We all know that family gatherings can be a source of drama, but this story takes it to a whole new level! A woman (27F) invites her parents and younger sister Emily (20F) to her house for a birthday weekend. Little did she know, Emily’s long-time crush on her husband (27M) would resurface and turn the celebration into an awkward and uncomfortable situation. ♀️
The Blast from the Past Crush

Crush Gone, or So They Thought

Long-Awaited Reunion

Flirting Alert!

Uncomfortable Vibes

Husband’s Concerns

Confronting Emily

Denial and Defensiveness

The Bold Statement

The Breaking Point

The Departure

Mixed Reactions

Mom’s Disapproval

Sister’s Flirting Fiasco: Justified or Overreaction?
This birthday weekend turned sour when Emily’s crush on her sister’s husband resurfaced, causing discomfort for everyone involved. After confronting Emily, the sister lost her patience and kicked her out of the house, leaving the family divided on whether the decision was justified or an overreaction. Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
NTA for kicking out sister who made partner uncomfortable

Sister’s confident response confirms OP’s decision to kick her out

Little sister’s creepy behavior gets called out, family divided ♂️

20-year-old sister’s inappropriate behavior leads to justified eviction.

Setting boundaries is important, even with family members.

A shocking comment leads to a savage comeback

Setting boundaries and consequences for family members

Sister’s delusion leads to her own downfall

Mom’s enabling behavior emboldened entitled sister. NTA.

Commenter admits mistake in not stopping sister’s inappropriate behavior.

Setting boundaries and standing up for yourself.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/c5a314d0-36a0-4afa-8311-5a1fed40257e.png)
Commenter and reply agree: sister is a tart

Delusional sister gets called out, NTA prevails

Commenter suggests violent response to sister’s behavior, questions mother’s defense.

Sister’s inappropriate behavior gets her kicked out. NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/bebc0018-b12e-4acb-8793-b44a6149b495.png)
Sister’s flirting with husband leads to justified eviction

Sister’s flirting leads to eviction, commenter suggests therapy
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/7ba8e7b6-284c-4ec2-8c4b-5ba402b112be.png)
Sister’s inappropriate behavior ignored by mother, justified by herself

Commenter agrees with NTA verdict and is shocked by situation

Sibling flirting with spouse is gross and delusional.

Sibling rivalry gone too far. NTA for setting boundaries

NTA. Setting boundaries with family can be difficult

Even dad noticed the flirting #NTA

Cutting contact with flirty sister until she proves maturity. #NTA

Unwanted sisterly advances, insulted couple, NTA wins

Sibling rivalry and uncomfortable advances lead to family fallout.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/f553ddf6-9f02-456e-92f7-c8da2a373b88.png)
Supportive comment defends OP’s decision to kick out sister.

Husband avoided sister’s flirting, but didn’t directly confront her

Sister’s flirting gets her kicked out. NTA for protecting husband

NTA. Kicking out sister was the right move to avoid drama

Awkward car rides after confronting sister’s behavior

Setting boundaries with family members can be tough

Comment too short, please add more context.

Commenter sympathizes but calls out sister’s behavior. NTA

Setting boundaries with a young and inappropriate sister. NTA

Standing up to a bold sister who flirts with husband

Defending oneself doesn’t justify bad behavior. NTA

Commenter calls out inconsiderate behavior in sister’s flirting scandal

Sister’s flirty comment crosses a line, NTA stands firm

Commenter considers letting sister flirt to teach her a lesson

Glad husband spoke up, sister could’ve twisted rejection. #NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a14025e5-2caa-4760-b005-a5e025d431d2.png)
Sister flirts with husband, gets kicked out. NTA wins!

Sister hits on ex, claims to keep him for sibling. NTA

Setting boundaries and standing up for yourself is important

Sibling flirting with spouse? NTA, appreciate loyal partner!

Sister’s flirting backfires, gets defensive when confronted. NTA

Commenter sympathizes with sister’s behavior, advises OP to confront mother.

Comparing sister’s behavior to Gail from Bob’s Burgers. NTA.

Emily gets some tough love in the comments

Sibling flirting is a big no-no!

Commenter suggests unresolved issues with sister, advises communication ️

Standing up to sister’s inappropriate behavior. NTA wins.

Sister’s inappropriate behavior gets rightfully called out.

NTA, sister’s flirting made husband uncomfortable. He needs to speak up.

Husband felt uncomfortable, sister got kicked out. NTA

Setting boundaries is important, even with family

Sister’s creepy behavior gets called out with a NTA verdict

Mom’s double standard on sister’s behavior sparks outrage.

Double standards in addressing harassment. Possible jealousy, therapy recommended.

Supportive comment, but where’s the drama?

Sibling solidarity in the face of awkward advances

Husband should have spoken up, mom’s response is problematic

Setting boundaries is important, and harassment is never okay.

Commenter agrees that sister’s behavior is creepy.

Commenter jokingly threatens sister’s teeth, NTA sentiment.

Emily disowns sister for flirting with brother-in-law

Dismissive sister gets the boot for flirting with brother-in-law

Respect your partner’s boundaries, family should support not dismiss them.

Sister’s crush on husband caused jealousy and deserved consequences.

Agreeing with NTA comment on sister needing therapy

Wife defends husband against sister’s inappropriate behavior. NTA wins.

Flirting with family’s spouse is a no-go. NTA, go no-contact

Sibling rivalry taken too far. Will she learn her lesson?

Sister flirts with sister’s husband, gets kicked out. NTA.

Consequences of bad behavior: NTA comment section

Last Updated on June 5, 2023 by Diply Social Team