Picture this: an 18-year-old girl with zero experience in taking care of babies is suddenly left in charge of her sister’s 3-month-old baby. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened to one young woman when her sister needed to go grocery shopping and then decided to get her nails done. The inexperienced aunt had no idea how to handle the situation, and things quickly spiraled out of control. Let’s dive into this dramatic tale!
Inexperienced Aunt’s Dilemma ♀️

Sister’s Request ️

Reluctant Babysitter

Setting Boundaries ⏳

Sister’s Extended Absence

Desperate Measures

Sister’s Reaction

Feeling Guilty?

Car Seat Clarification

YouTube to the Rescue?

Willing to Learn

Mom Steps In

Sister’s Devious Plan

Family Resolution

Family Drama Resolved, Lessons Learned
In the end, the family came together to resolve the situation. The mom stepped in and gave the sister an earful, while the sister’s husband was furious at her devious plan. They decided to get the sister evaluated for postpartum d********n and the inexperienced aunt will now learn how to properly care for a baby. It’s a wild ride from start to finish, but it looks like this family is on the path to healing and understanding. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this rollercoaster of a story…
NTA for refusing to babysit sister’s baby without proper preparation

Teen babysits for 1 hour, sister abandons baby for 5. NTA.

Sister deceives and endangers baby for a nail appointment. NTA wins!

NTA! Sister ignored your warning about babysitting, nails were planned

Agreement broken, sister expected too much. NTA wins with police threat

Teen agrees to babysit for an hour, sister changes plans.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/bdde26d7-9018-4550-ba2c-9a21176ed6f0.png)
Expensive nails, but can’t afford a sitter? NTA agrees

Taking care of a baby is not a trial and error task . Even being shown is different. NTA.

Teen left with baby, commenter calls out poor parenting skills

Sister leaves baby longer than agreed, demands more time. NTA

Commenter questions sister’s entitlement, doubts her expectations for help.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/bb457764-11d4-4a69-b53c-17d6eef7ac28.png)
Mom takes advantage of inexperienced teen, commenter says NTA

Teen praised for handling baby drama like a pro

Sister dumps baby on inexperienced teen, gets upset when neglected. NTA.

Sister pressures teen to babysit, lies about return time. Neglects child.

Standing up for yourself and the baby.

Parenting responsibility and lies exposed. NTA

Babysitting gone wrong: sister leaves for 5 hours, what to do? ♀️

NTA, taking care of kids without proper guidance is terrifying

NTA for setting boundaries and sister taking advantage

Sister leaves baby with inexperienced teen for 5 hours NTA

Teen left alone with baby, learns not to trust sister ♀️

Mom calls out sister for leaving baby with inexperienced teen

Agreed to watch baby for an hour, sister makes new plans

Agreement exploited? NTA gets dumped with baby drama

Generosity backfires: Teen babysitter not the a**hole in drama

Teen left to care for baby, sister MIA. NTA.

NTA for refusing to watch baby while sister gets nails done

Teen stands up for herself, sets boundaries with sister’s baby

Teen left with baby drama, but not the a**hole
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/7fdb8cfa-0d00-4d65-8643-140d2e9e4444.png)
Dumped with no instructions, NTA for struggling.

Setting boundaries: NTA refuses to be taken advantage of
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/75dd59b4-9cce-4642-9351-245e52b9320f.png)
Teen babysits for sister, but spa day is not okay

Sister takes advantage of teen, gets called out.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2a3fbf70-53cf-42be-9456-6aa918199d07.png)
Sister lies and dumps baby on teen, NTA for refusing.

Sister lied to leave baby with teen for nail appointment
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/00950109-6fbf-4cd0-83d0-5f20a322bcbc.png)
Agreed time exceeded, NTA stands their ground

Experienced babysitter fed up with sister’s irresponsible behavior ♀️

Mother dumps baby on inexperienced teen, ignores boundaries and agreement.

Standing up for yourself against selfish sister

Baby safety concerns raised, but commenter defends teen’s actions.

Inexperienced teen left with baby for hours, NTA for refusing.

Sister takes advantage of inexperienced teen, NTA for feeling guilty

Don’t get walked over! NTA stands tall against sister’s manipulation

Sister dumps baby on teen, NTA suggests better options

Sister lies about errand, dumps baby on teen. NTA stands up.

Not a fan of kids, but still offered to help

Sister dumps baby on teen, lies about duration of visit

NTA gets real about scheduling babysitters

Important safety tip for baby car seats. NTA.

Sister neglects baby for nails, commenter shocked. NTA.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/1804ef86-5012-499f-a27f-18290f57b615.png)
Teen babysits entitled sister’s baby, gets taken advantage of

Sister dumps baby on teen, attacks her when she refuses. NTA.

Irresponsible sister leaves baby with inexperienced teen. NTA drama ensues
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/5562cbd5-31d1-4c5b-896a-1a348d1cfc4e.png)
Important reminder about baby safety in car seats

When babysitting goes wrong, priorities shift. ♀️

Sibling dumps baby on teen, NTA steps in to help

NTA stands up to entitled sister’s bullying for free childcare

NTA for standing up to negligent sister. She needs to show you what to do if she wants help.

Teen not at fault, commenters agree with NTA verdict

Sister takes advantage of teen, commenter approves.

Sister dumps baby on teen, commenter calls her a**hole

Sister lies and dumps baby on teen. Teen is NTA

Decent mom would supervise, not dump baby. NTA

Committing to an hour and extending to 3 is unreasonable

NTA. Commenter shares experience of preparing babysitters.

Teen helps sister with baby, threatened to call police. NTA

Setting boundaries with family members when it comes to babysitting

Sibling leaves baby with teen, commenters agree: NTA

Sister leaves baby in car seat, NTA calls out parenting

NTA: Sister lied and dumped baby on you, don’t help again

Commenter calls out sister’s irresponsible behavior, deemed NTA.

Last Updated on May 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team