Ever told a white lie to your kids to get the most out of an expensive day out? Well, one single mom did just that, creating an imaginary ‘playground ticket’ system to ensure her kids fully enjoyed their zoo and museum visits. But what happens when a well-meaning zoo worker spills the beans and the lie comes crashing down? Let’s dive into this dramatic tale of a mom, her kids, and the zoo worker who changed everything. ️
The Ingenious Lie ️

The Zoo Day

The Big Reveal

The Aftermath ️

Damage Control

The Confrontation

The Worker’s Response

The Final Word ️

The Verdict ️

The Great Playground Ticket Scandal: A Mother’s Tale
In a world where every penny counts, a single mom’s innocent lie to her kids about needing ‘playground tickets’ at the zoo backfires spectacularly when a well-meaning worker spills the beans. The mom’s quick thinking to salvage the situation and her stern confrontation with the worker has sparked a heated debate. Was she right to protect her investment and ensure her kids enjoyed the animals they paid to see? Or was she wrong to chastise the worker for simply doing her job? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this intriguing tale of parental dilemma.
YTA for lying about playground tickets; worker just doing her job

Odd situation: Mom upset about park inclusion in zoo ticket. YTA.

Mom lied about playground tickets, commenters call her the a**hole

YTA. Don’t expect strangers to play along with your lies. ♀️

Mom gets called out for lying to her kids about park

YTA. Mom’s playground lie backfires, worker sees through the deception.

“YTA This woman was not a mind reader, she had no way of knowing that you told your kids it cost money to play on a playground. It may seem obvious to you but it may not seem obvious to others. It is not common to lie to children about having to pay to go to a playground, so why on earth would she assume that’s what you had done? Really, they are six and eight years old, it was only a matter of time before they found out playgrounds are free. I had my kids convinced for a long time that the toy/candy vending machines at the grocery store were broken, but eventually another parent busted me by generously giving my kids quarters and showing them how they worked while I was paying for groceries.”

YTA for lying about playground tickets. Just parent up, seriously.

“YTA. That lie was going to catch up with you eventually.”

Mom’s lie backfires, commenters call her out. YTA vs NAH

YTA for lying to kids about playground tickets at zoo ♂️

YTA: Single mom’s lie backfires, sparks heated debate.

YTA. Misunderstood single mom has a r**e awakening at playground

YTA. Employee’s job is to sell tickets, not cover lies.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e5c292f6-770f-441a-b780-2ad5b297c766.png)
Cashier’s innocent mistake sparks parenting debate. Who’s in the wrong?

YTA. Lying to your kids for an easy life always runs the risk of backfiring. Start enforcing rules and boundaries with your children instead.

Lying single mom busted for playground ticket deception. Trust issues?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/7b63978f-3f57-4071-8bf7-f2d137ab7af3.png)
YTA. A**hole! Don’t lie to your kids, just set a rule

YTA. Employee called out your unnecessary lie about playground tickets.

“YTA. The ticket counter lady isn’t a mind reader. “

Lying to kids? YTA! Is she a villain or hero?

YTA: Lying to your kids? Not cool, *p**p emoji* parenting.

YTA for lying to your kids and expecting others to lie.

YTA for manipulating kids with lies, just tell the truth.

YTA: The comment section is not holding back!

Parenting shortcuts backfire, time for real boundaries.

YTA for lying about playground tickets, be honest with kids

YTA 100%. Scolding her won’t solve the lying issue. Find alternatives.

Last Updated on October 31, 2023 by Diply Social Team