In a city where two colleges coexist, a tale of love, trust, and betrayal unfolds. Meet our 22-year-old heroine and her 20-year-old brother, both navigating the tumultuous world of college life. But things take a dramatic turn when the brother starts dating ‘David’, a notorious charmer known to have a revolving door of romantic conquests. The sister, unable to watch her brother get potentially hurt, decides to share her concerns. But does her intervention help, or does it simply stir up a storm? Let’s find out!
A Tale of Two Colleges ️
Enter the Charmer
An Unexpected Love Story
A Love that Lasts… or Does It? ⏳
The Brother’s Blind Love
A Birthday Surprise
A Sister’s Concerns Rise
The Bombshell Drops
The Unveiling of David’s Past ️♀️
A Warning Ignites a Conflict
David Strikes Back ⚔️
Caught in the Crossfire
A Love Story on the Rocks: Is the Sister the Villain or the Hero? ♀️ ♀️
Caught in a whirlwind of love and rumors, our heroine finds herself in a tough spot. She’s trying to protect her brother from potential heartbreak, but her actions are seen as sabotage by her brother’s boyfriend, David. She’s left questioning her actions, wondering if she’s the villain in this love story. And David? He’s not backing down, accusing her of spreading ‘fake’ rumors. The tension is palpable, and the stakes are high. Let’s see what the internet thinks about this tangled web of love, trust, and betrayal. ️
YTA: Disturbingly involved in his s*x life
“YTA and a big one at that.” – Jealousy and bitterness.
“YTA, massively! You ARE spreading fake rumours about him. “
YTA for believing rumors and having a poor view of teachers.
“YTA. I think you want David” – Sparks fly for David
Making dinner & a homemade cake takes more effort than spending money. “
“YTA. Get your head out of your a** about the birthday gift! “
“YTA. Jealousy is a monster, isn’t it? ” – Commenter calls out OP’s spiteful behavior
Accusing him of sleeping with teachers? YTA.
Sibling drama unfolds: YTA accused of s**t-shaming and jealousy
YTA. Jealous, r**e, and possibly homophobic. Don’t be conspiratorial.
OP, YTA. Stop spreading rumors and being jealous of your brother.
Sibling rivalry sparks explosive accusations.
Jealousy alert! YTA gets called out, things get heated.
Jealousy dripping? YTA. Is this post legit?
Spreading rumors? YTA! Let your brother be happy!
Accusations fly as jealousy takes center stage in family drama
Homophobic sibling ruins brother’s love story with a shocking revelation.
Jealousy and s**t-shaming? YTA ruins brother’s birthday
YTA accused of s**t-shaming and ruining unconfirmed relationship.
Sibling rivalry gets ugly: YTA spreads rumors, insults brother’s happiness.
Sibling rivalry and jealousy over David’s love life. YTA
Last Updated on September 23, 2023 by Diply Social Team