Being a single mom can be tough, especially when you’re trying to make every dollar count. One mom, who we’ll call ‘Savvy Sally’, thought she had the perfect trick to maximize her kids’ zoo experience. She told her children, Emmi (6f) and Oscar (8m), that they needed ‘tickets’ to play on the playground, especially at places like the zoo and museums where admission is expensive. But when a well-meaning zoo worker exposed her little white lie, things took a dramatic turn.
The Ticket Trick ️
![Image credit: anxious-common-5245 | anxious-common-5245](
The Expensive Zoo Trip
![Image credit: anxious-common-5245 | anxious-common-5245](
The Playground Question
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The Shocking Revelation
![Image credit: anxious-common-5245 | anxious-common-5245](
The Kids’ Excitement
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The Covid Concerns
![Image credit: anxious-common-5245 | anxious-common-5245](
The Expensive Tickets
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The Confrontation
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The Mom’s Rationale ♀️
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The Worker’s Reaction
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The Worker’s Defense ️
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The Mom’s Warning ⚠️
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The Mom’s Doubt
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The Moral Dilemma
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Savvy Sally vs. The Zoo Worker: Who’s Right? ♀️
Savvy Sally thought she had the perfect trick to make her expensive zoo trip worthwhile, but a well-meaning zoo worker exposed her little white lie, causing quite the drama. Sally confronted the worker, insisting she should’ve kept quiet about the playground being free. Now, with her mother’s disapproval and the internet weighing in, Sally’s left questioning her actions. Let’s dive into the top responses from the internet for your pleasure.
“YTA. Worker was just doing her job, it’s not her fault.”
![Image credit: badb-crow | badb-crow](
Single mom paid $70 for zoo, upset kids can’t use park. YTA
![Image credit: MyFickleMind | MyFickleMind](
“She WAS doing her job. You are absolutely the a**hole.”
![Image credit: Thr0wAway4M3sh3ll | Thr0wAway4M3sh3ll](
“YTA. Learn to say no instead of lying to your kids.”
![Image credit: fading__blue | fading__blue](
Mom gets called out for lying to her kids about park
![Image credit: YeahIgotanopinion | YeahIgotanopinion](
YTA. Mom’s playground lie backfires, but worker saves the day!
![Image credit: AlmostHadToStopnChat | AlmostHadToStopnChat](
“YTA This woman was not a mind reader, she had no way of knowing that you told your kids it cost money to play on a playground. It may seem obvious to you but it may not seem obvious to others. It is not common to lie to children about having to pay to go to a playground, so why on earth would she assume that’s what you had done? Really, they are six and eight years old, it was only a matter of time before they found out playgrounds are free. I had my kids convinced for a long time that the toy/candy vending machines at the grocery store were broken, but eventually another parent busted me by generously giving my kids quarters and showing them how they worked while I was paying for groceries.”
![Image credit: christina0001 | christina0001](
YTA. Lady doesn’t get paid enough to deal with you
![Image credit: duchessofcheezit | duchessofcheezit](
“YTA. That lie was going to catch up with you eventually.”
![Image credit: B4pangea | B4pangea](
Lying to kids? YTA for blaming her at the zoo
![Image credit: kignelzi | kignelzi](
Single mom gets called out for r**e behavior at zoo
![Image credit: 0biterdicta | 0biterdicta](
YTA for lying to kids about zoo, be honest and respectful.
![Image credit: pudge-thefish | pudge-thefish](
YTA accuses single mom of being unnecessarily r**e at zoo
![Image credit: pixiedusted- | pixiedusted-](
YTA. Employee’s job is to sell tickets, not cover lies.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
Cashier misunderstands single mom’s parenting style
![Image credit: nerdforest | nerdforest](
Lying to kids for an easy life backfires ️
![Image credit: OnFireFading | OnFireFading](
Lying single mom busted at zoo. Trust issues for life?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](
YTA. A**hole! How dare you speak to that poor woman that way!
![Image credit: Not_Good_HappyQuinn | Not_Good_HappyQuinn](
YTA. Employee tried to ensure you got your money’s worth ️
![Image credit: Minimum-Dragonfruit | Minimum-Dragonfruit](
Ticket counter lady not a mind reader. YTA for expecting so.
![Image credit: ChronicMonstah | ChronicMonstah](
Parenting fail: lying to kids at the zoo. YTA
![Image credit: ky_biker | ky_biker](
YTA. S**t parenting? Let’s hear the backstory…
![Image credit: 0000udeis000 | 0000udeis000](
Parent criticized for entitlement and dishonesty in front of kids
![Image credit: OneMikeNation | OneMikeNation](
“YTA, parenting is hard, its neat you found an easy way out but all good things come to an end… how long did you think you were going to get away with that? That poor lady was probably so happy to let your kids know they were allowed to play! It’s time to start setting real boundaries and not taking the easy way out. You’ve not done anyone any favors acting that way.” – A wake-up call for a parent taking shortcuts
![Image credit: lil-miss-militia | lil-miss-militia](
Mom tries to manipulate kids, backfires. Lesson: honesty is key.
![Image credit: WritPositWrit | WritPositWrit](
YTA. You are a HUGE a**hole. ️
![Image credit: homelygirl123 | homelygirl123](
YTA for lying to your kids about going to the zoo.
![Image credit: Feeling-Pirate1936 | Feeling-Pirate1936](
YTA 100% – Parenting with a questionable lie and scolding others.
![Image credit: Santos_Dude | Santos_Dude](
Last Updated on January 31, 2024 by Diply Social Team