Imagine freezing your eggs, only for your sister to demand them years later! That’s the dilemma one woman faced when her sister, who struggled with fertility issues, asked for her frozen eggs. The woman had stored 10 eggs, planning to use them for her own family. Her sister’s request put her in a tough spot, leading to a whirlwind of emotions and family drama. Let’s dive into this egg-citing story!
Eggs on Ice ❄️
Natural Pregnancy
Sister’s Struggles
The Big Ask
Money Talks
The Price Tag: $5,000 ️
Sister’s Heartbreak
Blood Ties
Family Pressure
Parents’ Plea
Shame Game
Empathy, but Boundaries
Ownership Matters
Egg Drama: Who’s Right?
This woman’s sister desperately wants her frozen eggs, but she’s not ready to hand them over. With family pressure mounting, she’s caught in a whirlwind of emotions and drama. She’s offered the eggs for a hefty price, but her sister can’t afford it. Is she being heartless, or is she justified in wanting to keep her eggs for her own family? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this egg-stremely complicated situation…
Comment section takes a hilarious turn with egg jokes
NTA for saying no, but adding a price tag likely does you no favors in the long run
Saying no to family can be hard, but stand firm.
NTA commenter and replies criticize family’s pressure for biological children.
Selling eggs for money or not, ESH in this situation. ♀️
Egg-citing debate over the cost of eggs
NTA refuses to give sister eggs, but is she entitled to them?
Sister demands her eggs, but OP’s body autonomy should prevail.
Don’t let family pressure you into giving away your eggs
NTA. A complex situation with a sister’s demand for eggs
Sister demands eggs for another baby, but OP says no. NTA
Setting boundaries and selling eggs for 5k: ESH.
Sister demands OP’s eggs to start a family, blames OP for her situation. ESH.
Being honest is always the best policy
Set boundaries, say no, end of discussion.
Selling eggs to entitled sister? ESH, but bad look.
Why unfreezing just one egg is unlikely to result in a baby ♀️
Choosing family for egg donation? NTA, but at what cost?
Frozen eggs, sisterly demands, and evil manipulation. NTA wins.
Sibling demands eggs, family guilt-trips, and a high price. ESH.
Sister demands eggs, but commenter raises valid concerns about parenting.
Personal choice defended, no a**holes here
Maturity matters: NTA won’t give eggs to immature sister
Take control of your eggs! NTA for standing your ground.
Egg donation for sale? Would OP change their mind for money?
Sister asks for eggs, but putting a price tag is wrong
Respectful response to egg donation request. Stand your ground.
Sister asks for eggs, sister demands money, sister gets upset
Donating gametes is hard enough. Don’t get into negotiations.
Politely declining sister’s demand for eggs, honesty is key
Adoption may be a better solution
Egg donation gone wrong? Questions arise about sister’s motives
Sister with secondary infertility needs OP’s eggs for pregnancy.
Family drama over eggs and infertility. Everyone’s an a****e.
Standing up for yourself and setting boundaries is important.
IVF process is not a guarantee, NTA for not giving eggs
Confusion over egg donation and IVF process. Need more information.
Debunking myths about egg donation and fertility treatments
Sister demands eggs, but OP says no. NTA, but awkward.
Encouraging education on fertility options and questioning secondary infertility.
Sharing biological child with sister’s husband. NTA for refusing.
Egg-citing ownership debate: sister wants eggs for free, NTA refuses.
Sister demands eggs, but commenter suggests alternatives and defends decision.
Polite NTA response to sister’s egg demand with helpful advice.
Chances of success with so few eggs are miniscule. NTA.
Infertile person advises sister to not give away eggs for free
10 eggs may not be enough for more than 2 pregnancies
Confusing situation with sister’s demand for eggs. NTA comment.
Last Updated on May 10, 2023 by Diply Social Team