play: renegotiating terms gives both sides a fair chance
NTA: Set boundaries with sister and discuss financial responsibilities.
Paying bills for sister: job or sisterly favor?
Offer her an alternative: $20/hr or pay her own bills
Sibling financial dynamics: Who’s the real winner here?
Not the a**hole. Let’s unravel this babysitting ultimatum
Fair deal or financial burden? The babysitting ultimatum debate
Calculating the cost of her entitlement
Turn the tables on her and watch the money flow!
Demanding $25/hr for babysitting? Delusional! Knows where the door is
Setting boundaries in your own house? NTA, stand your ground!
NTA. Sister’s wage drama sparks heated debate.
NTA. Boundaries set, but sister demands more. Insane $25/hr!
When babysitting turns into a choosing beggars situation
NTA. You’re reasonable and totally right
NTA. She sounds like a toddler herself
“NTA. Pay her like a real job or keep paying.”
NTA, but cover your a** by stopping payment and giving a wage
NTA: Set boundaries and split expenses to avoid being taken advantage of
Is $25 an hour too much for babysitting?
NTA. Sister wants more pay for babysitting, but already has a good deal
NTA. Being an au pair is a great opportunity with benefits
Is she entitled or just in need of help?
NTA! Cleverly turning the tables on a freeloading ex-roommate
NTA: Offer to pay her and make her pay for everything else!
NTA: The ultimate sisterly sacrifice that’s being taken for granted
Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by Diply Social Team