We’ve all had our fair share of sibling rivalries, but this one takes the cake! A young woman, tired of being treated like a servant by her family, finally puts her foot down. Her brother, five years her junior, has always been spoiled by their parents. She’s managed to escape the family dynamic, build a successful career in the film industry, and even find love in Vancouver, Canada. But when her family comes to visit, old habits die hard.
The Servant Sister
Spoiled Brother
New Life in Vancouver
Family Visit
Maid Duties Return
Standing Her Ground
Cannabis Laws in Canada
Airport Warning Signs
Brother’s Luggage Surprise
Parents Blame Sister
Feeling Guilty
A Simple Request
Sister’s Stand Leads to Brother’s Arrest
This sister finally stood up to her family’s unfair expectations, but she never imagined it would lead to her brother’s arrest! After refusing to pack his luggage, her brother carelessly crammed his belongings into his bag, including some cannabis. Despite the numerous warning signs at the airport, he ended up getting caught and arrested. Now, the parents are blaming the sister for not taking responsibility for her brother’s actions. She admits to feeling guilty, but wonders if things would have turned out differently if her brother had simply asked for help nicely. ♀️ Let’s see what the internet thinks of this sticky situation…
NTA. Setting boundaries and facing the consequences.
NTA. Family’s mental gymnastics is Olympic gold-worthy
NTA. Brother’s illegal actions, not your responsibility.
NTA – Blame your parents and brother for this mess!
NTA. Hilarious airport solution for a level of stupid!
NTA – Raising a spoiled brat
Parents s**k and screwed up brother. NTA for refusing.
NTA! Family’s disgusting behavior leads to surprising arrest.
Parents blaming you for brother’s drug use? Hilarious! NTA
NTA. Brother’s entitled behavior causes family tension. Stay strong!
NTA – Dodged a bullet by not going to Russia
NTA: Sweet consequences await the brother who expects sister’s help.
NTA: Brother’s drug use, bad parents, and setting boundaries
Sibling luggage drama: NTA, parents to blame for coddling brother
Feeling smug after refusing to pack brother’s luggage
NTA. Teach brother self-sufficiency or parents do it themselves
Teaching responsibility: NTA refuses to pack brother’s luggage.
Sibling rivalry escalates over packing, resulting in surprising arrest
Sibling refuses to pack brother’s bag, sparks surprising arrest
Sibling refuses to help with drugs. A surprising outcome
NTA: Is he banned? Did they expect him to stay?
Sibling squabble over packing luggage and weed. NTA wins!
Curious about the charges? Find out what happened!
Stand your ground and let your parents handle their entitled brat
NTA: Brother’s entitlement leads to a surprising arrest
NTA – Pack your own suitcase! Your parents are insane.
Dealing with drug smuggling siblings: NTA and light up!
Curiosity sparks: Why do you like him?
Last Updated on February 4, 2024 by Diply Social Team